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On the Eve of the New Chapter: The Blight


On the eve of the New Chapter, just wondering what everyone's take on The Blight is?

I like to play killer a fair bit and tend to play without add-ons and find his power wildly uncontrollable and oten lose survivors without even knowing they are there! The experience is frustrating and generally unrewarding; I get better results from Legion.

As survivor, I hardly see him, but when I do, they seem to perform fair fairly well with long, extended chases, falling victim to some sweet jukes but am yet to see any truly dominate.

How about you guys? Interesting to hear both sides of the fence! :)

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  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I find him fun but the inconsistencies between the turning of a console Blight compared to a PC one too annoying.

    Otherwise I think he's the best killer they've added to the game since Ghostface.

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    I found him a pain in the ass once, but now I say he's one of my favorites. He is good, you just gotta put the effort into him

  • Member Posts: 290

    If you struggle to control him and lose survivors why not use the addons to that make turning easier and show survivor auras? That's what they're there for, you can't use his power well so they'll help

  • Member Posts: 1,257

    Playing as him, he's really fun. He was tricky to use at first, but I managed to figure him out (even got his Adept... somehow). I'd definitely place him among my mains.

    He's a lot like Demogorgon in terms of against. I haven't really seen him since his release.

  • I have played him a couple times, but that's it. I find his power to be pretty annoying since most of the time I'm bumping into stuff accidentally, but that might just be me being bad. Getting a hit by chaining multiple rushes together feels quite nice. But I can't help but think I sometimes go out of my way to use the power in a chase, when I could just run up to the survivor and smack them.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    I hate him. He's literally unplayable on console and is insanely frustrating. On the rare occasion I play against him as a survivor my team usually stomps him with barely any effort. Not to mention how lazy his power is. For an Alchemist - turned monster, you think his power would be more than just G-mod running at people. For the first lore based killer Blight was a huge disappointment.

  • Member Posts: 1,782

    As a console Killer I only played him enough to get the associated trophies and I was pretty awful in every game. I used him as an M1 killer with the rush as a means to cover ground. I've seen a few decent console blights though so I know you can do some neat stuff but I haven't put in the effort to learn nor do I intend to.

    As Survivor he kind of reminds me of Billy a little. If he's bad to even normal you can probably loop him for a while and do some funny stuff. If he's really good then you're probably screwed which is also a-ok and can make for fun games anyway.

    All in all I think he's a great addition to the game but not someone I'll play all that much outside of maybe a daily. In the future though, who knows.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    He is like my 3rd or 4th favourite Killer. His Power is very fun and strong and I like his Chase Music.

    Playing against Blight is fun as well, definitely more fun than Spirit or Freddy. In my opinion the is one of the healthiest additions to this game.

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    I play console. Every attempt to play as Blight has been a pitiful disaster.

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    Hard to play (harder on console due to the limitations of a controller), but strong as hell and very fun to play. He also the one of the best cosmetics in the game (his Blight outfit).

  • Member Posts: 137

    Blight main here.

    I love this killer to bits. He has a high skill ceiling and feels very rewarding when mastered.

    My only complaint is his damn FOV which I still don't know if it's getting changed.

  • Member Posts: 605

    Overall he's fun to play against and takes some skill to play. This is the one killer (after Demogorgon ofc) they did right. Every other killer is just meh to go against

  • Member Posts: 464
    edited December 2020

    From a PC perspective.

    Incredibly fun and powerful killer. Very few are as thrilling as this guy. However, his bumping needs some revision. Too many times I'll end up sliding through random crap I was hoping to bump against, while sometimes I bump against absolutely nothing. This is just more clunky hitboxes that are essentially a staple to this game at this point.

    His FOV is ridiculously bad, and has lost me quite a few chases since, with sounds barely functional, the small clutter in maps somehow make it impossible for Blight to see anything over it. Luckily this is officially being addressed, so I have high hopes and believe he will be monstrously strong with this change (that is if it doesn't somehow mess with hitboxes even more).

    He's pretty underrated, I think he easily has potential to be in the top 5, obviously under Nurse, Spirit and Freddy.

    EDIT: He is pretty map dependent, but I feel like this has become far less of an issues once I mastered the when and where to use his power. Hawkins became rather easy when I understood where his power truly flourished in it.

  • Member Posts: 712

    High skill, low reward

  • Member Posts: 273

    Same, I love him but his point of view is just awful. I have to run Shadow Born in every build just to not lose survivors when they run through grass.

  • Member Posts: 137

    Yeah I hear you. I just played on Coldwind and man, the corn blindness is ten times worse when playing Blight. Compound 21 really helped me there.

  • Member Posts: 365

    People are getting good with him. I enjoy versing him for the most part.

  • Member Posts: 778

    Since the PTB, i realised that Blight is the funnest thing they've added to the game for me. The experience can be frustrating because they still have to fix collisions with props and environment. Theres so many things you slide off of, and so many things that are barely in your FOV that you still collide with.

    However, zooming around, predicting survivor movements and smacking them in the face is extremely satisfying. His counterplay is easier than it should be at base, but with turning addons he becomes a massive powerhouse.

    The only limiting factor with him is his very low FOV, but that will eventually be raised, tracking scratch marks will become a lot easier. His collisions will eventually be fixed as well, so he should become more consistent.

    I still feel he could have something in his kit that relates more to his lore. You'd think he'd be able to do something with the serum as part of his the moment his serum injection is just cosmetic. I kinda like the effect he used to have with one iri addons where he would release some smoke that would hinder survivors when slamming...But he is so strong already that I feel extra tools could be too much.

    All in all, awesome killer. Love the design, love zooming around, love that he's pretty strong, love the horrible growls and noises he makes al the time, love his first person animations, love how complex his power is. Altohugh I hate his his first person cast shadow looks...have you seen how goofy it is? holy ######### why cant they just give us the 3rd person model shadows XD

  • Member Posts: 256

    In my book he is top tier, both in viability and fun. He counters my most hated playstyle (holding W after a safe pallet or getting hit and running to a loop on the opposite side of the map), is in general very rewarding to play and most importantly doesn't rely on Add-ons but does still have a lot of really good Add-ons if you choose to use them.

    The only really bad Add-on he has (except for the classic bp ones), is the Adrenaline Vial, but maybe you can also make that one work, although the few times I used it really stopped me from trying to experiment more with it.

    Even when facing SWF's with an average of 4-5k hours on ormond it is possible to win with him, which would probably have been impossible with most other killers except for nurse, so even on higher levels of play I find him to be viable.

    Overall a 9/10 killer, as soon as they fix his POV and Slam Hitboxes he becomes a 10/10 killer IMO.

  • Member Posts: 140

    Blight definitely has a sharp learning curve. I remember being super frustrated with him for my first dozens of games. Now, though, he's without a doubt one of my favorite killers. It is very worth working past the initial frustration, since he is one of the best additions to the game in a long while.

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