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How to make survivor fun?

One of the biggest reasons for me being a killer main is that I find killer to generally be a more interactive experience. I'm not terrible at survivor due to my killer experience, but I'm also not best of the best. Most of my matches usually end with me getting hook smacked while my teammates leave me behind. I don't have anyone to play the game with as well, so that's not an option. So what do I do? I like the idea of survivor gameplay and putting up with survivor shenanigans at rank 1 is burning me out faster on the killer end. But it seems like I always play against Stridor Spirit or forever Freddy. And if not those it's a green rank who calls the team gen-rushers because they wouldn't commit to chases, which is also boring for us because there's no tense chases.

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  • I personally try using weird perk combinations when I'm trying to have fun as survivor. Stuff like lithe + dance with me or ace in the hole + plunderer's instinct which, while not being that effective, sometimes result in new interesting experiences.

  • Member Posts: 183

    You should try out Distortion + Babysitter. Everytime you unhook someone, you get to see the killer's aura for a few seconds, distortion blocks the killer from seeing yours, and both you and the person you unhook leave no scratch marks for 10 secs.

  • Never thought about that one, I'll definitely give it a go!

  • Member Posts: 681

    If you go after the survivor challenges in the archives, some of them encourage you to play a different style than you normally would.

    This can make for some interesting games if you don't have one survivor with every perk on them. Hell i had to run around with some wack ass Adam pebble build for his two challenges and went 2/2. It was fun.

    I didn't live the first game, but i did get to spam pebble 5 or 6 times and absolutely confused a probly over it LF for 5 min or so.

  • Member Posts: 338

    Just pick some perks you want to play, have some fun, work on challenges if you want. Try to do well, but just don't take it too serious and you can have lots of fun. The killer super sweaty? good for him. their last game was probably really bad, so they are probably just unwinding. Don't worry about it.

    just ignore the nonesense

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    Playing against killers that are at/ slightly above your skill level is fun.

  • Member Posts: 546

    Yeah but when they're about to get a down they just leave. It's so damn weird.

  • Member Posts: 22,844

    I suffer from the same issue as you, a large reason I main killer now is out of necessity for my own mental health and not because I want to. If I could I'd go back to survivor maining (with my new valuable killer main experience at least).

    2 things I've found work:

    - Playing with friends. Obvious one but playing with busses helps because you can just ######### around. Like a killer will be chasing after me and I'll just be hurling ######### at him in German (very badly translated) because I'm playing with some German people and it'll make them chuckle. My favourite one being behindertes Eichhörnchen.

    Also I may or may not crush on 2/3 of my German-speaking friends...

    - Head On. Sounds stupid but I cannot tell you the sheer unbridled joy I get from stunning a killer with head on. Its like, "that's right, that's right, you don't know I'm here, and BAM" then I hear Freddy's "OOOOHHHHH" oh pain as I gleefully run away only to be facecamped 3 gens later.

    It's 1am when I'm writing this, I'm so tired, bare with my post I promise the points work

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Actually Killers do "less job" than Survivors: chase/hit, hook, kick gen. While Survivors do: gen, totem, unhook, healing, chase

    The main point is Killers never stand at a place for over 3sec (except camping), which make them feel "always in action"

    Survivors need at least a 2nd objective to run between Two objectives to make it more fun. For my taste, I prefer Killers use Noed than old Ruin because facing Noed is much more tense than sitting on Gen for another 20sec.

  • Member Posts: 9

    It's not real relevant but I ran into a game two days ago where we finished all of the gens, two teammates were opening up each gate, one was being camped on second hook, and I was waiting for an opening to save them. He saw someone opening one of the doors and actually went to stop them but when he saw me going for the save he came right back, they had adrenaline so they healed and managed to get to the gate while I got put on my first hook. Both gates were open, they were all fully healed, and I was only on first hook so I knew I was gonna be fine, but I was hella wrong. They sat at the gate until the endgame collapse was almost over and left, they hadn't even attempted to save me. I just wish they would have tried, there were 3 of them fully healed and I know one of them had borrowed time.

  • Member Posts: 329

    Play with 3-4 friends. Never play alone and rarely play duo with you buddy.

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