We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Unpopular Opinions

I'm probably gonna get alot of hate for mine, but this is just a post for all of your unpopular opinions.

-Spirit is fun to play and verse, has limited but existing counterplay, and takes more skill than "hur de dur just have good headphones"

-Ruin/Undying overrated af. It's way too inconsistent, and I've had most of my games where Undying breaks first.

-Legion isn't easy and is way stronger than people give her credit for.

-The Hillbilly is boring to verse and annoying to play.

-NOED is not as strong as people say

-Knock Out is actually really strong

-Spine Chill is the best survivor perk in the game (other than perks like DS and Unbreakable that cover up your mistakes, but ######### those perks)

-DS should be base kit and not have a timer, but disables whenever you progress the game at all (like healing or doing gens)

-Unbreakable is the unhealthiest survivor perk in the game, and shouldn't exist

-Freddy isn't brain dead easy, but he isn't as difficult as any other killer

-Demo is the worst killer in the game

-Stealth is a viable tactic, but immersion is for potatoes

-Gideon Meat Plant (The Game) is a very fun map for both sides

-Old Nurse was balanced

-Being bullied by toxic SWF is OK as long as they don't do generators

-Finishing a generator in the killer's face, especially with Adrenaline or DS, is punishable by malicious tunnel and facecamp

-DSing the killer even if they didn't tunnel is punishable by malicious tunnel and facecamp.

-Trapper players are the worst players, in relation to both their skill and how scummy they play. Only exception is Otzdarva, don't @ me.

-Rotten Fields is 10x worse than Haddonfield



  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    was that release Legion? I don't really know. I like 115% move speed Legion. Just wish they didn't nerf them too hard

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    I really don't want Spine Chill nerfed. I think it's balanced, just very powerful, and alot of people can't use it correctly. I personally am fine with how it is

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited November 2020

    I don't really like using the word "overrated," but I think Corrupt Intervention is not nearly as good as some people say it is.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Nah. I came in at about a month before Oni. I was following the game since Demo however. I saw a ton of gameplay of it, and it just doesn't seem to be as good as current Legion. I personally would like the depletion of Deep Wounds on hit, 3 second fatigue, and not losing all of my power on miss and half on basic hit back. Other than that, I'm pretty fine with current Legion

  • leatherfav88
    leatherfav88 Member Posts: 209

    -Zarina is the best looking survior

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Hag has the highest skill ceiling of any killer, including Nurse.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    These opinions made me laugh...

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Yeah, I can understand that. I personally prefer old Doctor. The main reason I loved him was because of the Madness effect. Now the Madness effect is about as useful as Blindness.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    While I agree Hag is very hard, one of the hardest, I'm gonna soft disagree. I personally think Nurse is twice as hard and 10x more punishing, but yeah, she's not easy-peesy.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,399

    I want Old Freddy back, not because I hate going against Freddy right now but I really wanna play him :(

    I wish Freddy had been given a Doc-style rework instead and not just a full power change.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Eh, I think old Legion wasn't that great, and the rework actually made him stronger, but he still feels ######### to play.

    Also, can you stop talking to me like I just started yesterday? It just feels kind of belittling and not accurate at all.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    -Killer is easy as hell

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Well, before I played them, I thought Demo was very mediocre, and lo and behold he's garbage and I hate playing him. Legion was the same way, and so was Pig. I admired Pain Relievers for his use of Spine Chill, and now it's the perk I never take off as survivor. I'm pretty good at looking at something and being like "yes, I like that, I'm gonna love that".

    Also, I'm a quick learner. After I learned of DBD, it took me only 2 weeks to memorize every perk, both sides, every killer, their addons, the flavor text on everything, the name of every addon ever, etc. I can pick up on things much better than most people.

    While this is on a case by case basis, treating someone like they just installed the game is kind of insulting.

    Not trying to be mean or anything, just a minor issue.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Freddy is low-key OP and insufferable to play against.

    -Teleport ability that is Demogorgon's power but even better and has no counterplay.

    -Snares which are just as powerful as Clown's bottles and force early pallet drops or you will get hit.

    -Slowdown mechanic that takes NO effort on Freddy's side to activate, and he can bring add-ons to slow down the gens and the game so much without any effort to activate.

    He's easily the third strongest killer in the game, only slightly behind Spirit in my opinion. He needs changes.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    That is... quite a hot take. I'd say he's 100% an A tier killer, especially on the higher side, but top 3? I disagree. I personally believe Hag takes the #3 spot. Freddy probably takes #5, right behind Blight.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Legion is to DBD what Brigitte is to Overwatch. The old version was kind of straightforward but not alot of skill involved. New version is very skill reliant but is more complicated. Old Legion was about taking out the weak link quickly while crippling the others. New Legion is about controlling the map with constant pressure, constant injuries, constant information, etc. New Legion is all about control, while old Legion was just "ha ha killer goes brrrrr", which isn't great. I wish you had the tactical decision of double stabbing someone in frenzy, or being able to get cucked by auto-aim and not be punished as hard, or not being stunned for 4 seconds all the time, but I like new Legion for the tactical playstyle they have. I guess it's just a difference in playstyles between us.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    Ghostface is far better than Myers at this stage in the game, and Myers feels like a lackluster version of Ghostface and Oni. Come at me Myers mains.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    Hope is miles better than Adrenaline. 7% sounds weak, but is actually pretty good, especially since you have it for 2 minutes. Besides breaking totems, it is the best counter against NOED. It doesn't leave you exhausted.

    Adrenaline is better for worse players, but I think Hope can be used better than Adrenaline.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    OMFG Why do I agree so much with this lmao. Hope is 10x better than Adrenaline

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 572
    edited November 2020

    Playing killer is way less stressful and more chill than survivor because most red rank killers only play Nurse/Spirit/Deathslinger/Freddy/Bubba and use small PP builds or/and tunnel (or camp in the case of Bubba) way too frequently. That and solo queue teammates make my blood boil whenever I can see their auras.

    Edit: Also want to add that imo Huntress is way too powerful and her hatchets are way too generous.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575
    edited November 2020

    My unpopular opinion is that it is ridiculous to claim any strategy and/or perk is only acceptable to use under certain conditions.

    If a killer wants to tunnel or camp they are both legit parts of the game. They can do either of them whenever they want and as much as they want. They don't even have to have a reason, and it's never unacceptable to do.

    If a survivor wants to use DS it's also part of the game. They can use it whether they've been tunneled or not, and there's never a time it's unacceptable.

  • Boddy604
    Boddy604 Member Posts: 183

    Self healing without a medkit should be a passive for all survivors.

    The sound from whispers should be a passive for all killers.

    Make that happen and so many unused perks would start to see play.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Nurse is fun to play against **because** she forces a shift in survivor game play. Her basekit should never have been touched. The latter isn't really an unpopular opinion, merely a gripe on my end because i really miss playing against nurse and you just don't see as many playing these days.

    Complaints about perks/powers/addons/items should be directed at the people who made them, and should not be used as an excuse to berate the killers / survivors who merely use the tools they are given.

  • Ryan51090
    Ryan51090 Member Posts: 34

    I agreed with most of what you said except all the garbage about things being punishable by tunneling and face camping. There really is no plausible excuse to do any of that.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    MMR was fine.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited December 2020

    - Legion should be removed from the game or completely reworked. Such a trash excuse for a killer.

    - Blight is the best killer in the game. He's not quite the strongest, but he is absolutely the best designed killer BHVR have made and should use him as the standard for all their killer designs.

    - Deathslinger is the 4th best killer in the game and much better than Huntress

    - Killer is not any more stressful than survivor, which is also not stressful in the slightest.

    - Haddonfield and Ormond are not the most survivor sided maps in the game, Fractured Cowshed is.

    And finally, genrushing does not exist.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    If you sandbag someone to the dying state, and then instantly save them with a flashlight, it makes you an #########

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    I agree that Undying/Ruin can be 100% useless and you canpower through it, but then there are the games, the killer plays good zone defense, and those totems are hidden 1000 feet below ground and you get ground to dust and it leaves a bad taste in your soul for the rest of the night.

    These extreme perks/tactics aren't great for the game and are also very boring and it says something when they are still some of the best combos to use at times.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    I think most of these are widely accepted. Except maybe for killer stress but that's a case by case thing, some people just don't handle pressure well.

    Unsure about cowshed, has a pretty neat deadzone.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    Hag is the best Killer in the game with base power alone. With addons+perks+offerings, only Spirit and maybe a really good Nurse are better.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    -Oni's crappy camera when in a blood fury is a very stupid way to give his power some skill ceiling. I don't think he needs any limits when he's in his super mode.

    -Nurse is completely unbalanced and that is fine, because vs'ing her isn't even playing DBD anymore.

    -Huntress is not that good of a killer, carried by bad hitboxes and overzealous mains that were rejected from CS:GO. Giving her more strict hitboxes like with deathslinger (although still more generous give how fast he is) would send her to bottom tier, even with better hatchet reloading.

    -Hag is dumb and this is a popular opinion but I wanted to say that to those who defend her in this thread. Hah, I win, bums.

    -Demogorgon has a lot of potential and could easily be top 5 with some minor tweaks.

    -Doctor is trash and only thrives when played by ridiculously good players. He's only used for griefing otherwise.

    -Clown is better than Wraith.

    -Wraith is absolute garbage without his best addons. Like, unplayable against decent players kind of bad, which I can't even say for addon-less Clown.

    -Survivors should have a stamina bar of some kind to add more dynamics than just hopping from tile to tile, to which most are super safe anyway.

    -Ruin-Undying isn't nearly as strong as people think, but it 100% carries so many solo games it likely needs some revision.

    -Hawkins is fun.

    -Sweating to eliminate a survivor from the game when not even a gen was finished earns the right for other survivors to grief you in any imaginable way possible, from immersed gameplay to keep the game hostage to taking your frames with flashlight macros.

    -T-bagging is funny and shouldn't trigger anyone. But it's definitely fine if it gets your attention to a particular survivor more often.

    -The DC penalty doesn't fix anything and mostly punishes people who are in unbearable situations.

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    Killer mains saying that Spine Chill needs to be nerfed is the most laughable opinion listed.

    Less than 10% of survivors use that perk correctly, while the other 90% make the rest of their team suffer by mercilessly hiding and crawling because of a flickering icon. Many of them will take off in the middle of skill checks and fail them, because you know ...flashing icons and stuff.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Hag has counter-play, as does Blight.

    There is no counter play to Freddy's teleport, or his snares around a loop. It's like Clown, you drop the pallet extremely early or get hit. His teleport can't be deactivated and the free mechanic he has to put survivors asleep with the clock on the UI grants free slow-down without doing anything and the only counter-play is to walk across the entire map in a meta where ruin removes an entire generator's progress in around a minute.

    He's stupidly strong and is the easiest killer to use.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Have you been on the forums much? The amount of people I see say legion are underrated, Deathslinger is "a worse Huntress", and the ######### ton of "kIlLeR sTrEsSfUL SuRvIvOr So Ez" and "BHVR fix genrush pls :(" posts would make my opinions pretty damn unpopular on here

  • Mr_Lemon
    Mr_Lemon Member Posts: 74

    I only disagree with the comment about demo I think blight or even deathslinger is much much worse

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    5 perk slots will be balanced and more fun

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    blight? trapper?oni?spirit?huntress? maybe higher then the most basic run down killers like bubba and clown but getting survivors to run inside one of your 10 yard wide bubbles u can tele to to get a hit isnt that hard

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Bloodlust is better removed from the game as it gives unrewarding hits

    Infinite tier 3 Myers is OP

    Wraith does not require add ons to be good

    Pig is only fun for scaring survivors and not playing seriously

    Bubba's chainsaw needs a nerf so he can't hug a wall and use it

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Spirit and Deathslinger are fine.

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    I say revert them to 2.5.0, cause that was before they nerfed them, and that was the buff that didn't make the remainder of your power deplete when you manually stop it, and reduced the blurriness during frenzy.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,787

    Balanced fun gameplay of... Walking backwards.

    Yes, you die. Because they walk backwards and end the chase. And there's nothing you can do about it.

    How fun and interactive and amazing! What a good, well designed killer!

    Old legion took what people hate about Spirit and cranks it up to 100. "New" legion may not be strong or particularly fun to verse imo but holy ######### they're infinitely better than old.

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344

    Honestly, this is so true.

    Makes me laugh every time i verse a huntress and go down behind walls multiple times cause of the hitbox/latency.

    And people say deathslinger is unfun to verse, even though a lot of shots go right through survivors and don't count at all.

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    Based on what I've seen mine would be

    - Revert Legion back to 2.5.0, or at least give them their Deep Wound depletion on hit, 3 second fatigue, and not losing their power on miss or losing 50% on hit back, along with deep wounds being reverted to going down while running.

    - Pig RBT's should activate when put on, and I know the key being in one box is realistic, I'd rather have a 25% chance to get it off on the first boxes and a 100% on the final box if you haven't gotten it off yet. She shouldn't do a stock lion roar when ambushing. (All of those may not be unpopular but Pig is so I dunno)

    - The Game is an extremely fun map to play on no matter the role. Same with Ormond.

    - Myers is just completely overrated and his power is essentially movie plot.

    - Doctor shouldn't be able to spam shock therapy to prevent you from using vaults and pallets, or perks like dead hard. In short, his shock has far too many effects for how often he can use it.

    - The most poorly designed character lore/character wise is the partially disabled Irish immigrant cowboy, Deathslinger

    - "Nea is the entity" is an annoying, overused joke.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,203
    • Hawkins is one of the most survivor sided maps in the game.
    • Demo, Huntress and billy aren't that fun to verse.
    • The new reworked maps feel horrible to play on.
  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Trapper, Oni, and Huntress are not high skill ceiling killers.

    A skill ceiling defines how good you can get at a certain killer. Hag's is almost infinite. There's always a trap you could've placed better. In some games with, say, Oni, there was nothing you could've done better. Skill ceiling has nothing to do with how hard a killer is.

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    @MythMage If survivours dont waste time healing you have no power for most of the game. It isnt horrible as you can one shot but i wouldnt rate legion very high.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    BHVR nerfed Pig not because she was OP or had issues, but because she was a licensed killed that people get their waifu feefees for.

    I assume it is more expensive or prohibitive to pump out skins for licensed characters than not. Thus, they had to shift the waifubait to survivors or killers that they could pump skins on.

    The less people who play Pig or buy her chapter, the more of that potential demand goes to other, more saleable characters.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    "There's always a trap you could have placed better"

    ....that applies to Trapper as well??

    Huntress could in theory be lobby hatchets up into the skybox and back down on survivors, etc.

    I find Hag super easy. Where you place your traps hardly matters if you are fast enough at taking them. Any chokepoint or pallet near the 3 gen or hook will do. And if you do scrollwheel? Ridiculously easy, playing her to me is mainly up to if you have the patience to sit around camping all game.

    I think rusty shackles hag is actually one of the easiest killers in the game to 4k with. No effort required at all really. With that you don't even have to be quick at taking the traps, just lay them and collect your free hits.