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  • Member Posts: 1,210

    You don't need addons / items to win. As killer they won't do a big difference and as surv everything you need is already in the trial.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    Trapper has other issues that hold him back, namely his very low map pressure and aspect of luck when escaping a trap.

    I'm going to say thin only one more time: Skill ceiling has NOTHING to do with how hard a killer is. It refers to how good you can get at a certain killer. And hag is a killer you have to be very big brained with if you aren't cheesing with Rusty Shackles.

  • Member Posts: 720

    I still don't agree with that. She is mechanically simple to play compared to plenty of other killers. The game itself describes her as "intermediate" difficulty.

    The hardest thing you have to do with Hag is pretend you are going to take a trap and then not take it at a loop. That's it. It's not that difficult.

    Other than that it's mashing control or scrollwheel fast enough to get guaranteed hits at your traps. It literally does not matter where the trap was placed at the loop if you are instantly teleporting to it. If you are super slow at taking your traps than the placement matters more but she has been one of the highest kill rate killers for an extremely long time, and it's not because all hag players are huge brain gods or something. It is because her kit is super strong and relatively easy to be successful with.

  • Member Posts: 241

    Freddy can't teleport to blocked gens, run repressed alliance. It's also useful against pop and ruin. Just an overall underrated perk imo

  • Member Posts: 521

    while I'm all for Deep Wounds actually being threatening, I gotta agree with @GoodBoyKaru here. Launch Legion wasn't that great for either side. I wish it went back to working based off TR, but definitely not based on chase. That's a flawed design

  • Member Posts: 22,851

    Issue with terror radius is undetectable/oblivious. Imagine legion with Nemesis or Beast Of Prey (ik lol), return of old legion. They want to make DW more threatening too but the main issue is that Doctor's T3 madness prevents you mending so it can't be too harsh.

  • Member Posts: 22,851

    You've said that old legion was balanced for so long I genuinely believed you omg-

    Also, I have a (2 year long) history on these forums of always taking the bait. I'm the definition of "missed the joke" lmao.

  • I agree with a lot, except for haddenfield. While rotten is trash for any non movement killers, Hadden is so mindbogglingly trash it confuses me. I legit have gens done in front of me while trying to make my way to them, and then have survivors tbag me on the roof ready to balanced away if I try to reach them. Too many survivor sided interactions like the car pallet, house loop and most of the main houses in general. Please bhvr, fix or remove hadden thanks pls :)

  • Member Posts: 46
    • Nurse/Spirit/Hag are not anywhere near as broken as people say, they just require more thought than looping the same area for 20 years because you got a lucky pallet spawn.
    • Unbreakable is more annoying than DS by a wide margin. Dead Hard is a close second.
    • Bubba is a lot stronger than people make out.
    • Not that unpopular, but Freddy should be entirely reworked or removed from the game.
  • Member Posts: 825

    hag may be better than say huntress and trapper but most of the hag's play is teleing as fast as possible and putting your traps in loops. trapper's traps has below half the range of hags traps and less of the them by default in addition to not starting with them and not automatically getting them back when used

  • Member Posts: 122

    I agree alot with OP and your post. So many valid things. I also wanna add playing bubba and using BBQ is predictable and boring and your lack of skill shows. Even with "buffs" hillbilly and bubba 100% rely on chainsaws snd body block for the down. It's pathetic and very boring. I don't know why people get so triggered with tea bagging lol

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