Survivor queue time fix!(Thoughts?)

AcridPyre Member Posts: 30
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

So there's been a lot of hardship for survivors when it comes to getting into a match. A lot of people want to blame crossplay and it has certainly added to the wait for sure. Nothing worse then waiting forever for a match. Then you have those days where you wait forever, the match finally loads, then as you wait on that load screen it takes an abnormally long time which usually means someone disconnected. As a player of both I've had days where I want to play survivor and instead do killer cause I know I'll actually get some matches in lol

So heres my idea! Why not make a survivor queue list~ Just have a option to view 10 random survivor queues that have two or more people that you are able to join. Much of the time these long waits happen because of SWF. However I feel SWF are great, get to try and survive with your friends and get some real good challenge for your killer skills. All good stuff. I think nothing needs to be done about SWF, yeah when they get cocky about it that's a bit annoying but nothing can be done about that and sometimes that leads to them dying by getting too confident.

So just make a list of incomplete queues where survivors have the ability to select a match and join in. Don't display any characters being used, ranks, or levels so that people won't base their decisions around this, maybe just show connection strength or something of the players. I think this would be a fine solution to the sometimes terrible queue time for survivors. I'd say Killer could have the same thing but let's be real, killer queues are considered long if it takes a whole minute to join a match lol Any thoughts or additions for this idea? Maybe you have a completely different idea that isn't based around getting rid of SWF or crossplay?

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477
    edited November 2020

    Just disable crossplay, it's as simple as that. Almost no console players play killer, so the survivor queue is oversaturated.

    If you want fast killer queues just re enable crossplay.


    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • AcridPyre
    AcridPyre Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2020

    This still involves getting rid of crossplay there bud. I still enjoy getting varying degrees of different survivor styles to team up with. It wasn't exactly like survivor queue was that much better before crossplay anyhow, people still complained and you'd still have occasions where you have a long wait. It happens a little more frequently with cross play because of the swf options opened up by crossplay but that's why I think this would be a good idea so you can have both crossplay and faster queue times. Not to mention their is a difference in skill level between console and pc killers for varying reasons. I like that challenge of going against a killer with 1000s of hours in the game.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    It takes 5 seconds to disable. Survivor queue is actually better now when crossplay disabled before they added crossplay in the first place.

    Furthermore, console players aren't fun to play with. They use a controller and tend not to be good at the game (I got sandbagged by then often). And you can't interact with them in chat.

  • AcridPyre
    AcridPyre Member Posts: 30

    Well while you are certainly entitled to your opinion that's why I was more interested in solutions not involving removing crossplay. Cause again, I like the varying levels of skill and tactics that you encounter with crossplay. I enjoy facing really tough PC killers with lots of experience as a survivor and wouldn't be able to enjoy that by turning off crossplay.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    It's not an opinion, it's a fact that disabling crossplay fixed survivor queue for PC players.

    Not everyone likes broken matchmaking like you do. I'd rather be paired with players of a similar skill level than a noob killer that will just get rolled.

  • Hamburgerlar
    Hamburgerlar Member Posts: 58

    Talk about hitting a nail with a hammer.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    I've tried to get people to listen to the idea of having a casual mode and Competitive one.

    I know not everyone will stay where they should, troll try hards will go into casual and be rude as they already do anyway.

    But I feel like that can sort itself out especially if the devs bother to give more consistent and rapid bans for those that deserve it.

  • AcridPyre
    AcridPyre Member Posts: 30

    You need to relax there guy. Not sure why you take this so personally but learn how to have an adult conversation and be disagreed with.

    And this "Furthermore, console players aren't fun to play with. They use a controller and tend not to be good at the game" is definitely an opinion. Skill isn't determined by the platform you play.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    Idk you say "impolite" when I was being perfectly civil, but nice ad hominem sophist.

  • DeadBobDaylight
    DeadBobDaylight Member Posts: 21

    Didn't invalidate your argument, just said you were rude.

    Needs to be called out here more often.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The reason survivors have long queues, is because there are not enough people willing to play killer. Only way to fix this, is to change the balance. Or in other words, make playing killer fun.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    You wanna know why survivor queues are taking so long?

    Their are too many survivor players and not enough killer players! I personally think balance is the problem behind this due to the fact that killer is still stressful to play, and the killers that aren't stressful to play, killers have to deal with survivors salt!

    I think it's time that BHVR starts to focus on game health. A lot of my friends are starting to withdraw from the game because of poor balance and game health, and if I take another break from the game, I will be following in their footsteps

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Crossplay literally cut 2/3rds off my que times. I don't really think that's the culprit

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    The real issue is not Crossplay (as it increasesthe amountof players to find for your games) , the problem is that you have way too many Survivor Players and not enough Killer players that want to play at the same time!

    Playing Killer is not only way to easy to load up (as they are many a Survivor lobbies); it also quite frustrating and very difficult to play a normal game without dealing with sweaty Survivors all/most of the time they play! It is not just me, I am sure you can ask any killer player as to why is not really fun to play the game, through their prospective!

    If the Devs bother to balance out the health of the game more then making graphical updates more and make playing killer not only fun but also less frustrating then it already it is! I am pretty sure more players will more likely play as killer and fix the Que time issues!

    Another important advice for any Entitled Survivor Mains that like to be toxic and say BS about my thoughts and opinions on the matter, heed this warning very clear:

    "Without us Killer players, you have no Game.... PERIOD"

    You may Flashlight clicking us, teabag, send personalized messages about how bad of a killer we are; but I am WARNING you; I maybe a killer whom is meant to be the major Obstacle/Hazard in your games; but I am also the important factor in your games, too! We would really appreciate it, if you can cut down the toxicity and be polite and thankful to the killer you encounter more, especially if they have a bad game! The more you make them frustrated, the more likely they would not want to play Killer at all or take a break; and you make loading up Que time games more difficult then it needs to be!

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Its artificially increased cause of some not all survivor players waiting till the last second to escape/leave their match so the players can queue again

  • sarahmiller30
    sarahmiller30 Member Posts: 11

    I'm not going to be polite to any killer unless they learn to not be toxic their self's as n camping tunneling proxy camping slugging so if u don't want the salt then play fair don't try to come at me an say well it's the killers job to kill well I'm here to say I don't give a crap u set there an tea bag survivors while their hooked or shake your head like you accomplished something but really you didn't at that point you're just just being a sweaty try hard an another thing there's nothing wrong with console players either so if you're pc then disable ur cross play option stop blaming us console players for your problems period

  • AcridPyre
    AcridPyre Member Posts: 30

    I see a lot of people complain about tryhards, sweaty survivors, and all these kinds of things. Now I favor killer a little more than survivor but I'd like to think I play both parts equally. A killer doing real well on a match doesn't make him a try hard or sweaty, means he's good at the game. Sometimes as a killer, when you're having a bad match and almost all gens are done or even have all completed then you need to camp. Proxy Camp a guy, once he's saved you slug to prolong the game, try and use them as bait to keep the rest of the survivors in the game and from opening the exit gates. It's more about trying to salvage some good points in the game that otherwise went terrible. Sometimes you get pair against a swf team that loop extremely well and perhaps you don't have as strong of a chase skill. It happens given the disparity between the number of killers to survivors. Then proxy camp is okay when you finally get one but I believe you should always go for the unhooker, not the person being saved. Used as a way to get chases faster seeing as you know they are so experienced and even with this kind of strategy you know as a killer that you are forgoing the generators. What I think you should never do as a killer is face camp because a survivor was skilled. Sometimes on a ######### day or match maybe it's okay if you had a very toxic survivor but this isn't something you should do 99% of time. Just shows your lack of skill and sportsmanship.

    Now killers, hear me out. I know it can suck, theres a lot of bad matchmaking out there and we may not want to hear it but there's not a lot that can be done. There's just way too many skilled survivors and not enough skilled killers. So we have people who are actually at a rank 7-13 killer taking on red rank survivors and getting demolished. Sucks, I was the one for a while but fortunately I enjoy and relish a challenge so I just kept my nose to the grind stone and got better. And face camping and tunneling might look so alluring but it's a part of the reason why you'll never progress in your skill. People cry out for balance but a lot of the times they are just wanting their favorite side to be made stronger then the other and this isn't balance. A lot of killers just want killers to be tailored to be able to take on a red rank swf survivor team but this is going to break the game more then balance it. Killers have to require skill otherwise survivors would never make it out of the early ranks. Beginning players need killers to be restrained otherwise survivors wouldn't start dropping like flys. Better match making would definitely help but then survivors who are skilled would be punished with ridiculous wait times just because they played enough to get good. This wouldn't be good. And survivors crying out for balance, I'm sorry but this really is a case of get good and stay in your lane. You have all the tools, all the perks, and all yhe environment things you need to be good. And if all that doesn't work you can swf.

    Killers you have to realize that survivors doing well IS NOT toxic. A survivor looping so well that you can't get them isn't toxic. A survivor getting multiple flashlight saves is not toxic. A sabo survivor who isn't letting you get hooks isn't toxic. Body blocking isn't toxic. 180s and 360s isn't toxic. They are supposed to get away, they are supposed to avoid damage, and them doing it well isn't toxic. Doing gens isn't toxic. The phrase genrush is the dumbest thing out of all the bickering in this game community. That's their entire objective. Of course their going to try and do it as fast and efficiently as possible.

    Now this doesn't mean they can't be toxic. Teabagging, flashlight clicks, pointing, being purposely reckless in the killers presence, opening the exit gate and not leaving immediately which is essentially holding the game hostage, these are definitely toxic. If high level skilled survivors could just have more sportsmanship and not do these things then I think a lot of the hate and toxicity would be gone. As a player of both sides for over a year I can confirm from my own experiences that their are way more toxic survivors then toxic killers. It's great that you are doing well as a skilled survivor, but don't be toxic about it. No reason for it.

    And lastly, if you play for challenge and fun then Hakuna Matata my friends. Killing them all or escaping every match isn't what makes I fun, in my opinion. Good chases are fun for both sides, outsmarting the other wise well is fun, actually managing to pull off a 4 man escape with a key or getting some good moris is fun. Doesn't always have to result in your side completely destroying the other to have fun~

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Riiight console survivors are such a tedious thing to deal with not like you pc gamers I dunno leave us to die on our first hooks and get caught in situations we Coul have helped you in do us console players a favour and fix your ego

  • KaarelK
    KaarelK Member Posts: 89

    You can play survivor from the early morning till the evening without waiting, but the killer lobbies take forever. And then they switch. Insta lobbies in the evening and at the night time for killers. Disabling crossplay makes the waiting longer for both roles, maybe even impossible. Insta lobby with crossplay on, waited 15min without a lobby crossplay disabled. Eu servers.

  • AcridPyre
    AcridPyre Member Posts: 30

    From the lips of a toxic player for sure. You are 100% apart of the problem with the toxic members of the dbd community. Grow up chump.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    You are just proving my point that pc players suck to play with not console players you claim to be superior in gameplay yet not one of you take charge and uses it to help everyone escape it's an us vs them mentality that is ruining the game at the moment

  • aorion
    aorion Member Posts: 12

    I mean here's the evidence. It's like chemistry. For every game you need 4 survivors and 1 killer. People pick based on what they want to play. So if 50% of people want to play survivor, and 50% want to play killer, then you get huge wait times for killer. Because survivor is the limiting reagent.

    So you disincentivize killer. You buff survivor. You add perks to help with tunneling. You add perks to help with chases. You add addons to help you tear down totems. You do all of that and suddenly the game demographics has swung toward survivor.

    Now there are more survivors than killers. The killers are the limit, so the objective reality is they need some incentive. Maybe bump up the blood points. Maybe stop giving me survivor rituals. Maybe nerf some survivor perks so they are easier to deal with. There are a lot of things that won't even break the game. I am in favor of survivor perk nerfs because it leaves the lower levels alone.

    Queue times are evidence that the balance between killers and survivors is tilted toward survivor. If survivor is just more fun, people will play survivor. All of the reasons; playing with friends, being more fun, being less stressful, being the default. There are a lot of things that make playing survivor more desirable. The proof is in the queue times. All you have to do is balance the equation.

    Also, stop complaining about tunneling. Tunneling is not toxic. It's efficient. If you have one person getting tunneled, with the existence of DS, etc. Then the tunneled person needs to learn to loop. Not to mention you are creating a culture where it's ok to run back to hook because you know there are at least two people there, and you get there and follow the scratch marks, whoops it was the guy who just got unhooked. Or you are hag and you get a trap pop and teleport and swipe, whoops guess it was the guy you just hooked. So do you do what you should do to win the game or do you give the team a pass because so as not to "tunnel"?

    I have been accused of tunneling in both cases. IMO it's not the act of tunneling that is toxic, it's the community reaction to and culture around just expecting killers to be nice and let people who just got hooked get away and maybe heal or whatever. Despite the points working against them, despite having invested precious time in doing that, despite the existence of perks that make handling a recently hooked person risky. Just stop complaining about tunneling. It's almost never the killers fault.

  • Larz02Barz
    Larz02Barz Member Posts: 95

    Idkbwhat randos your playing with but most console players ain't like that so that I only sandbag when I'm in a swf bc I'm playing with friends if I'm soloing I play seriously and 9 out of 10 of my matches its the pc players fault not ours so quit blaming us and get over it its a game

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Add a tooltip that says which side has longer queues and offer bonus BP to play the side with less players.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    Idk why it matters so much to you. I've already fixed the issue by disabling crossplay. People who read my comment and also experience inferior console players ruining their games now know they can disable crossplay.

    Not everyone knows that option existed (I only found out recently)

  • Larz02Barz
    Larz02Barz Member Posts: 95

    It matters bc your superiority complex is infuriating saying we're inferior when most of us console platers ain't that bad and some of us can compete with y'all so stop with your dang superior and inferior stuff its annoying

  • CorpusUpir
    CorpusUpir Member Posts: 3

    Just make an option to randomize if you are a killer or a survivor. Load would be faster for groups and if you wanted to play as one or the other it would jump you between groups if you are not playing with friends easy fix and can't believe it's not a normal feature in this game.