killers and facecamping especially leatherface

i cannot believe that the devs don't do anything against it.

I can't even go a normal game because of these kind of broken things (mori,tunneling........)


  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    They lose rank points but you, the camped survivor, also does. So does it really fix anything? It doesn't.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378
    edited November 2020

    its not, listen it does not matter if you do gens and escape, that entire match was a complete waste of time.

    Imagine if all killers just decided to camp suddenly, all of them, this game would completely die because there would be no value left in playing.

    The problem with camping is really that the devs cant...or wont do anything about it because, well, they dont know how and apart from that its not done enough (thankfully) to be a serious threat to the game's future.

    Its only by the grace of the "oh so toxic" community that this game survives.

    What I do find interesting is that DCing or letting yourself die on the hook is unsportsmenlike and considered so problematic that you arent even allowed to talk about it on these forums or the mods will step in.

    But camping is "a valid strat", yet both lead to the same thing, a completely worthless match....although camping is actually a far worse offender.

    Post edited by BioX on
  • nina1121
    nina1121 Member Posts: 127

    Camping as it is means losing rank and points for killers I think that's good enough punishment for them but overall agree I hate when killers force me not to play game I payed for and which I came to to actually play I see it that way that's killer forcing you not to play and devs in future should make bigger consequences for that but tbh lost hope since they said it's strategy, so I bother to enter game wait for lobby just to be forced out with no actual playing? That's not strategy and never will be

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334
    edited November 2020

    We need to stop saying this, because obviously:

    1. This doesn't stop killers from camping because we're still seeing tons of complaints
    2. Killers who camp obviously don't care about "rank points". If anything, they want to not rank up so they aren't Vs. better survivors.
    3. Ask the person being camped if they care about "Map pressure". Or if they're just hating the game and they want to suicide on hook? It's not fun at all to die over 2 minutes with literally nothing to do.
    4. "Stupid survivors" is not fair to say. I use Kindred and I still get facecamped, and survivors still crouch nearby waiting for a save they'll never get. We can't be elitist, that will only drive people away.

    Solution? I'm sure someone can come up with better ones, but if Survivors switched hooks when Killers face camped (Pre Exit Gates powered) like they do in Pyramid Head's cages, that would be good.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    DC-ing is literally against the rules, its rage quitting. Hook suicide is in a grey-area, that (probably) isn't technically against the rules.

    Imagine if all survivors hid in bushes and only did the minimum to prevent getting crows. Killers would stop playing and the game would die. So stealth is bad for the game. Except stealth is a valid tactic, because after a while stealth gets boring, as does facecamping.

    Scummy tactics are valid tactics, its up to the survivors to make sure that the scummy tactics don't pay off.

    Do gens, don't get overly altruistic, don't engage them in the end game chat, don't send them a message. Some people want to just ruin the fun for others, don't let them know its working. Don't feed the trolls.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    If suiciding on first hook is a grey-area, so is camping. It gives you the option to suicide so.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    Survivors switching hooks would be bad, very bad for survivors. Just stop face-camping, and proxy camp. When the survivors come in to rescue, get close enough to trigger the hook switch. Survivors on hooks are visable to the killer, and the killer is faster. They can get to the new hook before the survivors do, rinse and repeat.

    I call it a grey area, because its awfully close to rage quitting, but is much harder to prove. Because lag, frame drops, or inattentiveness can cause you to accidentally die on hook.

    Can an arguement be made that its a mechanic of the game, yeah. But camping is actually allowed for in the game. Perks like insidious make camping easier, and borrowed time acts as a soft counter under the right circumstances.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Just don't go for the save 4head

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Suiciding is also allowed since it's a mechanic to m1 on hook.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    Played yesterday after 1 week of pause and I left the again, once again, enfuriated because out of about 10 matches I can say ONLY 2 there was no tunneling and/or heavy camping.

    People don't seem to care anymore, they're desperate. I wanted to have fun, but it seems killers think we're still in the campfire playing roast your marshmellow simulator while in the match.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    "face" camping is punished as far as it realistically CAN be, by loss of points and an easy win for Survivors. There's issues taking it further because there's a) situations that make camping the actual correct play and b) anything mechanical is too easily abused by Survivors to force whatever punishment is onto a killer just trying to play normally.

    While it DOES suck, it's only like 2 minutes of your time to sit there and then you can go on to another match. It's not nearly as rough as being left to bleed out, and it's cupcakes compared to what deranked swfs do to r18 killers for shits and giggles... The ones that are stuck in the match until the vets decide its time to let them go.

    It's true that suiciding on the hook is looked down on, and in case of being closely camped, it probably deserves a pass. Sadly, it's often used simply because someone heard a killer global they didn't like, or the screwed up a vault and got downed super fast, so they give up the entire game. And even being camped out, trading 2 minutes to help out your team isn't a huge deal. You're giving them 3 free gens and half of 2 more in that time, and pretty much guaranteeing the killer a loss

  • necromonta
    necromonta Member Posts: 21

    guys can i have question ? who the hell cares about rank and bloodpoints? how is that a punishment?

  • Healthore77992
    Healthore77992 Member Posts: 570

    Just so you guys know, devs tried to implement camping penalty but survivors abused it, you can only blame yourself for it.