Legion was nerfed

Finally the most OP killer in the game was nerfed, I think he had 102% killrate, unbelievable, finally some nerfs...
So they nerfed his speed in frenzy, thanks god, it was such a dumb whe he could hit 1, ot sometimes even 2 survivors in 1 frezny, like whaaa??? Now he is like 4.6 (maybe less)
Also, they nerfed his lounge attack in frenzy, it's actually slower and maybe shorter than my pp, but thanks for nerfing it anyway. Maybe his vault speed was nerfed too? Not sure, maybe lags.
Hope the legion now will be balanced killer. Great shadownerf without any changelogs
That was sarcasm, IDK how is it even possible to break him, without even touching it (maybe they touched him, because 1 of his addons was fixed), I really hope he will be fixed soon. There's so much troubles with spaghetti code, like how long will they continue to use blueprints, new update, new bugs. I don't think that most of the bugs are programmers fails, but spaghetti code, otherwise, why are they still have a job?
If Legion was nerfed in any way, I can assure you two things:
- It was intentional.
- It will not be reverted.
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tell me about it 🤤
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Sounds like a bug. If you want this issue to get fixed, create a bug report.
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Probably. Shame. I love Legion, so this hurts
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We fixed ormand up however since it is legions home we made him pay for this renovation by f**King nerfing him
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Video please? I want to see that!
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Maybe uncommon opinion, but legions frenzy isn’t the thing that’s causing him to get a low amount of kills when looking at stats. It’s mainly because a lot of people just try to stack all 4 survivors off of one frenzy which a lot of the times hurts them more than helps. (Such as thinking you can make it to somebody but your frenzy runs out before you make it) 2) he can’t put somebody in the dying state in frenzy (I think that would be kinda broken though) and 3) when he hits, he loses like a third of his frenzy power which kinda sucks.
so maybe the speed and lunge might have been a little too much, but the main probably is that his ability is to just injure everybody and that’s basically it. But I’ve also versed people who are crazy good with him and who know exactly how to use him
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Hahahahahaahaha yea...... right.....
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Hahahaha yea I just played them, literally move at 115% in frenzy and have default lunge.
How do you bug something you don't even touch.
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Oh god, finally. He always downed me with his totally op power. I swear.
You poor, poor Legion mains.
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If it’s not listed in the patch notes it’s a bug.
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