The survivor emblem system is also dumb

We complained a lot about the killer emblem system, specifically the gatekeeper emblem. The devs actually fixed it so that you didn't get bronze quality or less every single match. There are still dumb things that make you lose points though, and after playing survivor I've realized that both sides' emblem systems are screwed up. The thing that makes me mad is that you lose points for things that are 100% out of your control. For killer, it's losing points for being in 'close proximity' to the hooked survivor even though it doesn't factor survivors being near therefore causing the killer to proxy camp. The survivor point losses have even dumber and nonsensical reasons. I'll highlight 2 of these that were in my last survivor game:

1) Survivors hooked

I know the game isn't talking about me, because I wasn't hooked once. This tells me that I lose points for *my teammate* going down. It makes zero sense. It's out of my control how good my teammates are and whether or not they get hooked.

2) Chases lost

Same game, so again I didn't get hooked let alone get downed. What I previously thought constituted a 'lost chase' was getting downed. Nope. Apparently getting hit once causes you to have a 'lost chase' point penalty. I'm not perfect, for crying out loud. As a survivor, sometimes you get hit. It's arguable that getting hit is out of your control in some situations, like when you're outpositioned.

What these kinds of point penalties tell us is that the devs haven't the slightest clue what they're doing with their points system. Why do we have to play literally perfect to get an emblem higher than silver? You can't have perfect games all the time, not even most of the time. So why is that the basis for the scoring system? Please explain it to me.


  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    1) the hook survivor penalty is towards your benevolence everybody gets refunded that penalty when somebody is saved. When it comes to the penalty it's essentially don't let your teammates die on the hook score event.

    2) The Chase system when it comes to emblems is simply work through on a hit basis.

    When the killer gets a hit it's considered a won chase for them if you wanted to only apply to getting down you would have to severely increase the rewards towards the emblem that the killer gets when they down somebody.

    However anytime as a survivor you escape the chase even if it's only for a brief second you bank all the points that you made

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    It's kind of dumb imo to lose points for not unhooking a survivor if its not safe to. I mean if the killer is too close, do you really want to go for an unsafe save? Or a hook trade?

  • Drekathar
    Drekathar Member Posts: 61

    Yes, it's dumb. It doesn't encourage efficiency or making the right decision in the moment. Say you enter a match where the killer does not catch you and you manage to also do a gen or two but you don't need to save any survivor. Well, if you're red rank you've lost a pip there. You just need to tick boxes if you want to rank up. I was in a game like that where nobody got caught and we did the gens super fast. Everyone escaped and depiped. Don't bother winning. Do 2 gens, 2 saves, 2 chases and you're good. Escaping is irrelevant unless you're barely piping. I'm a killer main but since I've started playing survivor at red ranks I've realised why most survivors are toxic and force the killers into chases just because or why they go to exit gates, heal up and then come to bully the killer. It's all about points. You need to be somewhere in the middle to have a proper experience. If you're unlucky or have played poorly you depip even if you've escaped; If you're way better than the killer is then you need to f around for a while so you don't depip. The worst of all is when your teammates get chased all game and they don't bother with gens and they also do trade saves and stupid stuff while you do all gens then you all escape. Guess who's the one losing the pip and having the least points in your team? After you do 2 gens or something your objective points cap and you are essentially doing work for nothing. Imagine that, you lose rank points for doing your main objective too much.

  • Boddy604
    Boddy604 Member Posts: 183

    This is what drives me nuts. If one survivor loops the killer for 2 mins, all the gens are done but you cant leave or you lose rank.

    Its dumb.

    It happens to killers too though. I've stopped using red moris because I have to intentionally not down them too quickly before I kill them or I lose rank.

  • Drekathar
    Drekathar Member Posts: 61

    Yes. Looping the killer for 2 minutes is an incredible feat and gives your teammates A LOT of time to finish gens but you get punished for it . Even if say you loop the killer while your teammates do 5 gens which come on; you're a god if you do that; you lose 1 pip because you didn't do anything else.Also, with killers man it's so annoying. If 3 ppl dc at the beginning of the match and 1 gets hatch right after you lose 1 pip. If you down everyone and they suicide on first hook you lose points. If you finish the game super quick because you are a beast killer guess what, you lose points. How is this fair? You can only get merciless killer by stretching out the game. It is so annoying. I hate it.

  • Drekathar
    Drekathar Member Posts: 61

    This type of emblem system makes survivors compete between themselves for points instead of co-operating and delegating roles. I've seen it a lot of times where multiple survivors will stop doing gens to race to the rescue hook just because altruism gives the most points. The game is promoting bad play. I understand that it gives people an incentive to help others but it is ridiculous how you have to be a jack of all trades in order to win. I wouldn't care if I at least got a neutral pip for not doing all possible actions in a single game but sometimes it's so demoralising to see you've been demoted for making the best choices for your team instead of just looking after your checklist...

  • Boddy604
    Boddy604 Member Posts: 183

    Yep. I can understand not gaining rank for super easy wins but you shouldn't be penalized for winning.

    The only exception being survivors who hide and wait for hatch.

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    I hate bloody invader emblem i always either get black or bronze, i get punished because i can lose killer very quickly how that far?

    Should reward more for being able to lose a killer not punish you

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited December 2020

    I think survivor ranks are far too generous to get. I am in no way good enough to play in red ranks and detrimental to my team mates but I always find myself there every month. I then find it hard to get out of red ranks because trying to be a viable member of the team at least black pips me.

    I can't wait until they somehow fix this system, I won't be holding my breath for a change though.