Do not buy this chapter with money

Reinami Member Posts: 5,139
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

Don't do it. Use shards instead, or wait until they fix the issues.

I have:

  • 1.3k hours in this game
  • rank 1 on both killer and survivor
  • every killer fully unlocked with every perk.
  • multiple survivors with p3 and every perk unlocked
  • Purchased every DLC with money from steam

This isn't a killer vs survivor issue. This is an everyone issue.

I will not be buying this chapter for money. We need to show BHVR that this is unacceptable with our wallets, and show them that they can't do this again. If people just continue to buy this chapter for money, we will be showing them we don't care about this kind of thing and will still spend money.

We need to show them that they can't get away with doing this.

Problems with this patch that are unacceptable:

  • Victor getting bugged on lockers
  • Coup de Grâce getting nerfed before release despite already being a meme perk.
  • The new Hoarder perk flat out not functioning:

Hoarder: The perk currently does not lower the rarity of items found in chests

Hoarder: The perk currently does not spawn 2 extra chests

Hoarder: The notification does not always work when Survivors pick up items in the basement

  • The new Deception perk being almost unusable:

Deception: The feint locker animation may interfere with the rushed locker entry animation

Deception: Various issues may occur when using the perk with high latency

Deception: The UI does not function as intended

  • New power struggle perk just being buggy as hell

Power Struggle: The perk cannot be used immediately if the wiggle threshold was reached before wiggling

Power Struggle: Stunning the killer with this perk will sometimes snap the killer to the other side of the pallet

Power Struggle: Survivors may become stuck inside pallets after using Power Struggle

Power Struggle: The perk can't be used while actively wiggling

  • The killer literally being released in an unfinished state with the following parts completely unfinished:

Victor will be able to interact with lockers and hold a Survivor inside for a short amount of time. If Charlotte interacts with the locker in time, she will grab the Survivor. If the Survivor is not grabbed out of the locker in time, they will break free, killing Victor in the process.

During the PTB, Survivors realized that they can jump in a locker to avoid Victor since he is unable to search lockers. To prevent this, we’ll be giving Victor a unique interaction with lockers. This will take some animation work, however, so this will not be ready for the initial release.

Adding a delay to the Exit Gate blocker when a Survivor is downed with Victor on their back.

Not to mention the continued list of bugs and issues that have existed for over a year now that still have not been fixed:

  • Nurse being completely bugged with so many problems
  • Survivor sound bug STILL not fixed when they are on the ground
  • Dead hard exhausted while on the ground is still a thing.
  • Map generation just being completely broken on a few maps like Haddonfield with random bushes in walls, and dead zones on others.
  • The entire map of midwich.
  • How about that early game warmup you promised a year ago so killers don't lose 3 gens in the first chase, forcing them to play in unfun ways and stack gen perks?
  • How about killers camping the hook?

EDIT: Scott Jund summed up my opinions on this perfectly:

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