Honestly, SWF needs to go.
A squad of good survivors is hard enough to beat as it is even when they are solo queing, but these SWF groups, especially at higher ranks, are just way too powerful with their meta builds, and comms telling each other what the killer is doing and where, coordinating unhooks and generators, they have instaheals and toolboxes, and what is my one and only option... An ebony Mori, which I have to get the hook before I can even use on any given survivor. And using a Mori severely cripples your chances of pipping at higher ranks too, and reduces blood points given. The killer is supposed to be the power role in this game, what the hell happened? When the game was first made it wasn't meant to support friend groups and voice chat, and honestly it still isn't. I'm on the verge of just deleting it, after 4 years if this crap, former rank 1 killer and survivor, and I can only imagine how new players feel coming into the community... And I haven't even mentioned the fact that matchmaking is completely broken, matching yellow killers against 4 red SWF survivors, disgusting.
LOL good luck with that. No one will play survivor then because solo queue is ass.
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It's already to the point noone will play killer, which is partially why matchmaking is as screwed as it is. There aren't as many high rank killers in the game anymore because they are quitting, because of exactly this problem... And solo survivor groups tend to do just fine, they don't always win but they don't always lose. I still play survivor solo and do just fine, what is the problem?
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Two false statements
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Darn, screw people for playing with their friends.
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If it's wrong, then going through these forums, why are there so many people that feel the same? Are you saying that we're all just drinking the same kool aid? Do you have any rebuttal besides just saying I'm wrong?
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I mean sure if you want the game to die.
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My rebuttal is that you had a couple bad games, got rolled, and came here to whine because you're butthurt. SWF is here to stay and for good reason. Plenty of people play killer at least at my ranks. Maybe you're having a different experience in green ranks? Solo survivor is a disaster. The actual solution is not to remove SWF, but to bring solo survivor closer to the SWF experience and balance the game around that.
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Let me clarify: them playing together isn't the problem. The problem is the level of communication available, and the lack of any way to counter it. The most powerful survivor tool is INTEL, knowing what's happening at all times.
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Nah, it's fine. Let people play with their friends, they're having fun.
What I think is important to change is the perspective that you have to get a 4k every game. Or that you can't have fun without getting one.
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I at least agree about the need for perspective in a game like this. I don't feel like I've "lost" with 2 kills, but it isn't a "win" either... But something has got to give at some point, and I feel like anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows that survivors come into the game with the advantage. Survivors don't need to be able to talk to be good at the game, or even to have fun during the trial. They should be scared, or at least uneasy about whether they are doing the right thing for their team.
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Intel is a big influence in how well survivors play, but it comes down to how they utilize it individually. Also remember that with comms in DBD there can be a transfer in misinformation as well. The main problem is unbalanced perks and map design.
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I used to play SWF all the time (they've pretty much quit survivor because it bores them or have quit the game completely as even killer is uninteresting) but in either case, intel does help but it doesn't really change things. Skill is still a thing that exists. Even more so there can be a skill mismatch resulting in killers having quite an advantage over some survivors who are out of their league.
If a survivor can't run, then intel doesn't matter. If you end the chase quickly what's the point of bothering telling anyone anything? The chances of my friends saving each other were pretty low because they ran the killer away from gens and if a killer decided to stay on the one guy who could run him the whole game, well that's his problem.
If I get ran around for too long I'll leave the chase and go look for generators. I have to get kills but I also need to put a stop to gen progression and if I have to give up one hook to prevent three gens well, then I'm dropping the chase.
Basically intel is not as powerful as you're making it out to be.