Everyone is seriously under estimating the power of the twins...

Zesty Member Posts: 380

Right ok... You probs think im crazy for saying this but i believe the twins are a high b at leastttt...

Ok so number 1 not alot of people know this but she actually has VERY STRONG anti loop... How is this you may ask. Well to put it simply, you get an m1 on the survivor, you then body block either the window or pallet with charlotte... Then unleash victor and the survivor is either forced into a dead zone.. or forced to loop with a window (which is something that victor can deal with easily)

HOW are people not seeing the anti loop and area denial with this killer...

They are also very good at camping... I wouldnt recommend this stat however as its quite boring tbh...

I just think people should try out my strat above and let me know how you get on...

Oh also one more thing. Victor is very good at controlling areas... Like gens especially 3 gen strat... my god almost no chance of winning...

I hope people read this post so that they can stop using victor at spawn :D Its a waste of time and by the time you get to the survivor half way across the map.. They are probably going to be healed...

REMEMBER always m1 if you can first.. Then unleash victor and use charlotte to block at strong/weak loops....

I love this killer so much and i know people want to love then too... So please give my strat a chance...


Let me know how you get on :)



  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited December 2020

    Been against 6 Twins players. All have more or less done as close to facecamping as the game allows them to do. One decided to literally facecamped me while hitting me in the basement because I had the audacity to do a generator while they didn't bother pressuring me right next to them...and they rage quit when a teammate had BT to counter it. As entitled as one can be.

    Their map pressure potential is insane, (and I love that) but it's too easily used for such a problematic means as camping and tunneling.

  • Exellen
    Exellen Member Posts: 49

    Jumps into basement locker cause killer is going back but borrowed don't work vs that killer.

    Get's hit..

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Glad you like the killer and you're enthusiastic about it. Other ppl see it but it's just not as good as you're making it out to be.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    The only thing hey are good at is camping. What kind of survivor will stay at the same loop after getting hit with m1? If you miss a hit with Victor he gets crushed which means Charlotte now has to walk to survivor herself if she wants that down. By that time survivor can heal or be on the other side of the map. It's still 1v4 not 2v4

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2020

    yeah no, with all the things you can do against them she is bad even in good hands.

    you go into a locker even after the hotfix and it will shut down her pressure.

    your team focuses on keeping everyone healthy victor can barely do anything.

    your team knows how to crush victor and can react to his mess ups killer wasted her time.

    your team has healthy players take victor hits she basically got a m1 across the map but can't follow up on it.

    your team doesn't take victor off she lost her power for a long time.

    charlotte blocks a loop stun her and force her out of her power.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824
  • Exellen
    Exellen Member Posts: 49

    This killer is crazy good when you have good map awareness and know how to jump over pallets and windows to get hits.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    after a solid 30 seconds of trying with the occasional miss that can't be followed up with a crush

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    I got you, some people are quick to attack without reading.

  • Zesty
    Zesty Member Posts: 380

    Yeah i never said anything about the devs.. some people need to seriously get their eyes tested...

  • Zesty
    Zesty Member Posts: 380

    I never said i was but ok... Yes the bugs are awful but i wasnt talking about the devs i was talking about the killer ???

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    The only person getting hit here is Victor.

    In the face.

    By a Survivor's foot.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited December 2020

    No, the twins are still the worst killer in the game. Victor can only chase people who are completely alone and only has 1 chance to hit them or else he's toast, and even then Big Sis has to plod along to the downed person, wasting even more time, before hooking them.

    The first snowball killer in the entire game that gets punished for survivors being somewhat close together. RIP.

    Edit: now, removing the ridiculous ability to kick him for free... Yes, then I can see them being strong...

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I agree, this killer is extremely good, if not probably overpowered once learned. Killer mains are bellyaching because she is not an ez 4K on the first day. Nothing new today.

  • Zesty
    Zesty Member Posts: 380

    Exactlyyyy the anti loop is not to be messed with its disgustanggg..

  • Zesty
    Zesty Member Posts: 380

    Thats why i said use victor and charlotte close together xd

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Thats... That's not how it works. Doing that wastes their potential map pressure to turn them into discount Slinger. We already have Slinger. We don't need Slinger But With Two Bodies That Also Gets Massive Punishment For A Single Mistake Oh And Also The Survivor Can Just Hold W And Negate The Entire Purpose Of Sticking Together.

    Even saying that title is a mouthful.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    "Well to put it simply, you get an m1 on the survivor, you then body block either the window or pallet with charlotte... Then unleash victor and the survivor is either forced into a dead zone.. or forced to loop with a window (which is something that victor can deal with easily)"

    I literally have no idea how this makes sense at all.

    How are you hitting them and then bodyblocking the pallet/window that they would use? Are you teleporting? You HAVE to be against bad players because no one drops a pallet after getting hit if they are half decent. The speed they get from being hit would be enough for them to get away from you using Victor.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Then don't screw the pounce up? Run the brown charge speed add-on? For a borderline guaranteed hit, that goes over pallets and windows? Twins can probably get away without kicking almost any pallet in the game.

    I have taken up to 5-15 seconds to make sure I land the pounce. That's still faster than almost any chase you can get in DBD as an M1 killer. You can run around a pallet for 30-45 seconds for a single hit. Victor flies around them and gets the damage in. All you can do is miss. People camp pallets and I jump over them and down them. It's hilarious. If the team doesn't heal he can slug as fast as Oni or Nurse.

    They can project a good amount of map control, camping a 3 gen while interrupting gens across the map.

    Once they fix how victor loses his power if the survivor goes into lockers they are going to be extremely viable into everything except 4 man meta SWFs. The twins are plenty strong for solo Q teams or mediocre SWFs.

  • Zesty
    Zesty Member Posts: 380

    no what i mean is when they go to the other area once they are hit... If they are at a strong loop charlottes body blocks pallets and windows from being used... so if you are strategic enough ... you can place charlotte at the pallet or window blocking survivors from using them.. then finish of the kill with victor.... its so satisfying they never expect it you should try it out :)

  • Zesty
    Zesty Member Posts: 380
  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    No, no they aren't, because the full party SWF's, or just anyone with half a brain, will travel in pairs and beat Victor's arse whether the killer lands the hit or not.

    Also, still doesn't justify that a single, easy fuckup costs you not only the chase but the trial, when success is barely even rewarding because, well, there's someone there to kick you in the face and pick up their teammate.

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    pressure is infinitely better than chasing, and this killer has little pressure, despite the fact that the pounce has a built in pressure system, also generalization leads to toxicity. Going by the logic of your comment, i'll say all survivor mains defend the devs at all cost, and complain when they don't get an EZ escape. Nothing new today.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    That's every killer in DBD at high ranks. A few mistakes can cost you the game. The twins are nothing different.

    The fact is that Victor is one of the strongest chasing abilities in DBD. It's not nurse or spirit level, but you are also given the potential to be in two different places at once. Victor does not get pallet looped. That instantly makes him incredibly strong.

  • Bowls_of_Chili
    Bowls_of_Chili Member Posts: 25

    This killer is walking a very fine line between being unbeatable and being a total joke. Currently with all the launch bugs she's closer to being a joke, but after some buffs and bugfixes I think we're going to see a lot of complaints. You can quote me on that.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    The Twins will be pretty ok when they actually get finished. Not amazing but not bad by any means. I want to like them but the cooldown when transitioning from Victor to Charlotte is so damn long. Everything they do is so clunky and slow. I haven't played them on live but they seem identical to the PTB version, with the exception being you can now literally hit survivors inside lockers with Victor which is kind of overpowered.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2020

    just wait a few days i also won a lot of games and you know why?

    because survivors don't know when they can crush victor, without his recovery addons he can be crushed from any distance from a survivor if you miss a pounce let alone if you miss while pouncing at them from a distance. if they also keep up with being healed victor becomes very underwhelming especially if they don't take him off.

    Literally the only games i won was because the survivors were not used to this killer, a few notable survivors that destroyed me almost always crushed victor on a missed pounce and didn't take victor off i had to either down them or recall victor. they also were really good at being unpredictable and used objects/LOS breakers to prevent getting hit by victor.

    your not winning against these teams. You know it, i know it.

    edit: also they used lockers, do i need to say more?

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2020

    and @DaKnight

    even if you don't miss your pounces if the survivors stay on top of healing and don't take victor off what are you going to do?

    you have to follow up with a down from whatever location you switched to victor and play as m1 killer without a power for 51 seconds even if you down the survivor that has victor you didn't do it quickly like a normal killer would.

    sure you can pressure survivors across the map but if they keep using objects and being unpredictable because victor is dodgeable they can crush him if you miss and if you wait to get on top of them you're still taking a long time for a simple hit and that's assuming a healthy survivor isn't going to take the hit which may get you little to no pressure.

    people will do good/ok with the twins now but their strengths are clear and the counterplay and options survivors have are stronger especially when the killers power itself is already a time waste and one that may lead to no benefit if victor gets crushed. Also its unrealistic that your never going to miss a pounce like super unrealistic especially against good survivors being unpredictable and using objects to prevent getting hit. even if you are taking at least 15 seconds so you never miss with victor it's still uneffective.

    If you want i can debate and point out the flaws of this killer against what WILL become common counter play along with why their power as a whole is a time waste when compared to other killers. this killer isn't viable and you can't use the argument of perfect play because by that logic ALL killers are amazing and can be used against good survivors and we know that is not the case.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824
    edited December 2020

    Yeah the biggest strength I've been seeing is just that people aren't used to her yet.

    Had a game where me and an injured Meg were comitting to a gen as a Viktor came up to us. I get downed by Viktor and the meg...

    She stayed on the gen to try to finish it off. She could've moved then crushed Viktor and then finish off the gen but... she stays on and then gets downed by Viktor as well. and a few moments later, Charlotte comes over to kick the gen and hook us.

    Facepalmed so hard.

    Still was only a 1k for the killer. They managed to camp out one of the guys in the basement. You know the usual twins camp strat.

    Hook in basement -> Bring out Viktor near the basement -> If someone unhooks, switch back to the Charlotte to catch them

    Also took a screenshot of the moment of the double Viktor down because Meg's braids were bugging out.

    Post edited by Momentosis on
  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    The new Killer hasn't been out for 24 hours and 100% isn't in their final state balance wise.

    You can't make any very accurate judgements on them; give it a week after they're actually finished, where people are used to playing as them and against them, and then we can start talking how good, bad, overrated, or underrated they are.

    You're free to express your initial opinions on a Killer, but you can't reasonably tell people their own first impressions are wrong; they're first impressions based on a Killer that isn't complete.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    The Twins are literally just another killer that does everything too slow to compete with gens. Slinger has the same problem. His chase potential is amazing, but if survivors keep their cool and hold that precious M1 button, the game is over.

    There are killers with way better anti loop than the twins. They usually are way more practical to use and a lot more expedient, which in turn allows them to better compete with gens, makes them better at chase and allows killer skill to better translate into pressure.

    Hag and Bubba are way better at camping than the Twins...and to be honest if that's what they have going for them I don't think they are good for the game.

    Also Hag is literally better at them at being at multiple places at once. Her traps give her more map control, and unlike the disgustingly sluggish transition between Charlotte and Victor, you can instantly teleport to an activated trap, or mindgame the activated trap, because the survivor doesn't have a 100% clear telltale of whether you're gonna teleport or come from a different angle for a cheeky unexpected hit (unlike the massively telegraphed transition between Victor and Charlotte). Unlike Victor, the Hag can actually down survivors instantly instead of spending 15+ seconds lining up a shot because survivors spammed their A and D keys barely thinking, and Unlike the Twins, Hag can be in up to 11 places at once...and can pick up a downed survivor... and kick a gen...and patrol hooks...and search lockers...

    I absolutely love the aesthetic and concept of the Twins... I love their music. I love the potential an idea like that could have in the game. The execution was sloppy and lackluster and the fact that this killer is literally the opposite of time efficient just kind of baffles me...like how, after 4 years, do the devs still believe that a killer doing everything slowly can compete.... its honestly like they balance the game around survivors not understanding that all they have to do to win is hold M1 for a bit...This is not even speaking of the actual quality of the game itself, but that's a different discussion entirely.

    All in all, I hope I'm wrong and i hope you're right, because we don't need useless worthless killers. We need interesting, strong killers that allow the skill of their players to shrine in game. Just doesn't seem to be the case...

  • LARI
    LARI Member Posts: 66

    Just go into the locker get hit while in the locker = ez DC penalty (no bps). Run with Victor on ur back, killer becomes M1 for 45s. Yes such b tier killer nice one OP.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    For however much potential the twins have, it's ruined by the amount of bugs and slow down between controlling the two characters.

    Pretty much everytime I use Victor by a pallet or window he either gets stuck in the ground or he is body blocked into place because Charlotte is right by him.

    Bugs aside I think the twins need an extra something to get them to the high b tier level.

    Personally I would like an irridescent offering which makes Charlotte auto chase and hit survivors while you are controlling Victor like she's taken over by a bot. It sounds a little op but remember the negative effects strong add one have, it'll be something like the recharge rate is super long or something.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    Ah yes, I literally just had this experience.

    It was painful - but the post they put up is true; it's pretty anti-loop if you have the patience to do it.

    I think I'll try it next time.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    It’s really not. The hitboxes are terrible and it takes way too long to charge. You will absolutely run around a wall Victor can’t clear before he can pounce.

    And then, of course, you miss ONE pounce and the Survivors have all the time in the world to kick and kill you.

    The anti-loop really isn’t anything special.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    I’ve played about 25 games with this killer and have lost 1 game due to a 2 man key escape. 4Ks for the rest. All at Rank 1.

    My strategy is to hit as many people as I can at the start. At least 2. Then send Victor out to down the two injured and then cling onto someone healthy. Then Charlotte goes and picks up the survivors. Against good survivors I’ll only be able to hook 1 of the 2 downed because they’ll get the other survivor up. But that’s okay because that means they’re doing doing gens.

    I got pretty good at jumping over pallets and through windows with victor. Once everyone is injured I usually finish the game off slugging everyone with Victor.

    However, the really hard games showed me the counter to my play style. Stick in teams of 2. If I down someone with victor. I’m stuck until the animation cools off. During that time the 2nd person can kick Victor and instantly heal the survivor. By the time I get there with Charlotte they’re both up again. I can pull Victor out again and down one but then again the second person kicks me. Since Charlotte is now closer I can hook 1 person but the other person is gone. I now had to down the same person twice and go through all the transition animations and walk Charlotte a good distance just to get 1 hook.

    If the team heals. Then this killer is on the weak side. You can waste time using Victor but now you have to walk Charlotte a distance to get there or you can just M1 away until you can injure more than one person quickly. But against good survivors M1 can take a while.

    Once people figure out how to play against the twins and the locker update goes live them this killer will drop a lot in the tier level.

  • OracleOfFilm
    OracleOfFilm Member Posts: 11

    I find the Twins at their best when everyone is injured. If you find the group hiding, Victor can down everyone in seconds, especially if you take them by surprise

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    You clearly didn't read what I put up.

    I just talked about the bad experience I had looping ONLY as Victor and have yet to try and place Charlotte at a pallet, window, etc. - to body block while I try to see what can be done with Victor. Blocking cuts off a solo pallet and shortens a shack chase especially if you leave the window open to let Victor jump through.

    But I agree that if you miss it is a bad blow to your chase time - but I don't try hard to win and do perfect plays; I'm here to scare and have a good time.

    And I have a crap ton of fun with this killer, even if I get brutal all the time; I truly don't care.

  • Boddy604
    Boddy604 Member Posts: 183

    Those ranks make me think that was my group u went vs lol. I agree though. There's a HUGE difference between a good twin and an average one.

    Victor in the right hands is a god damn nightmare lol. People saying "just circle a rock" havent faced a good one