Could we please get a fix to matchmaking?

First match I get after logging on is a 4 man SWF, or the world's most coordinated, intelligent, and capable Solos.

I know, SWFs are rare. What? 5% of the player base? But c'mon, this wasn't even a fair match. Everytime I pushed someone off a gen, another person ran up and took their place. Everytime I was chasing a survivor, I heard 3 traps snap as soon as the chase began. The entire match was clicky clicky of flashlights. I got flashlighted blinded, over 8 times! 3 of which, when I had just picked up a survivor, by two different people. I got Tbags, body blocks, protection hits I couldn't capitalize on (they always found a teammate to heal them). Everytime I got a trap off, someone was 3 feet away to free them.

Matchmaking expands over time (even though I waited like, 15 seconds for a match) so no one has to wait too long. But how is this fair? Could we have, skill based match making? In most games, that sucks. But in this game, I feel like I either always get rank 1s, sweaty SWFS on coms, or one survivor who is capable of doing 3 gens at once and looping me the entire time. Unless I play top killers, I get absolutely stomped. Here we have 3 flashlights, a medkit, 3 dead hards, borrowed time, decisive...

I played top of my game and got crushed simply because the game decided that this was a fair match up. Red rank SWFs, against somebody who is rank 8, has almost no high level perks, and never plays trapper. Entity displeased. What chance did I stand? Slug them? Face camp? Unbreakable, borrowed time, DS. I stood no chance, and yet I got punished (de-pip) because of match making.


  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    Oh, and don't forget body blocking at the exit gate! Hit one girl off the door, and everyone else ran up to open it, and then stood in my way so I couldn't even hit her! Good fun all around, with my trapper who I was literally only using for a Daily.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    As much as I don't like "fix x" and "fix y" posts, unfortunately I have to agree on this one. If you climb to purple ranks, it's like being in rank 1 but can't brag about it. Red ranks survivors all around in every match that makes the game unfair.

    The MMR system was supposed to fix that but welp, what can I say?

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    You should know to look at a wall when picking up.

    And if you were out in the open you should of checked before picking up.

    You seen they had 3 flashlight warriors before the match started

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    Damn, I had something similar last night. I'm rank 14 killer and went up against a 2, 4, 5 and 7. Killed the 7 and made everyone else bleed a decent amount but it was tough!

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    Actually, no. I wasn't paying attention in the pre-game lobby, got distracted. And they always went down in the open. I did try to chase off the flashlight people, but there were 3 of them. Even if I downed 1, thats still 2 people with flashlights. Also, unbreakable, and SWF. There was no chasing them off

    Think of it like this. I down one flashlight. Two more. I chase one flashlight off, and the other goes for the heal. I push that one off the heal, and now the first flashlight has returned. There was no winning. Also, didn't have lightborn or franklins for my trapper.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426
    edited December 2020

    I think the problem is that matchmaking isn't really broken.

    How often does a mid rank survivor ever face an upper tier killer? I honestly can't even recall if that's ever happened to me as a level 10 survivor (same as my killer rank). MM is working exactly as intended to produce the best possible match-ups in the most reasonable time frame.

    The issue is deeper: Dead By Daylight has a major killer shortage. And that's actually pretty messed up when you consider how it only requires 1 killer for every 4 survivors in the first place, and killer is the big badass pop-culture icon role too here.

    The shortage is increasingly an issue at the higher ranks where the experiences are more sweaty and less casual for obvious reasons, yet those root imbalances and fun voids (*cough* voice coms *cough*) are neglected, and the game relies on artificial boosters (tomes, dailies, points) to boost up killer player and the looser matchmaking restrictions.

    Naturally though, the frustrations only end up passed on down the line, and with increasing severity. The initial imbalance (the steroids of voice-communication and dynamic shift for a game designed around players who can't even ######### type messages in normal games) and the natural escalation of toxicity levels are only amplified by those skill differences of regularly 5 (but up to 10) player rankings. This all even more significant too as the player base itself attempts to adapt to their individual woes: where killers avoid peak gameplay times with more likely SWF resulting in even worse matchmaking at those times, and even with the normally reasonable pairings it's more likely whatever normally balanced rank 5 actually has 4,000 hours and plays at sub-skill levels to avoid the increased match making time too. It's all exacerbating the effects of what are essentially bullshit and unfun matches that run off killers in the first place with a process that leads to running off more killers, and requiring more bullshit to compensate.

    (But just git gud actually cause games dont need to be fun, and those players are entitled to your time as a punching bag for sick voice comm maneuvers and trolling antics. What you gonna do about it? Quit? Hah ha hah... oh, right.)

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    Kind of a vicious cycle, isn't it? Killers get bullied by SWFs, second chance perks, gen rushing and whatnot, so they quit the game or take a break.

    Well, now we have less killers in red ranks. So expand the matchmaking. Now we have an inexperienced killer facing the same thing, except they generally have less time on the game or aren't ready for the red ranks, now they lose more often. So on and so forth, only slowed by the Devs releasing new killers, challenges, or powerful perks (but that's been kinda been going down in recent times, and I am seeing a lengthening of my survivor que times)

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    For sure. This game has suffered from crazy intrinsic issues for a long time now. It's like a corrosive disease working inside the whole while leading to systemic failure of other components, like some sort of canc...ker sore. Ah yes. A canker sore. The perfect metaphor. (Don't wanna make a mod upset with something on the list of no-no analogies on the forums for here murder simulator videogame we all love).

    Truth be told, Dead By Daylight is massively underperforming, yet many fans/devs/producers get tunnel vision thinking that any positive performance values are themselves indicative of success. But opportunity cost matters. This game for sure represents an economic loss compared to the potential its not pulling.

    People just hone in on active players, financials, game performance, stream popularity, etc. When (any) positive, that's good enough affirmation of the status quo. Dismiss the vulnerability reflected by actual player satisfaction, retention (particularly new players), and queue times. So, any new "labor of love" award goes on the pile, more than enough "aha!" for direct claims that the corrosive stuff like voice-comms and toxicity are even essential to the game's success. With VC especially, people claim the game flat out dies without it... yet I'm confident that's all twisted around.

    I firmly believe the fact that Dead By Daylight keeps limping onward is a testament to its amazing concept and its (fleeting) potential for fun. That's been enough to prevail against odds that should've killed it long ago, yet the disease and symptoms keep increasing in severity over time too. You can't hold off uh--canker sores forever.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    Every single day forever people post this and every day the get told "Just deal with it"

    This company makes the worst matchmaking system ever created by an online game.

    I feel your pain OP. I went through that a lot. This company doesn't care though, this won't change. People keep throwing money at them for broken bad buggy DLC and buy cute outfits.

    if you keep playing, just accept matchmaking is trash, and try not to get stressed out about it.