Please fix the frame rate on console

Its so frustrating to play the game and my frame rate drops when ever the killer hits me with sloppy butcher. I end up getting down a lot because of it. Its even more frustrating when sloppy butcher is ran nearly all the time in red ranks. I can't tell if it's me or the game, can you please fix this? This has been a big problem for a long time now.
I'm on PS4 Pro and after a few matches the framerate goes to hell. A survivor Sprint Bursts away and frames drop like mad. The framedrops from Bloodlust tiering up have never been fixed. New Ormond was bad even playing as survivor.
This update is a mess.
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Good luck,we've been waiting over 2 years for that but i guess getting a next gen console is optimization enough for them :')
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Of all the updates I've been through in dead by daylight, this has to be the single worst one I've experienced.
Some new bugs have been found, Apparently sometimes shack pallets can't be broken, and hillbillies chainsaw randomly overheats.
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*sighs * here we go again
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i was just wondering the same on xbox series x
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You can fix it by paying $500 and fighting like hell for a PS5 or Series X. I know it sucks but that’s pretty much the situation. Last gen optimization is likely not happening unless we get lucky. Current gen consoles seems to be the way to go (even though it’s not easy to get ahold of them). The devs have been unable to optimize console for years and have barely talked about it. They’re likely hoping the problems will just fix themselves.
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There's no issues on PS5 on that front
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Of course there aren't any issues on those consoles.
We are talking about last gen consoles (Ps4,xbox one and switch)
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Remember when we were promised to have a 60FPS optimization? It aint happening chief.
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*in general. I struggle to play my main killer because using Blight's power causes my frames to drop massively.
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It's so sad that they can't even fix these damn frame drops you get from sloppy,noed,bloodlust etc. after 2 YEARS.
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Buy a PC, don't come to ask for a potato to run smoothly.
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Nah, 4.3.1 aka Dead by Powerpoint presentation was waaaay worse (for PS4)
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Oh god don't remind me
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All last gen hardware isn't powerful enough to handle the game. Never was. That includes the Pro and the X. Even more so now with the map reworks.
While my PC handles this game just fine, it still eats up a lot of my GPU resources for some reason. But on PS5, it runs silky smooth and locked to 60fps while looking clean and crisp in 4K. I would think the Series X looks just as good. You need to upgrade your hardware when stock is there as it isn't going to get any better.
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It makes no sense that it eats up so much GPU! It really shouldn't. And changes they made to Ormond which I'm sure eat up a lot of processor power aren't worth it. The snow in the wind is unnecessary and there are some really really annoyingly bright lights in spots. Not to mention the fire effect they added to gens. VFX like these are usually pretty costly and they don't even seem like good additions.
I can run games that look way better with bigger maps and more players in a lobby just fine. DbD is the potato, not the system.
DbD has never run great but it's at least run decently at times, and right now I would accept decent.
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It absolutely isn't a hardware issue.
I can play really great looking games like good of war or the witcher without ANY frame drops.
Even games like overwatch that have a LOT of effects and abilities happening on your screen at the same time doesn't drop frames.
It's just non existent optimization.
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Buy a pc and problem solved.
- You will get much cheaper games.
- You can adjust the render quality to that of your hardware.
- Always optimized games (guess where console games are made?).
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Just buy a PS5 lmao.
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I have a gaming PC, now. I didn't when I started playing DbD. When cross-progression between PlayStation and PC becomes a thing, then I may switch over. Until then, the only thing I can do is come on the forums and throw my voice in with everyone else saying these framerate problems need to be fixed. If the hardware really can't handle the game, then BHVR never should have released the game on that hardware. But they did, so they need to make it at least run decently.
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But why do I have to buy another console or system in order to play this game. That's not fair. Its not like I have money to grow on trees to buy it.
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I am being sarcastic.
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Oh sorry its hard to tell in writing.
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It absolutely is a hardware issue. The fact you can play "GOD OF WAR" on a Playstation without any frame drops has nothing to do with how this game runs on last gen hardware.
Regardless, that game was designed specifically for PS4. This is a PC game that was ported to consoles. Had they developed for PS4 from the start, you'd have a point. They didn't and you don't.
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If they can't/won't optimize it for consoles, they shouldn't have released it on consoles. As is, the game should run at least decently. Instead, there are maps I just afk on as killer because it feels miserable trying to chase on them right now.
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If you want to have that debate, fine. However, now I would agree with you. I think the game should be better optimized across the board. Unfortunately, there's only so much THEY can do with that hardware and with PS5 out of stock, it's going to be a while before Playstation only players can see the benefits of the new hardware.