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Survivor Mentality: “Oh yay, new chapter. I can’t wait to bully people trying to learn a new killer”

Seriously, stop being such jerks.

I just don’t get the whole “wE wAnT tO pUsH pEoPLe aWaY fRoM tHe gAmE!” behaviour of so many of you!

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  • Member Posts: 1,378

    Sure and those matches are pointless, nobody will have gotten anything out of it really, no score, no rank, no points and no fun, those happen, no different from players being afk, camping, tunneling, etc etc, often times games will be a waste of time sadly.

    That said survivors dont always try to do gens as fast as possible, they are just fearful that you will hit them like a freighttrain so they feel the need to because often that will be the case.

    But killer queues are fast af, just reqeue and try some stuff again, no big deal.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    How are survivors bullying you?

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Everybody unfortunately wants to face fun. Trolling killers can be fun to some.

    I feel your pain though. I went for adept and only lost it because someone brought a key. 1 gen left. 1 dead, 1 downed, 1 hooked and he dead harded into hatch to escape.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    then do me a favor and don´t start crying if they become good with a killer. Because if they become, then its all "killer is op" "no counterplay", and such. Really 2 different type of metric used here for killers and survivors.

  • Member Posts: 78

    Pretend you are not worried about your win/loss stats. Pretend you are not sponsored by some corporation where your livelihood is at stake if you lose games. Pretend you are here to learn the new killer because you are here to play the game because it is fun, and not because you are getting paid to do it.

    Go into the game with every intention of losing the game, dont even TRY to win. DO NOT KICK A SINGLE GEN!!

    Go play 20 games where your entire goal is to lose. the first 5 of these games you dont even hook anyone. If you do happen to down someone, dont leave them slugged, go pick them up and walk around with them and try to hit people as you carry them, for 5 games. Then, the next 5 games, never hook someone more than once.

    If you do this, by the time you get to your 10th game, you will be having fun and learning the killer fairly quickly. But remember, dont even try to win until you reach game 21. Games 11-20? yeah, cool, if you accidentally win, cool, but dont try until game 21. Then what... those toxic players will not even matter to you. If they tea bag, if they loop, if they moonwalk, you just go about your day, pay them no mind...

    "Yeah, but then I will lose my rank!!"

    OK, then tryhard and dont complain that the survivors are doing the same. 98.3% of the survivors are here for the strict desire to make life hell for the killers. Why?!?! because their friend showed them a funny video of some ewe-t00ber doing it, and that is why the started playing! thats all they know what to do, you cant stop it, so, do your own thing and dont let them stop your learning because your pride gets in the way...

    how can you possibly not have friends?!?! you seem like a decent enough guy...

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Oh you'd be surprised most of my friends have quit dbd and the 3 that haven't im convinced secretly hate me

  • Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2020

    I ran NOED / Blood Warden and the add-on that shows the pounce location for a handful of games until I was comfortable enough with the power to move on to other perks and add-ons.

    I think my second game as Twins I had some fool clicking a flashlight and teabagging at me at like 4 gens left. But they didn't have DS because they were playing the new character so the joke was on them; as they got tunneled and camped to death.

  • Member Posts: 344

    Did bloodwarden work properly in your game? Im curious, because in otz stream he got to use it but the survivor could pass through the gates like there wasn't anything blocking the gates at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,054

    Well, I also have experienced this a ton. It seems like players really want to bully the new killer, but the jokes are on them, and I just 4k every game with the new killer. For some reason I'd always have people following me around with their flashlights, and teabagging and clicking, which in any way resulted in them dying. I go and play some deathslinger, and the survivors are way more intimidated and don't even bother trying to do any of those things. I think it's mainly because they want to feel superior over a killer that is still learning, and if I'm gonna be honest the twins is a great killer if you are a fast learner. So hopefully sooner than later they will finally cut it out, but they are already starting to figure it out when nobody actually wants to play killer, and their que times are a million years.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Being toxic against them obviously isn't ok. But survivors are gonna play to their best ability. We need to learn how to play against the new killer too.

  • Member Posts: 921

    This is why bot private matches can't come sooner. I would just ADORE to play against bots so I can comfortably play Killer without being stressed out about gens.

    But I guess in the meantime, we shouldn't worry about rank. After all, the lower the rank, the better.

  • Member Posts: 518

    Nah more like for me, I can’t wait to destroy survivors who aren’t used to the new killer


  • Member Posts: 2,919
    edited December 2020

    I've gotten REKT playing the Twins but I don’t care and neither should you. It’s a brand new killer we all have to get used to and if the survivors are good and you’re still learning the killer then you’ll most likely lose but that’s just the way it is.

    Don’t get discouraged, I’ve gotten sweat squads as the new killer but I know I have nothing to prove to anyone and I’m still learning the killer. Let them have their way because they’ll just lose the next match at five gens when they get a double purple add-on Spirit with an ebony XD

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    Just remember, its only a game. Also try not to overuse the power if you really want to win. Build confidence with the knowledge you have of the killer. What do you think people did with blight when he first came out, people said he was terrible, and now he's arguably one of best additions to this game.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    People will always say the new killer is weak. They said the same exact thing about Spirit, Deathslinger, and Pyramid Head and now look at them. All very good and all very hated to face.

  • Member Posts: 521

    Only reason I hate learning a new Killer in public matches is that I'm playing against good survivors when I'm bad at said killer, so it's harder to learn. Also, I'm "ruining" matches for the sake of learning, which doesn't feel nice. We REALLY need a training mode like on Mobile

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I'm a survivor main and I don't have this mentality. I'm just trying to survive and I'm really sorry if thats toxic I guess.

  • Member Posts: 515

    Sounds like someone needs a struggle snuggle! 🤗

    Wait....come back. Why do they always run???

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    Yes be cause every survivor is out for blood. Ever think it's because you just arent good at twins yet so it feels like you are getting bullied. You have been making alot of whiny post recently you alright?

  • Member Posts: 1,192

    You aren't being toxic. In fact I can just imagine the outcry and the quotes of "Its not the killers responsibility to..." if the roles were reversed and it was a survivor complaining that killers weren't allowing them to practice their new perks. If the OP is talking about out and out toxicity, such as taunting and being an ass in the after chat, then i can understand it, but no real definition has been given here.

    But no, simply playing normally against a new killer is not toxic. I wouldn't expect a killer to go easy on me simply because I was testing out a new survivors perks.

  • Member Posts: 183

    And "random strangers should go easy on me cuz it hurts my feelings" is a better one?

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    Same no wonder I have ######### up thoughts, thanks game

  • Member Posts: 891

    You're just feeling sensitive because you're frustrated that you can't punish people for mistakes and being a pain like you could with a killer you're good at. People aren't bullying you for playing a new killer, they'd be doing that either way.

    I've been playing the new killer all morning & I've made mistakes and gotten frustrated at some points but it's whatever.

  • Member Posts: 515

    Running...towards me? Lol, come get your holiday huggles, snarky pants 🤣

  • Member Posts: 6,493
    edited December 2020

    So are you saying that survivors should not play as effectively when going against someone who is practicing a certain killer? Because you can't expect people to play purposefully worse just because they are going against someone who is bad with a killer.

  • Member Posts: 546

    Play better.

  • Member Posts: 1,855
    edited December 2020

    Pretty entitled imo. I'm not gonna play easy just because you queued to play with people and not bots. Since it's not possible then go get a kyf started and stop whining. I don't get it.

    Don't play public matches and expect the opposite side to take it easy on you. They didn't queue up with the expectation that they would have to play at a lower quality so you could cope.

    A lot of your posts recently are whiney as well, perhaps just get good and stop blaming the other side for you sucking dookie

  • Member Posts: 871

    Can't run a custom lobby with just 1 person boyo. smh

  • Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2020

    Any seasoned killer player should know the survivors are going to abuse the heck out of you in most cases if you are doing terrible.

    It's kind of your own fault if you are doing what I saw many twins players doing, just jumping into purple/red rank games with like 1 perk and then getting stomped. I didn't play them at all until I had a full build ready.

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2020

    I get where OP is coming from, let me just be clear though.

    Winning, even if by a landslide, totally cool no issue that's on the killer player.

    Tea-bagging a new killer every time they make a mistake and at the gate, insulting them post game, etc- is just going to make them swap back to Spirit or something next game and bring a mori or something in frustration.

    I mean people upvote outright toxic comments sometimes too; upvotes don't mean something is correct or morally right, only that there are people that agree with it generally. Don't take stock in some number, focus on what is being said and why, and address it that way.

  • Member Posts: 183

    Idk what its like on other platforms but on xbox, you can just use the lfg feature and anytime there's new content, it's filled with posts of ppl just wanting to practice and test stuff out.

  • Member Posts: 871

    Lucky for Xbox players. Not for other platforms that play this game more than just the xbox base.

  • Member Posts: 11

    That's the key here for me.

    We're not worried about folks being bad at a killer and losing matches - that's obvious and it should happen. But it's not just isolated folks being bad at a killer. I'm still a ######### Nurse, years later, and I don't expect folks to go easy on me.

    But this is for everyone a new killer, soon to be chucked into the basement with many of the others. We're already steering back towards the meta, and being crappy about these matches just accelerates it.

    And we can do that if we want to, but we're choosing the kind of killers we see in the future. By playing the way we do, we select the killers we get in the future. I'm not sure that we as a population are making the decisions this week that support the long-term health of the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,398
    edited December 2020

    The official discord and streamer discords will always have people looking to play custom games on every platform (now a pointless thing to say because crossplay exists but hey). There are steam groups out there who do the same. Don't be scared to ask around and actually look some things up.

  • Member Posts: 871

    Even so, players shouldn't have to rely on third party programs to be able to learn a new Killer. Have you considered this thought? Maybe the playerbase should stop being ######### dickheads.

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