So who is in charge at BHVR?

Yords Member Posts: 5,781
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

Is it the devs making uhh "certain questionable" changes to the game or is it Cote, the game director? What is going on with the management over there? There are so many major issues with the game that are just ignored for the most part.

All of the big ones such as:

  • Map design
  • Unfair or unbalanced perks
  • Hit registration (although the hit validation beta shows that they are maybe working on it I guess?)
  • Weak or outdated killers (Wraith, Pig, Myers)
  • Poor communication with the community
  • Graphical optimization
  • *Other major issues (feel free to comment so that I can add them up here)

I am trying to stay as civil as possible here, but I want to know why a company with 600+ employees working on a single game has not fixed core issues of Dead by Daylight and has continued to ignore them for years. (I'm not going to mention DbD mobile since they market it as a completely different game)

Just a little comparison as to how big a 600+ employee company is, the development team for God of War 4 only consisted of 300 people at the time of making it. Now yes, they had quite a bit of time to work on God of War and it was a MASSIVE game, but BHVR over the years has only implemented mere "band-aid" fixes to core issues. I feel like a company with 600+ people should get a lot more done than giving us an incomplete chapter.

A prime example of a "band aid-fix" would be the existence of the bloodlust mechanic. I feel like I don't need to go over this one.

So what are we left with? A company that is twice as big as Santa Monica Studio was but does half the quality of work?

Also the events, are they even events to begin with? The answer would be no, they aren't. Just look at the one we just had for Halloween. Remember what happened? It was just a money grab and by the time they allowed us to get the cosmetics easier it was too late because most people had spent their money. And now look, we are given an unfinished chapter that will probably bring in many bugs and glitches (I bet it already has).

The reason why you don't see different killers at high ranks often is because most of them are weak and people like killers who aren't weak due to them know... fun and effective. At least most people do, I know there are some people who like the weaker killers and I am not judging them in any way.

So what is going on with BHVR? Dead by Daylight has so many core problems that if they were fixed, would bring in a huge amount of players. It is already the 15th most played game on steam right now. It could definitely be in the top ten. But not with whoever is in charge at BHVR. And definitely not by ignoring the major issues with the game.

Then BHVR has the audacity to say "We hope you will nominate us for the labor of love award" like are you fricking kidding me?

Post edited by Yords on


  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Do you really not know who the game director is? You have been playing this game how long? I'll give you a hint, he goes by @MCote_BHVR on Twitter.

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    Well some that remis work includes fallout shelter and wolfenstein new order.. What do they have common


    What are Bethesda known for... We all know but yeah there ya go

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    The last thing I want for this game is for it to end up like Paladins. BHVR, pls don't be Hi-Rez

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I know and I don't care, as long as I do my part on helping the word get out. This update just about pushed me over the edge. And I have been extremely tolerant of what the devs have done.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379
    edited December 2020

    Maybe among those 600+ employees, the large majority of them are working on another game? I can't imagine that merely maintaining this game - given its age, and given the relatively small and non-complex DLC updates - requires all 600+. You need some concept people, some artists, some code monkeys, some network people, some QA, a handful of, 50-100 people? Maybe? Obviously I have no idea how this game was built so, perhaps it's just a total shitshow to maintain and make changes with.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited December 2020

    Are you guys talking about cards unbound? I will say though, I remember competetive queue getting a bit faster for me, I guess if you aren't going to fork over money to gamble rank 10 cards, they may as well play a mode that auto locked everything to rank 4 (?) . That was the only positive for me.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    That would be an answer. But they have been doing this for years. I would say that it was because of the ongoing pandemic that everything is harder, but BHVR has been doing this kind of stuff since before it even started. It has only gotten worse, poor choices and empty promises I mean.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,339

    I would like to speak to their manager!

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,339

    I was mad, but I wasn' mad as I was after I saw what they did to Autohaven. It's even more uglier and unplayable than before. I think I actually developed a little soft spot for the old Autohaven after seeing how the new map suffers from poor design. The lines are so wide open, all they need are some yellow lines and a speed limit sign

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Their investors probably

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340
    edited December 2020

    The internet says there's a guy who owns a venture capital firm on their board...

    The people on the board wield uncanny power...

  • ReaperTech
    ReaperTech Member Posts: 49

    On a serious note. No matter how you view this, this game can only succeed now if it fails. The game needs to die. Only then can the devs realize the nonsensical decisions they’ve made. I know some people working on Dead by Daylight actually care about DBD that being the art team. It’s sad yes. But guys I’m kind of losing hope in this game. It’s becoming a bigger and bigger mess by the day now. And people in the community actually think the game is fine. Just sad.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    These are my feelings as well. It’s evident they’re incredibly passionate about DBD. It’s someone higher up forcing them into embarrassing situations.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    This is it. Or someone in the company making these decisions not on the health of the game but $.... in the end it will hurt them.

  • Wolfninja989
    Wolfninja989 Member Posts: 3

    I mean the devs will ban you for mentioning a certain coconut because he calls them out in the hopes that they will one day prove him wrong and advocates that fans like us just stop spending money on the game so the devs can realize what they've been doing isn't good for the game.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    I don't even like Bethesda games, but this was fantastic. 10/10 meme

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    Whose in charge?

    Killer mains and their whining on the forums.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    Whose in charge?

    Killer mains and their whining on the forums.

  • Lefrongo
    Lefrongo Member Posts: 120

    RIP, well I made a thread on a possible way to fix the game's current state and added in 2 of that coconut's videos, here's hoping nothing happens to it.

  • TraceEdge
    TraceEdge Member Posts: 7

    I gotta ask about where you can find the evidence for 600+ employees.

    I will admit I made an account today because I was frustrated and wanted to be involved with the community. Our voices shouldnt be silenced especially when Constructive Criticism is being given.

  • MckFinn
    MckFinn Member Posts: 60

    I can't agree with you more. I've been playing DbD for a long time now, and over the years, I feel like they are caring less and less about the game and members of the community. The first issue I will address is the legendary skins. 15 dollars. 15! I mean, yeah, they look cool, but that's almost 2 full chapters! Like, really? Its like they are becoming greedy and focusing only on cosmetics and adding stuff, not fixing it.

    At the end of the match, when you can rate how much fun you had or report people, why do I feel like that is useless and the devs don't do anything with that info? On, wait, that's because they dont. Was one of your teammates sabotaging the game and working with the killer? Its okay, you can report them for unsportmanship. It won't do anything tho, but at least you could report them, right?

    Poor clown mains. I would hate to be a bully magnet like that. Weak in loops, and weaker in the open. Use all the bottles in a chase? Reload. The survivor will run off and escape, but you'll have all 5 bottles back for next time.

    Honestly, I'm not sure what the devs are doing. They have no main focus, and are trying to do way too many things for the game at once. I've heard talk of new map, key, and mori changes, along with hatch ones. New currency, new objectives in game, and all kinds of other stuff. The funny thing is, I haven't seen any action. Are they just not doing it? Maybe instead of pumping out 15 dollar cosmetics, they can dedicate a month to fix bugs. They might fix a few in that time, if we are lucky.

    Also, they do not communicate with us enough, let alone listen. The surveys are not enough. I've watched some of the Q and A streams, and Cote answered a question with "Go play something else..." Like, wow, you definitely care. You just told the community to not play your game, but something else. Seriously? Its sad when the devs don't care and give up. They are turning into Illfonic, and I can see DbD becoming like F13.

    Sorry for the ranting, but I'm almost done so bear with me. The charms that you can only get with codes are an issue for me. They gave out former cosmetics from the Summer Barbecue event and others, but not these? Its a pain, and very stressful, for me to sit in a stream with hundreds of others for hours, just waiting to get a code. I thought they learned after so many people complained about the Dwightcrow charm. I guess they weren't listening.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited December 2020

    I want Ethan fired, he said its no issues with object and it dosent need a change. He even said it himself "If I see a object I will ignore them"

    So you will ignore a player cause of a certain perk and dont see whats wrong with it?

  • nerdguy5
    nerdguy5 Member Posts: 52
    • Map design
    • Unfair or unbalanced perks 
    • Weak or outdated killers (Wraith, Pig, Myers)
    • Graphical optimization

    ☝️these are all personal concerns for you. Not everyone feels this way... It’s not logical or profitable (remember game devs are making games for free) to just try and cater to every single persons concerns. If these truly where huge concerns, enough that threatened the livelihood of the game, they would address them...

  • Wolfninja989
    Wolfninja989 Member Posts: 3

    I feel like these are more than just personal concerns since poor map design affects everyone since it can make the playing the game unenjoyable since it won't be fair due to the way the maps work that's why killers hated Ormond due to just how strong and safe most of the loops were and how many there plus the location of gens made it pretty hard to defend against competent survivors. Unfair and unbalanced perks make the game stale and boring since you will be seeing the same perks ran all the time on both sides which is boring and the same applies to weak and outdated killers because there won't be any variety or fun counter play against the best perks and killers. Weak and outdated killers function in a same way as bloodlust, its nice that it exists but its not healthy for the game in its current state, the pig was added as a sort of bandaid since a lot of killers hated just how fast gens got done so they added a killer with built in slowdown which makes for very boring games with no counter play, killers like Myers, Wraith and Clown since they are boring to play against and as most of the time unless the killer is running a meme build like BK Myers. Graphical updates don't add much to the game and its balance and design, its like slapping a fresh coat of paint to a car that won't start, sure it looks nice but its still broken and needs some repairs to work otherwise it'll be a pretty looking piece of junk. I'm pretty sure that most players that are dedicated to the game and truly love the game and what it is want whats best for it and not see it die like F13 did, the game needs to be improved and have life brought back into it not just new skins and bandaids, if this dlc was delayed for a bit and we got it a bit later I'm sure that people would enjoy it a lot more and this sentiment should be shared by the entire community and not just the dedicated fans since at this point dbd has kind of become a joke looking at the responses to the binding of kin trailer or a quick glance at the dbd subreddit.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    The Chinese! but ill get banned for making such "jokes" so I take it back

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 181

    In my honest opinion. The employees need to stand up to whom ever is forcing these half assed updates. They should take the biggest pitchfork and shove it straight up his ######### chute until it comes out his mouth. Sometimes the boss needs a swift kick to the ass to get him off his greedy high horse. Especially if he is losing sight of the reason as to why he created the game in the first place, and to remind him this is his legacy. Does he want to leave a mark on history as being an awesome game creator, or does he want to end up blackballed in the video game industry and go bankrupt? I'm just sayin.....I'll prob be banned for it I woulda been up his ass about this ######### ######### already XD. I woulda been the first one fired LOOOOOOOOOL. Ps. I really love the game though. I know they can do so much better. Hang in there guys. Maybe stage a coop? XD

    ~Shaking my head as I see the news title: OtakaChan incites revolt at BHVR studios~ Welp it was fun lol.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I just did a quick google search on this. It says so on their website.

    I also made an account to further interact with the community.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Pretty sure I am one of MANY people who would like to see something such as balancing the weaker killers. These are not just personal concerns for me. People have been asking for these things to be reworked for a long time.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Pretty sure you are referring to a "coup" (pronounced coo) but maybe honestly. I really don't know what to do atm.

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 181