We should be able to use Dead Hard in mid-air

I feel vulnerable when I'm falling and landing from great height. However, Focking David should be able to tap into his Adrenaline banks whenever he pleases, including in mid-air (Imagine how cool that would be?)
I second this
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The problem with that, is that it leads to Survivors being able to get on objects that they're not supposed to be able to land on and then taking the game hostage from there...which is why things were changed a while back (am sure some people here will remember being able to Dead Hard from the Balconies on Haddonfield). It just leads to more problems.
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Okay, hear me out: we can't exclude David from using Dead Hard whenever he likes, but we don't want to break the game either... So instead of him dashing forward in mid air and getting too much distance, a "mini" dash that is otherwise insignificant (about the same distance you'd reach when Dead Harding off a platform, it would require some tinkering) but still has the invulnerability frames.
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So you want to dead hard by kicking air?
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or you could stop relying so much on a perk.....
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I do ;-;
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Survivors get an Up-B recovery
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I mean, there's a spot on Dead Dawg Saloon that you can get to with Dead Hard where you are essentially invincible. Requires precise timing and positioning, but you can get to it, and only way for the Killer to end the game with you up there is to down you and wait for you to bleed out. It's on that little cart in front of the gallows.
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If you want to fly, just have the Oni throw you like a lawn dart, pretty sure he's strong enough. Otherwise this just seems silly.
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The perk is already problematic on both sides and is being adused to reset chase! Mid-air DH is going to create more of a problem for survivors than killers
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Dead Hard in mid-air? Sounds like you're going for some
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All fun and games until survivors start multishining. Frame 1 invinciblility and stuns the killer. OP
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You'll have to post video of you doing it so I know what you mean.
No, YOU, not the character
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Survivors getting on top of things they're not supposed to has an easy fix. Just put more of those invisible walls that go up to infinity so they can't get on there.
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It doesn't make any sense. It's a dash. We don't have air dashes in this game like Megaman X.
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The best exhaustion perk in the game needs a buff? I don't think so, it's already bs enough to bale you out of your mistakes tbh it should be nerfed.
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It does not need it, you already have Iframes on the ground you don't need them in the air.
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Ok and then you die because stagger after fall
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I was able to avoid a hit on mobile because you can, but I didn’t get the boost that it gives. I was vaulting and because you can hit over it I had to use dead hard.
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we should be able To uSe BT WEn ever we want right not just wen we save some one but the hole mach
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Wouldn't that block ranged attacks from Huntress and death slinger? Also, Victor. Plus, there might still be a few weird places you can land like at a window or on a pallet.
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Can't rely on a perk when you'd still just be exhausted on the ground, mid air dash or ground dash the perk sucks