(Note: You guys have made really good points in this discussion. You're right, nothing needs to change. You've opened my eyes to a lot of counters to these tactics, thank you!)
I've played killer for a while, done so many matches that I can't even begin to remember half of them, and if survivors do escape, the Exit Gate stands in solidarity as a shining beacon of broken that needs to be fixed.
First off, let's talk about the lever. I don't know about you, but I think its a bit unfair that Survivors can get the gate's progression to 99, leave fore twenty years, and then come bag and open it with a tap. This poor design choice makes Blood Warden (The only perk that really punishes gate-teabaggers for their toxicity) all but impossible to use.
Possible Fix: Immediate gate regression upon letting go. You touch that handle, you better be leaving.
Second, we have gate toxicity. Too often have I been matched up with red-ranks with toxic builds (Dead hard, decisive, head on, sprint burst, adrenaline, you get the picture.) who ceaselessly loop the killer shack and other god loops, throw down pallets and then emote spam and teabag if they get the succesful stun. Then they get to the exit gate (most likely after body blocking or something like that), stand right on the cusp of the gate's exit, and teabag because they know theres nothing killers can do about it.
Possible Fix: If you teabag inside the exit gate, you should be blocked from it for a limited amount of time. I think this would cut down on toxicity even just a bit, which is a good thing.
What do you guys think? Does the Exit Gate need a change or two or fifty?
the toxicity issue doesn't real matter for game balance, just don't feel offended if someone mashes a button from oversea. Onto the first point: surely exit gates need some kind of regression, not too strong, just the bare minimum to force a survivor near the gate to prevent them regressing too much; also the whole rng that spawn the gates needs to be deleted, since there's a lot of difference in having both exit gates in the same side of Azarov's or having them at the opposite sides.
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As someone who plays more survivor than killer, I think regressing doors is fair enough. Although that might be better as a perk than a permanent thing. Something like slower door progression & they regress if left? Could really screw over survivors not expecting it.
The rest is rubbish though. If they teabag at the exit, just chase them out and get your free hit, you've already lost anyways.
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you know you also can open the exit gate?
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What is it with people and wanting to implement punishments for people teabagging?
Is this really that tilting for some people? Jesus man lol
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Its toxic behavior. Actively abusing a game mechanic to taunt someone isn't okay.
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I'll tell you something. Go open the door yourself. It takes 1 second.
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I had no idea that proficient looping is toxic. Guess that's another thing I can't do.
Post edited by DetailedDetriment on7 -
eh, I don't know about implementing changes based off of juvenile behavior. I will say, however, that I've always wanted hit's on the edge of the exit threshold to turn into grabs if the survivor is injured, making staying around the exit gate a more dangerous proposition. Kinda irritating how they just fall into freedom.
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Looping isn't toxic. Intentionally refusing to do objectives just to loop, teabag, loop, teabag, loop, point, teabag, loop, stun is.
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Sure you don’t have problem with facecamper a hooked surv to ensure the kill. 99% the door is a strategy survs can use. If you don’t like it open the door
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Difference is, I don't face camp, and I don't condone it. It should be mentioned that I'm alsonot a killer main. I play both sides, so its not like I'm biased.
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You don't really have a choice to be chased or do gens. If the killer spots you, you have to get chased. As a killer, if you decide to constantly chase the same person that gives you a hard time, then you're essentially just allowing them to be toxic to you.
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My Point exactly. Its a safety net they just don't deserve
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"Toxic builds"? Let me guess, you probably run ruin and undying yourself, don't you?
The gates are perfectly fine. If you want to use blood warden, no one's stopping you from opening the gate yourself. If it's 99%, you might as well open it.
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You make a good point. I suppose some people are just more easy to infuriate than others. I just hate that some Survivors build themselves around being annoying. Toxic builds do exist.
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Kind Of presumptious of you to assume I run Ruin and Undying.
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Don't you?
There is no such thing as a "toxic build". For real.
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I do think Blood Warden and Remember Me could use some changes, as well as the End Game Collapse, to make the actual end game more stressful as survivor.
When was the last time you saw someone die to the End Game Collapse?
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For the billionth time. This was legitimately in the original website description for how to bait a killer as survivor. It's intended game mechanics. If you get tilted by someone pushing a button and chase them, congrats. You got baited.
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Teabagging is not toxic, I'm sorry but it just isn't.
If teabagging is toxic, then so are emotes in Fortnite, the Humiliation points you get for emoting in DOOM 2016 after killing someone (which also has a teabag emote where your weapon disappears and your guy does the crouching animation), Halo 3 where the body moves up and down when you teabag someone, and Overwatch, where Mercy has a literal teabag emote where she dips a teabag in a teacup.
Sorry, but teabagging isn't toxic and some games even embrace it. It's a part of online gaming culture.
The sooner you realize this and get over it the sooner you'll stop caring.
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The devs tested exit gate regression. It hurt solo survivors a lot more than it hurt SWF, who were just able to coordinate around it. The devs don't want to widen the gap between solo and SWF even more. Neither do I. I play solo survivor, and it can be downright miserable.
If survivors teabag in the gates, that's great, it gives me time to go break pallets and breakables walls and even go find the hatch. And I've had survivors die because they mistimed their noise notifications and died to the entity. I love when they die to the entity because they're desperate for me to come over.
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Embracing toxicity is not justifying it. Calling taunting specifically to anger someone 'culture' just outs you as a toxic person.
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I don't. Ruin would conflict with my Pop Goes the Weasel. For real. There is such a thing as a toxic build.
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You make an excellent point. I suppose that would make it much harder for solo survivors. I hadn't thought of it like that.
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You can't be toxic by teaebagging, and you are choosing to be angered by it by thinking it is toxic.
Calling me toxic because we disagree is a logical fallacy due to your lack of ability to create a counterargument.
Been playing online games for almost 2 decades now. If you think teabagging is toxic, honestly, you should take a step back and reevalute a few things.
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Let them feed their ego. It'll come to back to bite them eventually.
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Just open the gate yourself. As a survivor this has never bothered me.
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The thing with lever regression I freaking like it, they should add it but unfortunally its Behaviour. They won't do it because probably they don't know even how lmao.
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I have idea for killer perk:
Endgame start when exit gate reach not 100% but 50%
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As a solo que player I say absolutely not, if anything exits need buffed timer on opening, needs to go way down as most maps have side by side exits and I'll tell you nothing butters my biscuits harder than being the only good player in the match and getting shafted due to both exits side by side, exits are horrendous as is unless literally 3-4 players are alive and I say 3-4 cause even 2 isn't safe as most garb players hide and don't do exits till someone is dead on the ground or getting chased, I have way to many clips of this happening to me or others. So no if they ever mess with exit gates they will be losing a long time player 3k+ hours on my account
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You open the gate. Timer begins. The solution is already there.
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Yes the exit gates need a regression. Orrr when one gate reaches a certain percentage the other should lock forever is also a good idea and a bit more fair. As for toxicity - it's the tiny bit of power they have over us, let them have it lol.
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Obviously you haven't played enough online games if you think teabagging is extremely toxic lol 😂. When somebody is tea bagging you have the option to not respond but apparently you can't do that 🤷♂️. if you want to see what real toxicity is go play destiny 2, call of duty, fortnite or any other actually super competitive game.
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To be fair survivors tend to 99 them because they want to go for a save/ to ensure someone's safety. Most solo Q the team just opens them and leave.
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I agree with this idea. The end-game needs to be more dangerous for survivors, adding regression to the gates would add a level of urgency for the survivors to at least open the gate, allowing Blood Warden to be used more.
If regression is added to the gates, new perks could be added, maybe a gate version of corrupt intervention, ruin and surveillance?
I find end-game perks so fun (e.g Blood Warden) but the inconsistency and the easy, non-threatening nature of leaving the gates at 99 just removes the chance to even use it against good survivors.
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I was smoking and was gonna say something about this comment, then hours later i see this comment and its even worse but then i see its from the same person and im pretty sure its satire lol
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Or perhaps don't waste your time on a long chase? Not really efficient wasting time on it just get the weaker players, less people means less work getting done on gens.
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Look at this tutorial
You're welcome
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Lol, there is multiple toxic behaviors killers engage in every day, every match and actually effects the game and its outcome. Survivors also have several ways in which to play toxic to the killer and each other. NONE of that involves clam slamming, butt dancing, tea bags. It has absolutely zero bearing on the outcome of the game. So of course they should not make any changes to the game to reduce a mechanic that already is a complete non-issue. There are so many things to be legitimately heated about this is not the hill to die on.
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1) Using loops well is not toxic.
2) Meta perk loadouts are not toxic. Annoying? yes. Overpowered? Debatable. Toxic? Nah. How they use them can seem toxic, but the point is to win.
3) If the Survivors have time to BM you during the match, then you aren't pressuring them enough to make that a horrible use of their time.
4) 99ing Exit Gates is not a bad thing. Yes, it messes with Blood Warden, but you could also just slug, open the nearest gate, sit on the Dying Survivor, and wait until there is only 1/4th of the EGC left to hook them. Anyone left will NOT be able to leave and WILL die. That said, without BW, 99ing is still not a bad thing. If Survivors 99, it means they intend to make a play. When Survivors make a play, that means the game is still on and you can still score a kill. If ANYTHING, 99ing can be good for the Killer because it's a chance for a late game comeback. Maybe not likely, but it's possible.
I wouldn't mind if they changed it or not. I just don't mind it as it is, and see the value in it for both sides. Furthermore, opening the gate is tense enough when the Killer approaches. If getting shooed off the gates meant they never opened, the game would last several more minutes as the Killer now had to chase them all around an area that probably only has one or two hooks nearby. If the gates are powered and you are the Killer, it means you failed to outplay them. You shouldn't get a "You Tried" sticker on top of that. #DeleteNoED #DeleteHatch
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It's just a game.. shesh.
"Isn't okay" .. hahaha get a grip man. Thats like saying you can't teabag in Halo..
Honestly man, if someone button dancing really irks you, then I'd take a break from playing and focus on your mental health.
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If they were to implement regression to the exit gates it should only regress to a certain percentage. Probably just go back to 75% over a short period of time.
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Remember me should just do this naturally but nah Lets Nerf it to 16 from 35 instead and make it worthless
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I'm 100% being truthful here. Why would I bother making satire?
If I disagreed with you I'd just say it outright, like I have been.
Teabagging is not toxic.