Are there still any nurse mains left?

bkn Member Posts: 228

I recently came back to the game after 1 1/2 years break. The solution was playing nurse back than. Becoming better and better was part of the solution.

What happened meanwhile? The only thing that was enjoyable for me to play in DbD is now unfun. Is there anybody left that mains the nurse and actually thinks this is fun? Is she even "competitive"? Are you now actually forced to lose games with her?

It took me only 2-3 games recently to immediately see that this killer now also hinders you in any possible way to perform better than you could, even though i am not very good anymore.

And my inventory, probably 300 million BP have been turned into even more useless addons than before... Thanks btw.


  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    The only thing that is different about nurse from before her "nerf" was her base kit and addons. The base kit was given a sort of recharge system, a bit annoying but still manageable (3 seconds per charge/blink). The other part of the "nerf" was her addons being changed.

    Now atm, she is kinda buggy. However, she is still the strongest killer in the game even without addons.

    I don't really know many nurse mains except for this guy:

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2020

    I will break her out from time to time, mainly to spook the console survivors.

    But really I don't think there is much of a need to play her anymore. I used to play her alot because every map in DBD was pallet town.

    Now the game has become pretty unsafe for survivors even if you are a basic M1 killer, let alone while using some of the new death machines like Bubba.

    Only a few real pallet town maps remain. Coldwind, Haddonfield, The Game.

  • I mean it's a struggle to play her, frustrating to deal with especially with the loads of bugs with her; and if you actually do put in all that effort, get good with her, and start winning matches- anytime you win a match survivors will all insult you and tell you it's only because you played nurse, and to "git gud" along with the usual vulgarities.

    They bully the hell out of you if you are a "baby nurse" too still learning, so it's like, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't with her.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    I'm learning Nurse (because I'm a masochist, apparently) and for me the bugs are what makes things so frustrating. There's a big enough learning curve for her and in order to progress her perks I've had to basically play as other characters and use their BP winnings to level up Nurse.

    But yeah, the bugs like "Sorry you can't blink through that part of the object so you get a prize! You lose chase and momentum and here, have some fatigue to boot!"

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Don't believe the hype. Spirit or Hag are just straight up better than her at this point if you are being tryhard. Though Hag is pretty boring to play.

    Spirit is like 10 times easier to play than Nurse for like 1% less power; and she doesn't have any bad maps. Nurse has a lot of bad maps, and gets cucked pretty hard by thick mist offerings.

  • lostboy
    lostboy Member Posts: 89

    I main nurse and have done for the past 4 months or so. I have no comparison to what she was like prior to her current state :( I've gone through multiple variations of addons and find Dark Cincture & Heavy Painting are my favourite combo reducing the blink fatigue drastically and keeping up with chases much easier. I can 4k without it, but find the quicker the blinks regenerate the quicker the chase ends. I only really struggle against SWF or very high skilled survivors, but if there is only the one very good survivor, I usually win by capturing the weaker links.

    All that said, I do not find her fun. She has endless bugs, which become apparent very quickly - or at least they did when I started learning her.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Rank 1 Nurse main here.

    They made all her addons except for 3 of them into meme addons. Completely useless trash that just takes up Bloodbweb space.

    2 addons in an bloodweb will be useful, that's about it.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    Still a top tier Killer, easily. I've only been playing a month, but I started with her as my first, got all the purple perks I like using with her (none of which are what people here consider to be the "meta" perks) and quickly became bored at how easy it was to win. I've moved on to other Killers now and only touch her if a challenge pops up for her.

    I recently played a game against a Nurse that completely destroyed my team in what has to be world record time - couldn't have been more than 3-4 minutes before everyone was dead lol. So embarrassing...

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Nurse's fun levels were flayed.

    Is she still crazily effective and oppressive at times? ofc, and the devs did diddly squat about that.

    Is she much fun to play for people who are casual or just play Nurse for the experience and not necessarily to win? Not really, and the devs made sure of that.

    Same with Hillbilly but worse because he....ugh....roars. Plus all the other obnoxious sounds and wonky animations that make him sound and look like a repulsive clown.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2020

    Another Nurse main here. Been playing since the game's launch.

    Pre-rework it was very easy to learn Nurse and become a top-tier player because you could learn from your mistakes and still catch yourself if you played correctly. This was very fun and, although it was OP, there was a healthy amount of Nurse players versus the rest of the cast at the time.

    Flashing back to her rework, most of the player base (including Nurse mains) were simply in enormous agreement that the add-ons inflated her kill rate and made her unfun to play against. Survivors also constantly DC'd regardless of the Nurse not having add-ons, making her unfun to play as. As a result of this, BHVR proceeded to be a buffoon and announce an ADD-ON REWORK (Not a base kit change, just add-ons) just to turn it into a base kit nerf once the PTB came out. Most people were absolutely pissed that BHVR lied about the changes and 'overnerfed' her power, including myself, while a minority cheered them on and said the base kit was needed. The base kit change somehow made it to live servers despite all the backlash, practically erupting the community, and BHVR completely ignored everyone and everything regarding Nurse ever since.

    When it goes live, it was broken as expected but they fixed it over time. But when dedicated servers released? Well, you're experiencing the result that was never fixed; bugs from second blinks hardly working at all to getting stuck in place constantly were, and still are, rampant. I firmly believe that all Nurse players would play the game a whole lot more if they got the nerve to admit the rework broke Nurse and actually fix it.

    Going forward, there's little-to-no players like me left now. Most veterans left or are in hiatus due to boredom, as I have been recently, and new players don't play Nurse because the rework did nothing but make her learning curve so steep it's dumb. If you still play her you're assumed to be a DBD veteran that demolishes everyone or an extreme pleb that gets crushed. Overall, she's viable but not fun in her current state.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228

    ok guys, thank you all for your answers.

    The nurse seems like an unfun, stressful and buggy killer right now. I am not going to learn her again. I think i don´t return to DbD in this case. cya

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    She's still the strongest Killer in the game, so assuming you're pretty good with her, Nurse mains have it good.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228

    assuming that i have to learn her from scratch again...Is it actually fun to do so?

    the question is, is it fun and rewarding to play the nurse today? i don´t think so. Yes, she is probably still the best killer in theory, but you have to be highly focused every game, even when you actually know what you are doing.

    I am talking about maining her again or leaving this game. The last time i checked this forum was almost 2 years ago. The nurse community was that highly advanced society that was not part of crying killer or survivor mains. Tea sipping imperialists and core gamers... All i hear now is bugs and pain, and whatever... its not my world. cya

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    She is still the strongest killer in the game but the nerf from her rework aka gutting until not even basekit was fun anymore just like billy she became so boring to play with the game slowing you down whenever it can which prevents what made old nurse to fun and interesting to people

    instead you now have blight who is arguably second in line behind nurse for being the strongest in the game and has a comparable skill ceiling + fun factor of being a pin ball

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    The main problem with Nurse these days, bugs aside, is the wait time before you can Blink twice.

    Blinking once usually gives you your second charge right as you come out of her gasping phase, but blinking twice makes it take MUCH longer to get your first charge back, for no reason I can tell.

    I haven't had many bugs with Nurse, but quality-of-life changes would be appreciated.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    The nurse after the nerfs and with the double CD she has(Self stun from blinking and the recharge system) has effectively rendered her a 115% M1 killer as her blinks if used most effectively for distance only gives you the normal distance despite the restrictions making it harder to capitalize on any survivors you found.

    I feel like most of people's fear of the nurse is just trauma from old Omega Blink Nurse which no longer exists.

    She really isn't all that special in terms of distance she travels(And thus her chase power) it just throws off people who aren't used to playing against her which makes them think she's op when she really isn't.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,767

    I think on Xbox there are like 4 who main Nurse. Entity bless them for getting gud with her.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    Wouldn't say MAIN MAIN, but she's my current next in line after huntress. She's still fun even with the limitations. It still feels good to hit people after blink

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    As a new nurse main I could cry reading about old nurse and just how much they nerf'd her. I completely understand why she needed the re-work on her base-kit but the addons are absolutely pathetic. Myers can mori survivors endlessly with his two irri addons with no hooks required, and nurse can what, only blink three times in line of sight. That literally is the entire point of nurse being slower than survivor's base speed is that you can go through walls and pallets. I understand the need for fatigue but the semi-hefty recharge speed without addons and the only addons being worth it amounting to about 3 or 4 she has become solely reliant on being a god-tier nurse who doesn't need addons. Although this rewards amazing players, it's insanely easy just to start playing anybody else.

    Nurse statistically has the lowest kill rate by far because of her absolutely atrocious learning curve, meanwhile spirit is arguably just as good with no fatigue whatsoever when she misses a phase and much more mind-gaming opportunity. You can see exactly where nurse is facing and can see the amount of time she holds her fist to figure out how far she'll go. Any good survivor that can turn into a wall that will absolutely wreck her auto-aim lunge can counter nurse and the killer gets HIGHLY punished especially on indoor maps where line of sight can be broken endless amounts of time. I feel like as new killers come out Behavior will only have more and more reasons to ignore the wishes of nurse players who hate themselves enough (myself included) to continue to put hours into a killers that has the longest learning curve.

    Out of all my friends who now own the game, which I bought in August, they have absolutely no time to sit there and learn a killer that takes 20+ hours to even become semi-decent at when you can just log on, play freddy with ruin and his ridiculous addons and it's an easy 4k. I don't know why behavior had to wreck nurses addons to the point where they're literally the laughing stock of killer addons just like demo. Regardless, I will continue to play her to some far-fetched hope that one day they give her just one addon that is worth the bloodpoints.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    The only 'problem' with the baseline nerf is that now you need to think before blinking otherwise you'll get heavily punished

    She's still op addonless, and you really just need information perks

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    I was gonna add nurse to my list of mains but I got to the point where I was kinda competent with her and decided I'd make Trapper my new 2nd main because I prefer the tactical plays of reading Survivors, knowing pathing on maps, etc. that comes with trapping killers like Hag and Trapper over decent chases interrupted by fatigue every 10 seconds.

    One of my favorite parts of Nurse though is the number of Survivors that mind game themselves against you. They'll just keep running a loop and end up right in front of you within lunge range and it's hilarious.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited December 2020

    I'm relatively new to the game. First DLC I remember getting added was Slinger's. I attempted to main Nurse. I did find her quite fun, but oh my god was learning her absolutely brutal. I eventually stopped trying to main her, not because I didn't still find her fun, but because my irl life got busier and I would usually only get to play 1-2 games max... usually after several days of not playing. Under those circumstances, my muscle memory for Nurse would always get a little off so the first game or first half game were just... bad.

    So... yeah. I like Nurse but my schedule just won't support playing her. Now I'm primarily a Deathslinger main with some Legion, Demo, and Trapper on the side.

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    Used to be a nurse main, but she feels clunky to play. Nott to mention the increase of indoor maps and bugged out spots means that my desire to play her is pretty much dead beyond a daily.

  • IgiOne
    IgiOne Member Posts: 29

    Check this streamer:

    Hi is a Nurse main and also a good guy.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited December 2020

    Most of us Nurse players (me included) have cross play off

    But be aware if you do turn it off prepare not only for Nurse players but also very sweaty Spirits

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    The kill rate is low for Nurse because she's one of the most difficult Killers in the game, so the average player is going to struggle a lot and underperform in comparison to other Killers.

    But when she's used properly, no other Killer is better than her.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The average player won´t touch her while playing on rank 1.

    Rank 1 stats are low.

  • SheKIndaSucks
    SheKIndaSucks Member Posts: 46

    She's the only thing that keeps me playing, honestly. That said, the new patch has mangled her beyond belief which, on conjunction with map and hit issues, has brought about what'll likely be a fairly long break. I've lost count of the number of matches I've played today/yesterday where her hits have straight up not worked, gone through survivors, and just locked me in place. Let alone the blinks freezing you, maps having spots you straight up can't blink, and addons being fucky.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    I still play her. She's fun.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,240

    I play a ton of Nurse. Don't really main any one killer. I'm in the top 300 for blink attacks landed and I started in 2018 so...I've played a bit of Nurse. She's still the best overall killer in the game. Fun is subjective, but nobody, and I mean nobody, is taking Spirit over Nurse in the competitive scene unless they just don't have a good Nurse on their team. Against the best survivors, Nurse will always give you the best chance unless you're on Lery's/Hawkins.