Object of Obsession

Game-breaking perk. Kills the entire atmosphere. OP with SWF that already has a fifth perk with map-wide comms.
Keep Object
I don't think this perk should be as strong as it is and just needs a nerf. Simply deleting something out of the game just feels like a lazy fix. I believe there is a way to balance it.
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Keep Object
Nerf it, don't delete it
If you delete a perk you set a standard that it can happen to any other perk deemed overpowered, so what's to stop the next perk to be deleted something like NOED or Decisive?
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Keep Object
BHVR doesn't delete perks, plain and simple. Hopefully they will look beyond their stats that say Nurse is bottom tier and realize there is more to the story than just "Person with Object doesn't escape 100% of games so it must be fine."
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There needs to be a third option if this Poll is to have any gravity, i.e. "tweak" OoO. :)
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Keep Object
Obviously it should be kept, but nerfed.
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What about reworking OoO?
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Keep Object
it should, object is for the type of people who want to constant be chased by the killer and be safe from where he approches, so yeah, if you want to counter object, just give no damn about the object and focus on trying to get as much pressure, that's it.
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Delete Object
By voting "Delete This" this I only mean completely scrap this version of the perk, create an entirely new effect. The aura reading on command is extremely busted and shouldn't exist, especially if given comms.
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Delete Object
Tinkerer got deleted. Freddy got deleted. So should go the way of OoO.
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Delete Object
Object leeches what little fun can be had playing trapper in the first place. Delete Object.
P.S. If you use Object then you are an #########. Just want chases my ass.
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Keep Object
I'd prefer if they reworked the perk over deleting it entirely
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Delete Object
The ruin/tinkerer treatment.
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Delete Object
How about making it so that when you look at the killer it shows the auras that the killer see but not the killer? it would still be strong idk
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Delete Object
Rip trapper.
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Delete Object
I didn't think about that nvm
but then again object is broken against trapper anyway...
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Delete Object
nice name btw
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Delete Object
Fair enough... changing the aura read as you suggested might be a good line of thought though
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Keep Object
Deleting anything from a game is rarely the right call.
It should be nerfed though. Probably reworked.
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Keep Object
I say keep Object of Obsession but just rework it. They're never going to delete perks from the game, especially when they are unlockable because they are personal perks.
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Keep Object
If you nerf this i see no reason to nerf barbecue chili
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Keep Object
Was there ever even been a time when BHVR made an ultimate decision to delete a perk completely?
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BBQ requires a specific action to activate whereas OoO is always on. They're not the same.
Truth be told, BBQ is mostly ran for blood points. I'm willing to bet most killers don't run it for the auras.
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[comment recanted]
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Keep Object
Just keep it
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Keep Object
I've said it many times, you can't just delete a perk from the game, especially not one tied to a license.
OoO isn't getting changed either. This was confirmed in a Q&A.
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Keep Object
They got reworked, not deleted. I don't think he means rework, I think he means like actually deleted. Like removed from the game.
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Keep Object
I hate object, but it's not really broken; most killers seem to refuse to act on info obsession gives them. If I have a survivor hooked and I see object running for them, I know the location of two survivors
quick edit: Saying this as a killer. As a survivor ive never used object.
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Delete Object
In this context, same damn thing. A rework in any other game has at least some ties to the original thing. The perk we called Tinkerer got completly deleted form the game. The killer we called Freddy got completly deleted from the game. Now exists two completly different things with no real ties to the original. They got deleted.
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OoO gives far too much info, it really is a broken perk
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Keep Object
No because they got replaced. Deleted means they won't be replaced.
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Delete Object
This is something we will never agree on. So far as I'm concerned, if its longer in the game it got deleted. Something that has the same name still being in the game doesn't change that for me.
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Keep Object
That's fair enough. I understand your point.
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I think we should keep the obsession.. i am mostly obsession and getting extra exp when i die or survive is great.. yes many killers can either see you and youll end up dying very often.. but they just cant delete something which makes dead by daylight, dead by daylight