What do you think of the Twins?

I really didn’t like them at first and had to think twice about getting the chapter because of all the backlash it got.

I do however really enjoy this chapter quite a lot. The Twins are really good on Console! It seems the Devs actually made a killer that is good on console. I personally haven’t experienced any bugs with them. I really do think these killers are a High A tier if I am being honest, they are not the easiest to use but if I could compare their power to something, it seems to me that they have: Cloaked Wraith, Hag with Mint Rag, somewhat of Demos Shred and maybe a bit of ghostface in there (Victors attack).

Deerstalker seems like a perk I would most likely use on them until I get the hang on them a bit more, really any any aura perk.

What are your guys thought on them?


  • Cerebral_Harlot
    Cerebral_Harlot Member Posts: 280

    The twins seem a bit premature.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,924

    Victor scares me, chase music is cool, very original power, shame they came with what has likely been the buggiest patch ever released,

    seriously, they should have delayed this chapter for a month at least

  • CloakedInKoalas
    CloakedInKoalas Member Posts: 15

    I absolutely love The Twins! Their backstory, character design, gameplay, music, everything is top notch. My favorite killer so far. The bugs though, omg, they need fixing badly. Once it's fixed and polished, I think we'll be looking at the best killer in the game.

  • BabyCameron10
    BabyCameron10 Member Posts: 954

    I think they are an amazing killer, I do think their add-ons are not the best. They really should’ve haven them a UR add-on that makes survivors not be able to vault with Victor on them, something cool like that.

  • Cerebral_Harlot
    Cerebral_Harlot Member Posts: 280

    Tbh I'm not sure why that hindered penalty isn't applied on base kit.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited December 2020

    I was skeptical about them at first. They're quite devastating when played well.

    People are mentioning running around objects to avoid Victor, and I have to wonder if those killers are using add ons. There's literally nothing a survivor can do aside from locker diving if Victor has reduced charge time and increased speed. You have to straight up whiff to miss on PC.

    Once you get rolling, you have this scenario: one survivor slugged or hooked, another survivor with Victor on their back, and now you occupy another survivor with Charlotte chewing through map resources at little cost. The survivor with Victor either crushes him or eats the 45 seconds. That's literally one healthy and unpressured person on gens or making the save. And Victor's mobility allows you to slug and interrupt resets with ease. I've had everyone injured and ended games in 30 seconds once I got rolling.

    If you're good with M1 killers and aren't completely hamstrung with Charlotte, this killer is a nightmare for survivors.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    The Twins have potential, but it’s difficult to say how much because of the glitches. Half the time when I unleash Victor he seems to get stuck in place. Just discovered at the end of the last match that you can leap out of it, but still, it shouldn’t be happening. The controls are a bit wonky, and honestly the wait time between switching between characters is way too long. It should really be as simple as a click like a split screen. Also it should be as easy to see Victor on someone as it is to see him just standing there. It should feel a lot more like you’re really controlling two different people and not just using a weapon of some sort. 

    Also, when Victor is on someone they’re not supposed to be able to do anything, not even escape. However, people are still throwing down pallets and what’s the point of not allowing people to escape if they can just lean into the barred exit gate until you come along and hit them, at which point they can crawl out? They should make it so that at least ten seconds elapses before they can do that otherwise the ability is worthless. Or maybe make it so you can grab them like an interupting a gen repair or pallet jump. Also, give them skill checks while victor is latched on. Do these things and maybe we’ve got something. Maybe.