We have temporarily disabled The Houndmaster (Bone Chill Event queue) and Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater Cosmetic (all queues) due to issues affecting gameplay.

Visit the Kill Switch Master List for more information on these and other current known issues: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/299-kill-switch-master-list
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We encourage you to be as honest as possible in letting us know how you feel about the game. The information and answers provided are anonymous, not shared with any third-party, and will not be used for purposes other than survey analysis.

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Wraith mains unite! Also Clown! And Demo!

NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

Wraith is confirmed getting a few tweaks. They mentioned "true invisibility" on the Q&A stream. They also showed something about Clown, but not too much.

Clown: Different gas colors, and an automatic reload (I think). It's liable to change.

Edit: Demo is getting an add-on pass and a few tweaks after Clown. They also mentioned balance changes for Freddy, since he's been at the top for awhile.

@Boss It's happening.
