Outdated killer powers

We all like to point at bad killers and say fix them. But what about the other killers. The ones whose powers are outdated in the meta like doctor and Wraith? Doctor is a fix to a problem that doesn't exist anymore, sneaking around is not a strategy at high ranks it's not very useful. And being sneaky as killer is worthless because spinechill exists. Pig was a fix for Gen speeds and well she needs momentum to make that work and she doesn't have a power that can help her chase survivors down. With every new chapter a new problem comes for old killers. Every killer is a fix for a problem that survivors abuse. Gen speeds=Pig, Tracking=Doctor, Holding W=Nurse,Spirit,Billy,Hag,Blight.Vault loops=Huntress,Deathslinger, Pyramid head. Healing=Legion,Plague. Hook rushing=Bubba Demogorgon and Clown don't really counter anything. Freddy counters survivors existing on the map same with Nurse. Like killer design has become outdated and in need of REAL fixes not reworks that make them weak.


  • YoshisCookies
    YoshisCookies Member Posts: 67
    edited December 2020

    LOTS OF PERKS need updating its weird seeing a company like this scale update so slow. In league of legends they normally update old champ kits but it takes years for it to happen here. I would for them to update trapper/clown/legion bring them up to par with newer killers...but thats not going to happen. I really wish they would do a huge patch to look at all perks across the game and update the older/not used ones that would be nice

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Not enough resources to update everyone.

    Cant really compare Behaviour to Riot Games as Riot Games is waaaaaay bigger.

    The Bigger the company, the more resources they can spend for more content and updates.

    Also to note, Riot Games has done two updates to old kits this year, Fiddlesticks and Volibear. Behaviour has also done two reworks this year, Doctor and LeatherFace.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    That's trapper and wraith's biggest problem... The game moved on without them. Billy managed to survive just because his power was strong enough from the start, and fit better with the mechanics introduced over time. Trapper was strong against infinites, but the game moved away from that, and mitigated the issue for all killers, losing him his niche.

    Wraith got breathed upon, which helped make him feel less miserable in the modern game, but trapper's few and miniscule touches did nothing to catch him up to the rest of the world. He's the dbd embodiment of an old man yelling at clouds.

    Pig was detuned into mediocrity very early on because no one wanted to put in the effort she required to be successful against her. Then, after pulling her teeth, they just keep randomly slapping her in the face every couple of patches for some reason. I suspect some dev really dislikes Shawnee Smith.

    Doc is still hanging in there ok after his various touches, despite stealth not really being a huge element. Some of the more recent killers that encourage slightly more stealth and the use of anti stealth perks actually helps him in the battle for relevance.

    But yes, many killers were released as bandaids to problems. Legion was actually a bandaid for pallet fields I believe, as opposed to healing. Further, so many killer perks were released as bandaids for basic mechanical failures in the game, but there's so many, killers would need like a dozen perk slots to offset them all. Thankfully, the only ones that truly matter are the ones that handle genspeed, as genspeed controls the entire game. Hell, they are still doing it, pretty sure Hoarder was added just because of the sheer number of keys that get found in match and wind up hosing a killer for literally no reason.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Wraith is definitely an outdated character, his stealth is appaling compared to the other three stealth killers. Incredibly underwhelming. Other than that though I would say most killers have managed to tag along with the games pace at least somewhat. Trapper can still be very good at shutting down good loops, infact potentially easier these days with less strong loops needed to be trapped. Doctor's rework definitely put him back in the meta, able to antiloop and detect ppl easier. Spirit, Legion and clown are definitely starting to feel outdated, all with powers aimed at shutting down nasty loops which largely don't exist today, makign them either very underwheling or too opressive.

  • I think wraith has better stealth then pig Because he moved at like 127% while moves at 90% when crouched so he definitely has and advantage in stealth even if he can be seen across the map. But spinechill is the real issue here it takes killers and craps on them for trying to be stealthy. Doctor is only meta at low ranks with monkey solo players like me who get left on first hook to die in 60% of matches. He is not antiloop at high ranks because of the way vaults work and the slow down he gets from doing it.

  • I think wraith has better stealth then pig Because he moved at like 127% while moves at 90% when crouched so he definitely has and advantage in stealth even if he can be seen across the map. But spinechill is the real issue here it takes killers and craps on them for trying to be stealthy. Doctor is only meta at low ranks with monkey solo players like me who get left on first hook to die in 60% of matches. He is not antiloop at high ranks because of the way vaults work and the slow down he gets from doing it.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Pig, Micheal, Trapper and Wraith are the only ones I personally feel are outdated. Doc is fine. His main power is his anti loop, not his static blast.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Imo Wraith needs a power, but I'm not gonna bring this up to the devs because they're gonna return his add-ons and by looking at Nurse and Billy.., Wraith is fine

    Pig imo needs a power, you crouch down at a loop and survivors run away there for nullifying her ambush.

    Mikey needs to be updated! I would say get rid of T1 since it has no place in the game today, and as for his add-ons, well I don't wanna repeat myself

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    I dont think there are powers which are outdated. Some are clearly weaker in the meta, but they dont need a complete rework.

    Most of the weak killer, who have no good chase ability, benefit from the map reworks.

    At the moment a strong killer needs a way to play around pallets. With weaker maps that could change.

    I think most of the killer need only some changes, not a rework.

    Wraith with basekit-windstorm and better stealth.

    Trapper with basekit-bag and traps spawning more in the middle. No trap escape rng. Better trap spots for indoormaps.

    Pig no trap rng and a better chase ability to counter pallet dropping

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I actually think the devs did a good job updating Doc. The core concept of his power stayed the same but it feels much better to use.

    Out of the remaining killers I think Trapper, Wraith, Myers and Pig feel outdated. The others are all fine in my opinion, and even these four would be fine with some small buffs. Trapper needs to be less hobbled by his power (it’s so easy to counter, and requires too much of a time investment for how little payoff it can actually provide). Wraith just needs some flat out buffs - why is he so clearly visible while cloaked when he can’t even attack out of his power, for example? Spirit would like a word. Myers is sort of like Trapper - his power can work well or it can fall super flat because it can just take too long to get running. And Pig I think would be okay if she wasn’t so slow while crouched.

  • Evelyn208
    Evelyn208 Member Posts: 31

    Power creep is a huge issue even for Survivor perks. Like every time someone mentions Quinten I have to laugh. Like totally useless. Last week I would have said they'd never release Elodie with such useless perks but well seeing the state of the Twins they probably would TBH. Most companies would push back the release and say it didn't meet standards etc etc but BHVR literally DGAF.