Wraith mains unite! Also Clown! And Demo!

Wraith is confirmed getting a few tweaks. They mentioned "true invisibility" on the Q&A stream. They also showed something about Clown, but not too much.
Clown: Different gas colors, and an automatic reload (I think). It's liable to change.
Edit: Demo is getting an add-on pass and a few tweaks after Clown. They also mentioned balance changes for Freddy, since he's been at the top for awhile.
@Boss It's happening.
Auto reload would be fantastic for clown. "True invisibility" also sounds very cool but they will probably make his footsteps much louder to counter.
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I'd prefer reducing the sound of his snarls by alot and make Wraith 100% invisible past 32 meters, but this seems pretty nice.
Different coloured gas? Oh my god my man about to turn into Pop Fizz from Skylanders
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I'm going to guess it's from a distance, similar to Freddy for awake survivors.
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I will wait and see. I love Wraith which is why I don't want to get too hyped 🥺
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Oh that is going to be cool, Clown really needed an automatic reloader thats gonna help him out a lot
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About time Demo gets his addons changed
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Hopefully he gets more speed while holding down of the abyss
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If his snarl sounds were reduced and he had true invisibility from a distance, what tier would you think he would be? Like a B+? I dont think he'd be A unless the bell got reworked too
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INB4 Rat Liver is removed from the game and not made base kit, either T_T
On a serious note, I like Clown's manual reload. I don't like the idea of an auto reload if I messed up with all my bottle tosses. It also eliminates reloading at safe pallets (when they're dropped) to get Hindered and reloading in/around certain structures.
I'm 100% sure his Exhaustion add-on will be nuked, though :(
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Again, its just a guess for the automatic reload - but it looked like it.
Not only did the gas have different colors, it changed colors while exploded.
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ooh I'm gonna have to see this, is the QaA still happening?
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it is indeed, but even if you miss it you can find it on twitch. It seems like it's ending now though.
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Huntress is also supposed to get addon pass soon. Probably together with Clown update.
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omg is my dream idea of wraith being totally invisible outside 16 meters coming true!?
the only thing i hate about wraith is being seen from halfway across the map due to a lack of cover, that one change would make him way better at getting ambush hits in the open but it wont do anything to survivors who were already in spots you could sneak up on since the result would be the same.
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this is 32/24/16/8 meters mate thats way too far, to me somewhere between 16 to 12 meters seems to be the sweat spot.
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oh, thank you. yeah, probably somewhere like 16 meters would be perfect
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I’m really glad about the Wraith getting some love. He doesn’t need a rework, plenty of people enjoy him as is, but something to make him a little stronger will surely be appreciated. :)
Not sure how I feel about Demo though tbh. I enjoy him as is. Better add ons would be nice but I hope they don’t change his base power too much.
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From what I heard, Demo isn't being changed too much - just a few add-on changes and tweaks. They like his base power for the most part.
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That’s a good point, I’d forgotten the specific wording of their answer but they did say they’re happy with him, you’re right.
So I change my answer to: yay, Demo!
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Kinda scared of what they might do, but I'll wait for a list of the planned changes first.
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Everyone getting a hard on for wraith invisibility must have forgtton about Spinechill😕
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As a fellow Wraith main (well, co--main on my part) I'm right there with you. Concerned because of their mixed results with "tweaking" characters...I really don't want to see another killer I love get hurt, either in the "much less effective" realm or the "much less fun" realm...
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They mentioned invisibility...
I've always hates his predator "shimmer". I feel like they could go full invisible with wraith because he can still be heard snarling.
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i'm kinda scared too. BHVR has a bad habit of overbuffing easy-to-use killers
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About the clown, don't forget that they confirmed that the new bottle dynamic is 100% final and it won't change at all from what they shown us!
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Okay, so in regards to the theorized Wraith change, coming from an on-and-off Wraith Main:
True invisibility would be absolutely fantastic for Wraith. He already is noisy as hell while cloaked, and also tangible, so why does he also have this obnoxious shimmer about him?
Give him this, a slightly reduced decloak time/an improvement to decloak addons, and Green Windstorm base, and Wraith would actually be pretty damn good.
Of course, you'd have to rework the Windstorm addons as a whole, but still.
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What they mentioned is great.
What i fear is what they didn't mention.
Fear of the unknown, y'know?
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Just kinda worried, I play these three a lot and have gotten around their shortcomings and used to them (I like most of demos add-ons) and I think clown is pretty good how he currently is. In practice Wraith's true invisibility probably won't make much of a difference but it seems like it would be obnoxious on the survivor's end.