Oppression change

Oppression is a decent gen defence perk as it is, however to make it great there is 1 small change I’d like to see.
positive for killer- better gen defence perk instead of having to use the same old, ruin, pop, undying etc.
positive for survivor- same thing, you avoid playing as many ruin undying combos because there is another perk that can compete with it and change it up.
oppression should only degrees 3 random generators THAT HAVE STARTED TO PROGRESS. It should affect 3 random gens and 1 or 2 or even 3 of them could be at 0% already. That’s completely pointless. Keep the skill check trigger in there as is for those that are currently working on a gen.
what do you think?
You're saying gens at 0% sometimes get hit by Opression? Can someone clear this up, do untouched gens have a chance to get hit and therefore waste Opression?
Cause if so that's dumb with an 80 second cooldown and it definitely should only hit active gens
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Perk description says “3 random generators” doesn’t say anything about them havingn any progression on them.
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that should just be a base thing, i would consider that a fix not a buff.
Even if they do that i think the perk's cooldown limits it too severely, it's cooldown should at LEAST be 60 seconds.
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This is correct, the "random gens" it can fire on can be ones that have never been touched by survivors. With it's long cooldown, it really should only hit generators that have some kind of progress on them.
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Cool down should really only be 60 seconds and it should only hit gens that have progress on them. It’s still only normal regression speed and skill checks can be hit to negate it.