How Do You Deal With SWF?

I can't stand playing against SWF. They always know what you're doing, WILL (not try to) stop you from getting anywhere, and are as toxic as a toxic barrel. How am I supposed to deal with these people?
Adapt accordingly. Here are some personal tips
Stealth killers are great against them since their OoO won't be as effective
At least one of them will be running Prove Thyself to speed up gens. If the team does everything in their might to protect them, that's the one
Always assume that everyone has BT. There should be about 2 or more who's purpose is to protect their OoO or Prove Thyself user. Those people will typically be running either Breakout, We'll Make It, Deliverance, or Dead Hard in an attempt to throw you off, waste your time, and loop you for 3 gens. If you know which one they are, you can either slug them, ignore them, or run Forced Penance if you're really annoyed by them.
Typically there won't be a healer since there should be several instances of Unbreakable and Adrenaline.
Due to the totem meta, there should be at least 1 Detective's Hunch user. There's almost no way to know which one since the moment that person finishes a gen, their entire team will know where every single totem is. Because of this, don't rely too much on your Ruin Undying.
That's the general SWF team. Here are other types
Immersed teams
If you notice that everyone in the lobby is either a Claudette or a Tapp, there's a huge chance it's an immersed group. Their build will probably consist of Iron Will, Calm Spirit, Urban Evasion, Spine Chill or sometimes Technician. Whispers breaks through all of them. Nurse's can also work if they manage to escape your chase.
Flashlight Bully Squads
If you see that the survivors are bringing a lot of flashlight, bring Lightborn. It works all the time and you don't need to hit them. Oh, and if you're playing Hag, you're better off bringing Franklin's Demise since they're probably going to use their flashlights on your traps.
General Bully Squads
4 keys with all survivors running DS, Unbreakable, Dead Hard, and Adrenaline. The comments below has enlightened me. Play dirty, bring Ebony Mori, NOED, and anything that pisses survivors off. Play Spirit or Deathslinger just for the sake of it. If they're going to make you suffer, do everything in your might to do the same to them
Post edited by Saltjar34 on6 -
Take out one of them as quickly as you can by any means necessary. Dont play their game, or they will play you
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Ignore everyone else and listen to me. You see a SWF you bring a Mori and Noed and watch them throw a tantrum in chat afterwords.
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Yes I agree with this idea!
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I think taking advantage of an opportunity to snowball with their altruism is a great start
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How do I deal with SWF?
I lose.
I feel indignant.
Not always in that order.
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Bring a Ebony mori or Noed, maybe both.
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I kill them ez
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Tunnel off hooks into Ebony Mori
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Correct answer.
SWFs actually love Moris and NoEd as they appreciate the challenge. Probably.
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Personally I love Save The Best For Last against SWFs. They always try to take hits if one of them is in trouble which can easily backfire, they often have at least one guy with a flashlight which is easy extra stacks every time you down someone, BT is common and another easy source of stacks, and as long as you ignore the Obsession you can snowball really fast. You can quickly slug if they try to force you to eat DS. If they rush hooks you’re golden and you can get multiple survivors on the ground.
If you’re playing a non-M1 killer then this is useless advice but you should be able to deal with them by using your power. And if they’re a SWF that splits up and plays super efficient and not altruistic then STBFL won’t do as much for you, but then you’re gonna struggle against those teams whatever you do.
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If there is a toxic one who is blatantly trying to get your attention then ignore them. This is the distraction who tries to run you around and waste your time while the rest knock out gens.
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If they're going to sweat gens and finish the game in 5 minutes, nothing.
If they're a normal SWF?
Abuse their altruism - no free unhooks. Assume flashlight saves always, and fake pickups for free hits. Ensure whoever is holding a key is on the ground or on the hook at all times. Play your best.
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I play against 4 man sweat squads in custom lobbies almost daily. Some tips:
Nothing will replace chase/killer mechanics. There is no perk out there that will make you run a tile correctly. That's on you.
Don't be overly reliant on information perks. They don't do anything other than tell you things you can already figure out with enough experience. BBQ literally does nothing when you realize you can usually take 10 steps in one direction, look at a gen, and then make a decision on where you need to go in a general sense. Whispers? Why? The closest survivors can possibly spawn to you is 3 tiles away in either direction. Most maps have relatively static spawns.
Pay attention to your gen positions and don't let the map get split early. Holding a 3 gen isn't possible against 4 good players, but it's possible against 3.
Stop playing around DS. One survivor on second state at 3 gens is significantly more pressure than three survivors on first hook.
Assume survivors are talking. You chased someone off of a gen. Someone is probably rotating to it. Anticipating communication is particularly devastating on killers like Nurse/Spirit/Blight.
Lastly, keep in mind that many killers on the roster aren't equipped to deal with 4 good players on comms. Your viable killers are Nurse, Spirit, Blight, Pyramid Head, Freddy, Hag, and then a decent drop off to Doc/Billy/Oni.
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I don't understand why so many people think swf are a great challange. It's usually just a bunch of friends playing together, and for some reason they deserve to be moried and camped?
Just play the game normally, they aren't that much of a threat.
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Ruin + Undying alchemist ring Blight
C33 if tournament swf
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Situation awareness. Identify what you’re dealing with and react. They don’t actually play ‘differently’ in an unbeatable fashion. I never see ‘death squads’ anymore and I think it’s because I’ve gotten better at the game 🤷♂️
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Do what I do every game. Infectious fright nurse, and if someone irritates you even a little bit, slug them to death.
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There isn't a way to deal with them. You have to hope that you get some mediocre SWF group and that is all one can do. 4 good survivors will almost always defeat a killer, even a good killer.
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This is my method.
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Since I don't play/care for ranks, if they are way above my skill level and are mocking/harassing me, ill head to the basement, face in the corner (so they cannot farm BP) take my mobile and reddit/picdump/forum, wait until all gens are done and then open the door... Next match 😊
(im not talking about normal swf teams, better players/teams are always a chance to learn)
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UPDATE: Thanks everyone! Just finished my first SWF match after posting this. I read through the replies, and all of the info was super useful, and accurate too. Got all four of 'em, and was having a blast.
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stand at the gate and move onto the next game with a fair team?
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People get up in arms about SWF because they have a bad match here and there against a 4-stack bringing stuff like OoO and BNPs and sending them to Haddonfield and all that, and those bad matches stick in their minds more than the normal matches where they probably don't even realize they're playing against SWFs. So when they think about "how a SWF lobby plays," they think of tightly-coordinated players sending them to an awful map and absolutely destroying them.
Really, my personal advice for how to deal with SWFs is to just do your best and accept that sometimes, you're just gonna have a bad match. Don't let it get you down. If people are sending you to Haddonfield and using all the strongest perks and items and making you look like a chump, don't sweat it. It happens, and it's not the end of the world. If you're worried that someone's gonna send you to a bad map, you can always try to put up a different map offering or a sacrificial ward.
Unfortunately, coordinated SWFs can sometimes be near-impossible to beat, if you're playing off-meta or you aren't playing a high-tier killer. That said, if you're making the decision to play things you know are weak, you probably don't mind losing to good survivors anyways.
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They also make the problems with the core of the game glaringly obvious and make you realize that you only win because the survivors were bad or let you.
Using bond in solo q shows you why the killer wins most of the time and it isn't because he was good.
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They’re hard work, but they’re usually very predictable too.
There should be certain plays you should regularly expect from a team you suspect is SWF. Use that to your advantage.
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I bring ebony if I suspect a SWF. Feels nice.
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I've literally only ever lost because of swf BS, it's unfair that they get to cooperate as a team while I only get the ability to catch up to them and kill them
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In my experience, the kryptonite for 90% of swfs is noed. When they realise there is no ruin/undying they'll completely ignore totems and rinse genss, but don't completely ignore protecting gens. What gives noed killers away most of the time is them completely ignoring gens and just committing to chases.
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By playing Stellaris
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Against good SWF? Hm..
Look for the weakest link. Even a rank 20 can hold M1. Some swf groups will throw the game to defend their newbie.
Don't feel bad for bringing better addons or even a Mori. SWF as itself already provides a lot of advantages. Giving yourself an advantage is only fair.
If someone wants your attention. Ignore them. Or make sure you can down them. Usually the good looper will do everything to have your attention.
If one of them knows. All of them will know. If you place a trap in a good spot, they will know. If one spotted your hex totem. The others will know, too.
Don't get tilted if you lose.
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Roll my eyes, and pull the gate lever myself after 5 minutes! Ha
But seriously, that's usually the worst case scenario which has been frustratingly common with matchmaking deciding I should face people 10+ ranks over me.
Best case scenario, I feel out the survivors. If one seems really good at looping, and practically wants to be chased, I drop chase, and they're dead to me, basically.
I call these people "bodyguards" as they are usually the hard protective shell to the soft, gooey survivors they're boosting. Go after the others, feel them out, find the easiest one to catch.
There is such a thing as being too good as a bodyguard.
Take a page from Sun Tzu, and flow like water, through areas of less resistance.
SWF is frustrating, but it's a lack of decent matchmaking that tends to fuel it. In a perfect game, you wouldn't be paired up against people that will blow you out of the water. At least not very often. Especially not several times in a row.
Leave the broken SWF squads to the people that can handle them.
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Get really good at Nurse and Spirit. It's going to take an incredibly long time, but worth it in the end.
(Though you will reach a point of knowing more about the game than the majority of players, and then on the Forums everyone will gut you because you see the truth and they all still have yet to even learn the basics of the game)
I'm sure you will be fine.
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Also avoiding swf imo is better option unless you know they suck. Usually you can tell if there swf with obvious things like same clothing/friends list etc. But the BEST METHOD TO AVOID SWF by far is watching how fast they join the lobby together 99% of the time you can avoid swf by simply dodging games when survivors join the lobby simultaneously or in close proximity to each other. That's all you need to pay attention to and you'll guaranteed never to have swf ever again ez pz.
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Play like you want to spite them or dodge the lobby. At least if you can tell they're a competent SWF. You'll get very little reward for beating them anyway, given you'll often have to one hook or tunnel to be optimal.