The matchmaking is not working

I keep getting put with fellow red rank survivors against green rank killers. And no, they are not good for their level. It's 3 or 4 escapes every time. It's not fun for either side.


  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    My last match for the night.. Me with two rank 17s and one rank 19 against a rank 11 killer. This cannot be intended.... Right?

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    I would just like to mention that matchmaking in this game has pretty much universally been screwy since day 1.

    Not that your feelings are invalid, but this is a WIDELY-known issue.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    I finally came back to the game after 3 months so I got out in purple ranks (rank 8) Killer was rank 16, two of my teammates were rank 16, and one rank 7. No I was not doing SWF (the people I used to play with I cut off due to unrelated reasons)

    4 man escape

    So the killer only shoulda been put with the yellow rank survivors, not two purple ranks

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    As a rank 10 killer, there isn't even a ######### rank 10 in this game. If I try playing in the evening, it's only red ranks. But that's not even exclusive to my rank, as I've climbed the ranks I've found the hard limit is 10 rankings difference (barring SWF where of course they let everything fly out the ######### window again) where at rank 14 if you play at night you're facing up to rank 4 players already.

    It's not matchmaking that's the issue. There's just a serious killer shortage, so in order to keep matchmaking times somewhat reasonable, they just say ######### it and keep piling on with the sort of BS matches that make playing killer such a miserable ######### time in the first place, which results in even fewer people playing killer... and so on, and so on.

    The problem ultimately roots back to SWF, which really means voice-communication as far as being an issue here. But the devs refuse to either (a) implement VC for real and balance accordingly, (b) separate gameplay modes and balance accordingly, or (c) prohibit VC in any way whatsoever.

    That last one could even just mean that instead of saying VC is all good and totes not a problem, they could maybe try expressing the obvious and see what happens, like "hey maybe dont use voice comms in public matches okay? we'll even just go on the honor system here, but this game is balanced around players who can't even ######### type messages to each other, so no ######### even the most casual of instant communication is gonna massively distort the gameplay events to the point that makes steroids look like a reasonable accommodation for baseball players."

    But they're so afraid of rocking the money boat that they keep piling on these short term fixes leading to more and more troubles down the line.

    The thing that really sums it up: it's pathetic that a game needing only one killer for every four survivor players could ever end up having shorter killer queue times... but it's BEYOND pathetic that they're so out of whack they have to dip into sub-rankings to make the times even remotely reasonable and basically toss out the rankings entirely to the point that literally half the ranking tree, 10 levels, is deemed an acceptable deviation for matchmaking.

    BHVR deserves real contempt for letting the situation get this bad.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Seems like I'm always paired or pitted against much higher ranks. I understand why wait time trumps actual matches but it has a negative effect on game pacing in my experience.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    I wonder what would happen if they gave the killer the ability to opt out of swf lobbies like you already can with crossplay? I don’t have to wonder too hard how swf groups would respond, but it would be an interesting experiment.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    Yeah, running into people I shouldn't be all of a sudden. Like 10 levels or so above me.


  • SassySolidSnake
    SassySolidSnake Member Posts: 65

    I think in this moment it's even worse because half the killers are bugged and more folks are playing survivor. I was playing survivor tonight (red ranks, solo) and all my lobbies looked like rainbows.

  • leno
    leno Member Posts: 53

    The solution would be that if there are no killers matching your rank available, you simply won't get match at all. You're forced to play killer as well and vice versa. I started playing in 2018 and the matchmaking was working good back then. I don't get why someone wants to play just the other side, you're missing half of the game πŸ™„

    I always play whatever gets me to play the game and not just wait. I have a limited time available and I don't want to use it just idling. Lately I pretty much can only play killer. It's up to the players how this system works, boys and girls.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    Huh? I do play killer plenty. Sometimes I'm in the mood for survivor and sometimes for killer.

  • nfochairman
    nfochairman Member Posts: 50

    Part of the problem is how Toxic this gaming community is. DBD is horrible for trolling low level killers. I am a level 16 killer and getting mocked because i couldn't kill a group of 8's.

    I'm thinking "well of course i have trouble killing a bunch of 8's" and being relentlessly mocked by these professionals doesn't exactly make me want to hit the ready button for another round of feeling like an idiot.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    The issue with the MM problems is the lack of red and purple rank killers for how many high rank survivors and SWF groups with high ranking survivors there are. (SWF matchmaking uses the highest ranking survivor). To ensure these survivors don't have lengthy queues, the game will place any killer into their lobby after a while. Which tends to be a low ranking killer.

    This is most prevalent during peak gaming times, evenings and the weekend, when all the 3/4 person SWF teams play the game.

    Another issue is SWF MM will steal low ranking survivors in SWF groups from being matched against low ranking killers. Instead they will be placed into the already crowded high rank survivor queue. Which of course increases the odds they and their high ranking SWF buddies will be matched against a low rank killer. Whereas if the high rank SWF and low rank SWF members were separate, this would decrease the odds of the high rank SWF members being matched against a low rank killer.

    Long story short somehow the devs have to convince more people play killer and play killer enough to rank up. While also convincing people to play solo survivor and not only with their SWF buddies.

    So they have to look at why people don't like playing killer and solo survivor.

  • nfochairman
    nfochairman Member Posts: 50

    i am a bloodpoints player if they want more killer players up the bloodpoints for killers over survivors...i'd definitely be interested in that.

    it would make getting destroyed by high ranking survivors a bit more worth it

  • leno
    leno Member Posts: 53

    Yeah sorry, I just meant that in general about matchmaking problems. I didn't mean that you're survivor main.