Now frames drop GREATLY when someone uses Dead Hard? ######### (Console as always)

Why is it since day 1 of this patch that every time somebody uses dead hard my game just freezes. Its annoying. And too common. Im just really annoyed with the amount of things that make the console experience worse and worse each patch
What system? Im on the OneX and dont have that issue at all.
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I get that with Sprint Burst, too, sometimes. (PS4 Pro)
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It’s brutal on ps4, it happens quite often where it’s a huge spike or it gives the invulnerability but I don’t move or it gives me exhaustion but no invulnerability or dash. Really annoying that this wasn’t an issue when I stopped playing the game like 8 months ago, but since I’ve come back like 3 months ago, it’s a huge problem.
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standard xbox one
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Fps drops on Xbox series X as well
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Strange. I wonder if the volume of perks added is just starting to make the og one's processor have an aneurism.
Only consistent issue i run into is lobby issues. Every few games in swf, someone in party will leave lobby on our screens but not theirs or for 3 of us itll say we're looking for match but then the 4th will be like "you guys gonna ready?
Only way to fix it is to restart the entire game or we'll sit in lobby forever.
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Notice this for a while I can say every time someone uses it against me Spike's really bad main reason why I end up swinging.
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yeah this is always been an issue since I've played dead by daylight even if I'm just playing with one other person. I hopped into a custom match with one other person the other day to test out a perk to see if it had synergy with another perk and it did it in a Lobby in a freaking custom match with one other person
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Ive been playing about a year and a half and its existed as long as ive been around. You'd think it'd be an easy enough fix.
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Welcome to the console experience :^)
That has been in the game for quite a long time.
It's kinda inconsistent too.Sometimes dead hard and sprint burst freezes my game for a second and sometimes it doesn't
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On ps4 when you fall asleep against freddy your game literally freezes. I missed a skill check and ended up getting hooked cause of frame drops.
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Thats what I'm saying. Its usually inconsistent but for me now it always lags when somebody uses it