Where the stast for bloodlust

You tell us you have the stast and you will show us but i never see them anywhere. So can we have it now ?
It's in the Q&A they just recently did.
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Mclean said the difference was like 1-2% kill rate. Other than that they didn't say anything about the experiment I think.
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They never said they would show us the stats, did they?
they mentioned some results in the Q&A, I guess they are also further and deeper looking into the results.
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didn't they say the killrate went up before the experiment but then went back down to how it usually is?
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But they never show us anything
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They said that they have a graf for us but it not a nice looking one. After that never show those stats
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The stats may be flawed anyway. Killer players that didn't rely on bloodlust would have played as normal. Killer players that did have to rely on bloodlust were likely to either switch to survivor or play killers such as Spirit who don't need bloodlust.
This may falsely suggest that average-skilled players are not relying on bloodlust.
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Yes, they compared the Kill rate the weekend of the Bloodlust experiment to the weekend prior and there was about a 1% difference in Killrate - however they also noticed that the weekend prior had a 1% higher Killrate than the average weekend.
So the anomaly was the weekend before, not the experiment itself.
As an aside, wasn't there a free weekend a while ago on Steam? Maybe it was that weekend?