Something That Needs Addressing About Elodie



  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    "there is nothing funny about literally saying something with racist undertones."

    So it's racist to think two people look similar.

    I think Metro Man from Megamind looks like Markiplier. Guess I hate white people.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,480

    Claudette but disco

    or Claudette but shes secretly foxy Cleopatra from austin powers goldmember

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    They look nothing alike. Go to the doctor and get prescribed some glasses my guy

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    I don’t feel they look similar at all.

    Elodie appears much older, imo.

    Maybe those people who you’re speaking of were meaning to refer to Elodie in the manner of her commonplace with Claudie which you stated, “they’re both female and black”

    possibly how they meant what they said was, “black female #2” and there wasn’t really any racist intent behind their choice words, idek tho. I guess we’d have to discuss this with ppl who said/are saying what OP is describing.

    But, have those people also called Tapp, Adam #2? idk.

    Possibly, in their eyes they genuinely see Claudie resembling Elodie, kinda like a colorblind person sees red appearing as green within their vision, or someone who is completely tone deaf hears their voice as sounding like Mariah Carey when they sing and their pitch is flat. Not sure how that can be changed.

    I guess we won’t know for certain until they speak up and try justify their words for us to understand what they really feel.

    Hopefully we can find some resolve in these discussions.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Their hair is the only similarity. She’s lighter skinned and has completely different proportions lol

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303
    edited November 2020

    This is so silly that I debated even responding to it. I never said that people on DBD purposely mis-identifying characters of color was the biggest travesty in the world. If you think I'm racist I really don't care, because it's obvious you're trying to villainize me because you don't like my post. My problem with people who say Elodie is Claudette 2 is because they're literally inferring that two entirely different women of color are basically the same and look alike, which is inherently racist. As somebody who is half Egyptian myself, I would be extremely offended if somebody said I looked like another Egyptian who has almost no similarities to me. It's obvious through your post that YOU are the one who believes you're some kind of martyr, as somebody who isn't white I sincerely ask that you go back to whatever arrogant place you came from and actually see there IS a problem in the DBD with how people address characters if color in this game, as there has been since it's inception. You can be an ass to me all you want, but if you would like to infer there isn't a problem in the community or that I somehow am ignorant toward racism when I have literally gone through it myself is insane and you obviously shouldn't make assumptions about me personally on a forum website. So please check YOUR self. P.S. My activism resume is longer than your forehead and I'm literally going into social policy writing for my masters so please sit down ty.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Many people are calling Charlotte a “old ugly Nea”

    I don’t think Nea’s ugly at all, and I really don’t think Charlotte looks like Nea either.

    It doesn’t seem anyone is up in arms about all of that, tho.

    Maybz ‘cause they are always mean to Nea and say she’s evil and that she’s the entity, idk

    Still don’t think Nea deserves all that abuse😔

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I guess that's you.

    I on the contrary find their hairstyles to be very different, but their skin colors are quite similar.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    At first, in the video reveal, I thought she was Claudette, but then I noticed she looked different and was not sure until they revealed it. Granted, looking at both of them now, they have a lot of differences from one another, starting with the skin tone and expressions, etc.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    One of Claudette's hairstyles is very similar in shape to Elodie's. Their skin tones, face shape, and bodies are vastly different though. How anyone gets these two confused and the proceeds to call Elodie Claudette Two amazes me.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    You're assuming that the people on this forum somehow believe that black people are less than for comparing two black women when others have expressed, including myself, that they've done it to white characters. Elodie and Claudette do have some similarities, but they are by and large two completely different people. It doesn't mean you can't compare. Nea and Kate look nothing alike but certain cosmetics draw similarities. Intent matters more here.

    And heaven forbid that people think Claudette got a new skin and that it wasn't an entirely different character. I thought it was a new Claudette skin when I saw a thumbnail for the new chapter on DbD on YouTube showing Elodie from behind. As others have mentioned, Claudette has a similar hairstyle and we know Claudette is fashionably bold as per previous cosmetics so it isn't a far fetch to assume.

    And literally nobody has said they're basically the same person. Nobody. If they did, they were trolling, blind, or dumb. For real. The people commenting on this thread have just said I thought it was Claudette at first or are drawing similarities. Which is something people do for everyone! People did the same for Kate when she was introduced. But nobody cared about that.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    So calling all bald people "Vin Diesel"/"Bruce Willis" and calling all people with glasses "Harry Potter" is considered a joke and playful exaggeration, but somehow calling Elodie "Claudette" is an offensive statement? #########?

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    90% of the time you're seeing this view. Skin color is obscured enough in the maps and unless you know every single cosmetic item for both characters, you will mistake claudette for elodie. Blame it on the devs for giving the black characters similar haircuts with the same color hair, not on the players that do not get a very good look at the survivors while playing the game, especially playing killer.

    The white survivors have different hair cuts and different colors of hair, so they're a little easier to distinguish. Even then it's sometimes hard to distinguish which characters are which while in the middle of a game.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I don't think the OP's issue was with accidental misidentification.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I'm not sure if you include me with "confusing these two", but just to make sure: I'm not.

    All i'm saying is that i find these two to be similar in obvious manners, and practically everything that can be made more detailed is made different between the two.

    Also, i myself am not gonna say their hairstyles are somewhat similar because 1 specific hairstyle makes them similar: Their basic hairstyles, a.k.a. the hairstyles that you can get a bloody Prestige version of, are too different to be called similar.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I was mentioning the one specific hairstyle because it's literally the only thing the two have that's genuinely similar to one another. If by obvious you mean their skin color... Their skin color is very different. The thread is about people purposefully misidentifying a character anyways so.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited November 2020

    Ok, first, it was perfectly reasonable to assume it was a Claudette skin. Especially in the trailer I didn't realise it was a new survivor until she had a name at the end. Claudette gets a LOT of variation in cosmetics and nothing about this suggested any differently. If they released a more urban character who dresses in baggy jeans and is more themed around a harder life than Claudette people could argue that "Claudette doesn't fit that style," but we're still getting that as a cosmetic set from the community.

    Secondly, I don't think it's so much "Claudette #2" meant as "Woman of Colour #2," I would assume it's meant more that everything about her except the ludicrously bright top is shades of black and brown. The second she gets a darker top cosmetic there'll be people latching on for the exact same intention of being Blendies.

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    People, quite literally, have been saying they are exactly the same, have you not been reading some of these comments? I don’t know why you insist on arguing with me when there are real issues, as you said. People during the Twitch stream today that Behavior hosts were even commenting “Claudette 2.0” in reference to Elodie. Just because YOU don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    If you mean visually, then sure.

    What i said was that some of their traits are similar, which isn't limited to visual aspects.

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    I have updated my original post to better convey what is is I mean. Basically my issue isn't with accidental misidentification, it's people who know Elodie is an entirely different character that want to literally just call her Claudette because she is black, that's literally it,

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    It's really quite simple.

    1. Claudette has cosmetics that give her a similar Hairstyle to Elodie (namely, the "Side Parted Curls" headpiece)
    2. Killers mostly view survivors from the back, only getting fleeting glances of the face.

    Sure, you can tell the difference, and if you look at their faces it's blatantly obvious, but the distinctions between the two are subtle.

    If you're looking at them from behind, though, she does look very similar to Claudette (not to the point where you can mistake them, but still), and you'd basically have to be blind to not see it.

  • balenciaga
    balenciaga Member Posts: 21

    she looked completely different to Claudette from that cartoon trailer. and judging by this thread it’s honestly astounding how openly ignorant and racist a lot of people in the DBD community are. yikes

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298
    edited December 2020

    This kind of posts always assures me that people posting them are significantly more racist than those they complain about; by bringing a matter of skin color into a question that never had anything to do with it, and self-victimizing / getting offended on behalf of other, while relying on their own questionable assumptions.

    Post edited by TripleSteal on
  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    lol I needed a chuckle

  • OctaviusK
    OctaviusK Member Posts: 125

    Okay lets look at this.

    This person looks like this person.

    That isn't bad at all, calling two people similar is fine. I think your being a bit... Overprotectice? Thats the wrong word but whatever. It's fine to call two people similar just learn when your told your wrong if you don't then your just being a troll.

  • SharkPiledriver
    SharkPiledriver Member Posts: 37

    >"Claudette Number Two"


  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    I kinda get it. From what I'm reading OP is frustrated by ppl knowingly referring to Elodie as Claudette 2.0. So not in game, or from trailers, where things can be vague, but in conversations where we already know Elodie's identity as a separate survivor.

    At least that's how the complaint read to me 🤷‍♀️

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351

    And people called Felix David 2.0 and Ghostface Myers 2.0 what's your point other then to bait.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Not being offended by everything leads to a much more chill and happy life.

    Does it really matter that people call Elodie Claudette#2 as a joke.

    Is it really worth getting angry and making a post about where you know you will end up getting frustrated by arguing with people who don't see it your way?

    Wouldn't it be more relaxing if you just looked at yourself and be an example rather then trying to fruitlessly change people who mostly are not even being serious.

    Trust me, it's just not worth it. If there is actual discrimination because of race then you can and should open your mouth.

    2 fictional characters of colors being mixed is hardly worth getting upset about

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Their skin color isn't even remotely similar. When I first saw Élodie, her French name/light skin color/hair color made me assume she was mixed heritage (which I believe I was wrong about, it was just an assumption). Her skin color is much lighter than Claudette's.