

Which Killer Needs a Rework?

Member Posts: 8

Which Killer Needs a Rework? 110 votes

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  • Member Posts: 3,666

    The chainsaw bros are next on the rework zone, im almost sure of it.

  • Member Posts: 621

    I am tied with leatherface tbh

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    Just buffing or nerfing Legion isn't going to put them in a good state.

    Their power lets them bypass both stealth and chase mechanics. Either it's like it is now, where it comes with arbitrary penalties that make using it excessively punitive, or it's overpowered and frustrating to face.

    A few simple tweaks to their add-ons and base kit power could make them a lot more fun to use, but they need a new power if they're going to be in a healthy state for both sides.

    Clown, Leatherface, and Pig might be fine with some basekit tweaks and add-on changes; but Legion needs to be redone from the ground up.

  • Member Posts: 78

    Legion, his power is made useless or even a negative by spreading out.

  • Member Posts: 1,284

    Clown, Legion, and Leatherface all need reworks.

    Clown needs to be less boring. Something more than throw bottle at loop = profit or survivor runs to next loop anyways. He has no map pressure and isn't strong in a chase.

    Legion is boring. Either you play tunnel Legion or normal Legion. Tunnel Legion is awful, and even still, normal Legion isn't fun to play as or against, as he's just Deep Wound sim. The group needs to be incorporated into the power so he's more than just the devs' easy cosmetic cash grab. Feral Frenzy needs to be dramatically changed and they need a power that can both apply pressure and use the full group.

    Camp man is braindead easy to play against and extremely unoriginal. It's like the devs intended for Hillbilly to be Leatherface but then they got him after they made Hillbilly. Heavy changes needed.

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited March 2020

    I would say Clown needs more of a buff than a rework, but at the same time I could very well see someone saying his power needs to be overhauled in some way.

    Regardless of whether he needs a buff or a full blown rework, Clown is singlehandedly the one killer that most deserves and needs attention right now. I could see why people would vote Legion deserves more of a rework, which isn't to say that his power is good or bad it just needs to be changed because it's kind of useless in the ways that are most critical which is securing a down. Every other killer has an ability that helps end a chase by downing a survivor. Electrifying someone as Doc stuns them stopping them from dropping a pallet or vaulting a window, the wraith can sneak up on people catch them in exposed areas by going invisible and he does gain a speed boost coming out of invis which helps in certain loops, Leatherface can get instadowns, the plague can permanently break survivors and corrupt purge is obviously really strong to get people at a range, etc. Everyone except Legion

    Now, that being said, Legion still manages to be better than the Clown. The legion has a certain amount of map pressure that comes with being able to sprint in feral frenzy, and he can locate survivors very quickly with killer instinct, and he can do the quickest amount of surface level damage in the shortest amount of time (in most average scenarios excluding hypotheticals like all the survivors being grouped up against a Plague with corrupt purge or Leatherface, which isn't likely to happen), which can synergize well in anti heal or slowdown builds with thanataphobia, coulrophobia, Nurse's calling, dying light, surveillance, discordance, pop goes the weasel, all these can work really well because of the current nature of his ability. You don't necessarily have to win every chase if you can snowball enough momentum or pressure that you end up forcing any kind of progression to a halt, especially if you chain up three gens. (Of course this isn't to say he's good by any means, only that he's better than the Clown)

    Clown has no map pressure, he isn't better at tracking than anybody else, and his power which is supposed to counter loops hardly doesn't do squat at many of them. Usually it would take multiple bottles to slow down a survivor long enough to have a significant impact on the loop, and since you have a limited number of bottles it's very easy to run out and you are forced to stop a chase and reload. This puts you in a very bad situation where you're only wasting time, not to mention after throwing a bottle he enters a cooldown period of 1 second which actually slows him down in those chases.

    Post edited by Seiko300 on
  • Member Posts: 555

    Clown and Bubba (+ Billy's add-ons but i mean, if they rework Bubba they will do that at the same time)

    Also stop voting for Legion

    Legion. Is. Fine.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Clown and Legion I want reworked

    Legion is so boring, literally an M1 killer to the next level of M1

    Clown just sucks

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Pretty sure you are right.

    Its either Leatherface or Legion that should be reworked next. But i dont think they really know where they wanna go with Legion.

  • Member Posts: 351

    I'm going to have to join the Clown posse here for the reasons already shared. He's not far from being a Huntress who throw pillows instead of hatchets.

    I'll also join the fledgling gang saying Legion is fine. When I'm against him, it's nice to know that being chased at the start of the game doesn't necessarily mean he tunnels me onto a hook me from the get go. He also tends to be an indirect buff to the terrible Autodidact, so I heart him for that. He tends to be unfun to play against when the other survivors insist on self-caring, but that's Claudette's fault, not Legion's. When I'm playing as him, I enjoy pinballing from survivor to survivor, treating survivors like timed batteries I have to get to and hit before time runs out. I enjoy that he genuinely plays a bit different from other killers.

  • Member Posts: 176

    I can agree with clown, leatherface and legion but GF needs an add on rework. Most his add ons are useless save the recovery ones. Also crouch doesn't do much either. He's just an m1 killer with no TR or RS

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Legion is going to be my next focus of The [Killer] Problem series with "balancing the unbalance-able" since his power is either too strong, or too weak with both iterations that we've had and no amount of number tweaking will change these two states.

    I've had an idea on how to change him, and it basically means making him similar to Deathslinger while retaining his chase potential.

    The main thing is with his current version is that people can dish out the damage, but they can't kill. Pretty sure that you can basically get Ruthless Killer as Legion without sacrificing anyone based on the amount of stabs that you can pull off.

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    Lol. "Pillows"

    I would love to see a buff to crouching movement speed for killers, this makes it so it's more useful for GF to crouch but this also directly buffs the Pig (who is in a really poor state right now and I'm surprised to see only 1 vote for her. She definitely needs some kind of rework instead of just a buff [her power is far too inconsistent and relies entirely on RNG, meaning it can actually have some measure of impact in slowing the game down, or it's like she doesn't have a power at all])

    Right now crouching movement speed is slightly slower than survivor running speed, killers who are crouching move at 90% as opposed to their typical 115 (both the Pig and GF are 115 killers). This makes them extremely slow when traversing the map and reduces their map pressure because they end up moving more slowly than if they were walking. My suggestion is to buff the crouching movement speed by 10% to match the speed survivors are typically moving at when they're running around the map gen rushing. Maybe even 105% to make crouching slightly more viable in chases but I don't know if that would be too much. Definitely buff crouching speed to 100% minimum, otherwise it can quickly become more of a hindrance than a help to crouch as these killers

  • Member Posts: 176

    I agree. I love pig and I want to love GF but I feel other than his TR/RS reduction his power is kinda underwhelming, and like you said there are times pig feels powerless. Both killers definitely need to be revisited.

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited March 2020

    As a Ghostface main I can most definitely assure you that his power is not underwhelming in any sense at all, the only difference between Ghostface and the other stealth killers is he requires much more technical skill than any of the others. He's the only stealth killer who requires you to actually be stealthy and that trips people up who just want a permanent reduced TR handed to them on a silver platter, that's not interesting nor is it unique. As a result however, because he requires more skill he has a higher skill ceiling and can achieve things other Stealth killers either can't or struggle to do.

    I will say his addons are kinda useless though. There are only a select few that really have practical use so I would definitely like to see a balance pass go over his addons. But when you say revisted in terms of his power that gets me really antsy because believe it or not he's in a really good state right now to where he's actually decently viable in red ranks. I would be worried if his power was revisited the devs would be listening to people who don't actually understand how his power can be used extremely effectively and he'd be messed up maybe even nerfed. So I'd rather he be untouched than anything else, even if that means getting stuck with crappy add ons.

    If you don't believe me you can watch any content creators or streamers who have covered Ghostface, Not Otzdarva and Tru3Ta1ent have done some really good analysis and observation on how good Ghostface can really be.

    All that being said Pig definitely needs to be revisited because she's on the other end of the spectrum, she sucks.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    As a Pig main, I agree with @Seiko300 on the topic of GF's power and the whole crouch speed topic. I think that they should be the same walking speed, while GF can attack normally from crouch and Pig has an extended dash.

    Both killers probably need add-on overhauls. GF not so much, as his do have some relative use, but Pig's don't outside of crouch add-ons, Tampered Timer and the Gears add-ons. Amanda's Secret (the pink one) is also useful, but not as much as Wraith's comparitive add-on outside of indoor maps.

  • Member Posts: 306

    Legion need a rework. Leatherface just need a "power" buff and red addons ,with few reworks on purple/yellow ones. 

  • Member Posts: 1,261
    edited March 2020


    Legion is hopeless.

  • Member Posts: 99

    I've noticed a lot of people seem to think The Clown is a weak Killer. He's my main and never really have too much of a problem with him, unless I'm against Rank 1 Survivors. The Afterpiece Tonic is more powerful than people give it credit for. My chases are always short with him because of it. If he gets a buff, I'd say to just increase Pop Goes The Weasel to regressing the Generator by 50% as opposed to 25% and have Coulrophobia affect all types of speed and progression, not just penalizing Healing progression speed. That would account for his overall lack of being able to pressure a map as effectively as some other Killers.

    I voted for The Nurse. Yes, she needs another massive rework. I feel like she's broken the way she is. There's a reason why I haven't faced her in, nearly, two months now and why I, myself, never use her. She's strong, but so very weak and flawed. All that needs to be done with her is to increase her movement speed and reduce her fatigue. If there's already a cool down period for her using Spencer's Last Breah, why does she need to be fatigued the way she is?

  • Member Posts: 464

    I don't think she's weak, she's just unfun to play because of all her bugs. Fix them, and maybe increase her recharge rate a bit, and she'd be back in a good spot. The reason so few people play her now is because I honestly think 3/4 of Nurse players crutched on addons to give them easy wins.

    I chose Clown, but I think you could make a case for Clown, Legion, or Pig at this point. Clown and Legion both need radical reworks, but I think clown is the worst. He's literally just Freddie, but without 2/3 of his power, and the third of it you have is objectively worse because you need to aim, you slow when you use it, and when you run out of bottles you need to reload. Just completely rebuild him from the ground up, because he's abysmal.

  • Leatherface

    Yeah but I just don’t want them to take clowns BOTTLES AWAY I LOVE CLOWN DONT NERF HIS BOTTLES PLEASEEE

  • Member Posts: 1,180

    The Shape is, IMO, the most urgent case of a killer who needs rework.

  • Member Posts: 52


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