Ace and Kate are the strongest Survivors

First of all, Ace and Kate are two of the most naturally quiet Survivors without Iron Will, which gives them a tangible in-game advantage over the rest of the cast.
But more importantly they're also the Survivors that have spent the longest amount of time in the entity's realm. Kate and Ace both strongly seem to be from the 1960s to 1970s. Kate has a traditional "hippie" vibe and her lore mentions outdoor music festivals (i.e. maybe Woodstock). Ace's style choices and the reference to him looking like an "aging 50s movie star" also point to the same time period. The lore seems to point to Survivors not lasting long amounts of time in the entity's realm and eventually disappearing altogether, which would make Ace and Kate some of the strongest remaining Survivors on the roster.
I'll leave you with a perk quote from each of them:
Ace- "Paying attention is what kept me alive through the years. That, and my good looks of course."
"For most of the others trapped here, fear is our common denominator. This man does not follow suit. Instead, he stands defiantly, analyzing his surroundings with an eerie confidence."
Kate- "Buck and Wild, Swing to be free, Your hands just can't keep ahold of me."
"As quick as she was to make friends, I got the feeling that to cross her would be a mistake"
These guys know they're beating the odds in the Entity's realm. That's pretty clear to me.
Isn’t the time the survs (and Killers) came from irrelevant in the Entity’s realm? Thought it was mentioned that time flows completely different there..
but I agree that Kate is one of the strongest in this regard. She is described as very hopeful and having once escaped the grasp of the Entity.
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Time flows differently in the sense that the Survivors and Killers don't age. But the amount of time they've been there is entirely based on the time period that they were taken. Hence why Legion and Jeff are the same age technically but look very different because of the time they were actually taken. Jeff had more time to age while the Legion left as teenagers
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Doesn't make any sense. It's true that as far as we know killers and survivors don't age inside the Entity's realm but that doesn't mean that survivors from the 60s and 70s were taken first (and as such have spent more time in the realm) than, let's say, 2010 Quentin or 2004 Tapp.
I think it's basic knowledge that the Entity can take anyone from any period of time in any order in wants.
For example, it was confirmed in a dev stream that Nurse is the killer that was taken first in the Entity's realm and thus is in it for the longest time, even if a lot of other killers are from eras well before Nurse's like Oni, Deathslinger and Plague.
So the Entity first went in 1900-something (we don't know the exact Nurse's era even if it's most likely WW1 or WW2), then went in the "past" in BC years to take plague and then back in "future" years in mid 1800s to get Slinger. Or maybe it grabbed Slinger first and then Plague, still doesn't change the reasoning. Maybe Plague's even the most recent killer to have been abducted even if she's from way older eras than all the others.
I use "" for words like "past" and "future" bacause these are words that make sense only for us but not for something that can see and go to any point in time whenever it wants like the Entity can.
And this is the same for survivors, so the fact that Kate and Ace come from the 60's and 70's (which is still nothing more than a speculation anyway) while all the others come from more modern years doesn't mean that they in the Entity's realm the longest. The year from which they're from doesn't mean anything both for survivors and killers.
For what we know, Kate and Ace might as well be the last ones the Entity's got.
Hope I was clear.
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While I agree with your overall assessment that they're probably the strongest of the Survivors, there are issues with this.
First off, the Entity doesn't exist through time like we do. It's able to go from time period to time period at will to grab Killers and Survivors, hence Killers like the Plague and Oni being so far from the past while we also have Killers like Legion and Spirit who are very modern. The devs have brought explained multiple times in the past that their position in a normal timeline has no effect on their position on when they were taken by the Entity.
Second off, Ace and Kate are not from the 60s or 70s. Despite my earlier theories about Ace being from those time periods (largely from the 50s actor reference)...
He has a smartphone in his Archive. While I'm no phone expert, the first smartphone wasn't invented until 1992, and was NOWHERE near as sleek as this one. The one in his hand looks more like a modern-day iPhone than anything else.
And Kate's default legs are called "Jorts." While they certainly existed in the 80s, the term wasn't properly coined until 2013, and that makes me doubt her being from the 80s. But she's still more likely from that era than Ace is.
And finally, Kate's quote is from one of her songs, entitled Boil Over, more than likely written before she was taken. Just a small nitpick.
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Honestly, that Ace achieves lore was written so long after his introduction that it could've been retconned. Who knows if the person from 2016 that came up with Ace is even on the DBD team anymore
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Ace's phone in that photo looks even more modern than the one I'm using right now to write this message lol.
Yeah that's definitely not 60s or 70s.
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I guess what I'm saying is that I bet Ace was originally meant to be from the 60s or 70s. Why would anyone think he looked like an "aging 50s movie star" if he was in the 2000s and most of the people around him were probably watching Titanic and Mean Girls.
BUT they retconned that when they made the archives lore four years later...
I'm not sure if the archives lore is even meant to be cannon or not because it sometimes contradicts existing lore.
I also felt that Hag's lore kind of got retconned in the archives as well because somehow being a skeptical schoolgirl in a typical Western looking society that makes fun of her English teacher doesn't really mesh with "Lisa Sherwood grew up in a quiet village, mainly isolated from the rest of civilisation. The people of the hamlet were kind and the elders kept old traditions alive"
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Dwight is the strongest survivor, any disagreement about this clearly means you're uncultured and deserve to be face camped by a Bubba in your next game
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Please don't tell me Kate is a dirty smelly hippie communist. I'd have to change my main.
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Welcome to the Dwight gang
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I'd prolly go to Jane because her booty has it's own gravity. Sorry Dweeties.
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Disgusting hetero, we will remember this.
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My favorite thing about DbD's story is that it's so vauge, that you can fill in the blanks with your own head canon. I personally ignore stuff like the archives. The less I know, the better my experience with these characters
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How is a sellout country music artist that regrets their life choices similar to the hippie movement? And what does Woodstock have to do with any of the myriad music festivals that touring artists play in?
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David is the strongest. I bet he could throw me across the room with those arms....
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whether people say this thread makes sense or not, an ace main i must say im very satisfied
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They should make a survivor that laughs when they get hit, like Tyler Durden in Fight Club.
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The archive stories just dig deeper into their past. While we still have the original story/backstory as the base of the characters the archives only expand more on the Character's past in question. (Legion for me is a 50/50 because it's a telling of the same story and the cutscene elaborates that Susie and Joey aren't killers, and were surprised at frank stabbing the janitor while with Julie she was more accepting of it. So, basically same info, but a way to look at things than what the original backstory did.) The hag's cutscene only elaborated on her as a child, while her base story events will still happen later on in her life.