Freddy nerf expectations?

He was underperforming at first. Then according to stats and many others he's over performing. So he's getting nerfed. So what's gonna happen? I feel like they'll bring back his old mechanic were you actually have to put them asleep. Instead of survivors going to sleep passively or on a hit. But his abilities snare and gen teleport will stay but maybe get tweaked.
They'll probably get rid of his gen slow down.
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I feel like his rework will have a similar outcome to the doctors, he will clearly be different, but people are still going to complain regardless
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Removing anything powerful he has because it’s “unfun” for survivors
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Removing that you passively fall asleep would be enough imo, make the gauge only go up in his TR or something.
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The passive status gained in a TR was proven to be unusable design with the doctor(Static blast used to be static aura which passively built up madness but was so weak it got removed).
Also Freddy's entire kit gets gutted without the passive sleep as neither his chase nor his mobility(whose cooldown is based off of how many survivors are asleep) can really be used if survivors are awake.
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Personally I think these are some possible nerfs:
- a movement slowdown when placing snares/fake pallets because he is the only killer in the game who can spam his power during a chase with absolutely no mechanical downside whatsoever.
- or snares/fake pallets will disappear after a set period of time.
- or microsleep will take longer.
- or teleporting will take longer.
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They should bring back his old power it was a lot cooler and different and made more sense to the character
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I REALLY doubt they'll stray back from the Freddy they have now, it's just gonna get tweaks.
Maybe remove gen slowdown addons, add a slowdown when placing snares, or make dream pallets less brain dead.
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probably going to increase the base cooldown on his teleport
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imo he needs two things:
1) removal of the action speed debuff Add Ons
2) passive sleeping being restricted to only take effect once the survivor has been in the dreamworld before (so the timer wont be visible / ticking right off the bat and instead only be revealed once the survivor has been hit by freddy).
the first one is pretty obvious imo. these Add Ons are extremely boring and unfun to face, aswell as being super oppressive - especially when combined with other game slow downs like Dying Light, Thanatophobia, Pop Goes The Weasel, etc.
the second one has multiple effects: first of all, the killer will no longer be revealed to be a Freddy right off the bat. thats something in favor of the Killer - but the reason why i want it to be restricted like this is, because this mechanic basically builds the Killer their power aswell as map pressure for nothing. the Killer could literally be AFK and their power would still take effect and force everyone into it. imo you should be working for your power as a Killer, especially when your power is as good as Freddies - and i dont like a power literally negating its own downside after a short time by default. i dont mind people passively falling asleep after having been awoken once, but you shouldnt just load in and immediately start falling asleep on a 60 second timer.
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Expectations? A few number changes, probably just an increase to the teleport cooldown and snare placement time/movement speed.
Hopes? Basically a hybrid of Old and New Freddy where you have to put survivors to sleep but also have the gen teleportation in a nerfed form.
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Never again. I played a lot of old freddy it was terrible. I was mostly trying to handicap myself and I can tell you that dream transition is the worst mechanic in all of dbds history. I lost dozens of games to a person finishing a gen whilst dream transitioning and his prescence utterly neutered stealth based survivour builds (not that you needed to). Good riddance to old freddy.
If you want to tone him down snares should be left as is but a light nerf to the chains and increased cooldown to dream projection would be the most reasonable.
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Survivor main here and IMO Freddy is fine. Only thing I'd change would be his slowdown addons.
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I really hope they do, even if it's just through an addon or something.
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He's not fine. Multiple strong powers easy to use, wake up clocks are too far away, slowdowns on top of slowdowns combined with perks stacking even more.
Depressing killer to go against.
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Let's see...
- removal of his slowdown add-ons. I mean, they're pathetically weak even when stacked, but people complain about them so they're getting removed almost certainly.
- Probably an adjustment of how survivors falling asleep. Maybe the timer only starts if you're in Freddy's TR? I don't know, but I doubt it'll be the same.
- If I had to guess, probably a cooldown whenever he places snares, similar to pre-buff Clown when he threw a bottle.
- They might adjust the cooldown on his teleportion as that's one of his strongest powers, especially if he has something like BBQ, Thrilling, Tinkerer, etc.
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His powers are strong, doesn't mean they're OP. Clocks always spawn on the opposite side of where you are. Like I mentioned, the only issue are the slowdown addons.
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No. The problem is his powers. Slowdowns are the cherry on top.
SuRvIvOr mAin thinks Freddy is fine.
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I'd like to see some actual strategy added to his gameplay like snares made closer to demo portals I.e once you put one down it stays there. A survivor triggering it only disables it for a short while before it comes back. Might have to reduce the overall number slightly.
- teleport cool down starting off low and increased for every use
- clock placement randomised rather than distance-based
-ditch the slowdown addons. Can make one of them give you your teleport right at the start, the other can let you teleport to exit gates. A bit spicier than "gens become 6% more boring"
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I think they'll add a cooldown to his snares and rework some of his boring add-ons.
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Legit no reason for him to be Nerfed tbh.
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they nerf him so he is as bad as the twins because hes op
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take away all slowdown add ons but make it where survivors who entered the dream world are afflicted with the incapacitated status effect so cant do gens or heal or even leave ;P
but yeah he shouldnt be nerfed at all i have more fun playing as freddy and going against freddy as he offers a different challenge that alot of killers dont give and has made me a better player for it.
But since it happening i would expect
snares size reduced
slowdown add on removed or tweaked
increase teleport recharge
and maybe a few add on tweaks best case its just add on changes as again base kit freddy is fine
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Hopefully fix his lunge lenght, idc what everyone says, knowing this game's spaghetti code i am 100% sure it's longer than all other killers.
"Freddy is short so his lunge seems longer etc etc" He's not the only short killer, legion is shorter and his lunge is not as long as him.
Bt interaction while in dream world is lame. Snares spam with no downside whatsoever is lame.
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Freddy lunge is the same as every other killer so that isnt getting changed cause if they do that they would have to change the lunges on every single killer due to different lengths of their weapon and to balance the game as you know if they change freddy lunge people like trapper and PH will pull them up on that Just imagine PH weapon if the lunge was to match his weapon size scary thought there.
Also legion and freddy are average in height size so same size legion isnt shorter.
The snare spam only works if the survivors stay at the loop where it gets spammed out so that one is on the survivors im afraid. Also a spam snare freddy isnt a good freddy aswell a good freddy will place snares in spots where it can get maxium effect
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they'll give him one trap per match on a 20 minute cool down no doubt
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By why is he getting nerfed?.....
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Enough complaints were given.
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Freddy is the only killer I dislike playing against.
However, if they just make it so you can use any alarm to wake up he'd be fine imo. Traipsing back and forth the entire map every ten seconds to wake up is exceptionally tedious.
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Reduce the effect of snares
Survivors only fall asleep in the radius the lullaby. Survivors now hear the lullaby when awake, and the terror radius when asleep.
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In the recent Q&A it was mentioned that Freddy will be getting changes because he is overperforming.
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They inevitably have to tamp down on Freddy's "all the things to do absolutely everything a killer needs to perform extremely well" bucket of awesome. Here are some possibilities, in my mind (I'm not saying do all of this stuff, these are just the types of things I could imagine them considering):
- Cut down on the total number of snares that Freddy can have active at once.
- Introduce a short cooldown between snare placements.
- Increase either his teleport cooldown or its activation time.
- Reduce or eliminate the action speed penalty that the dream world imposes.
- Nerf a lot of Freddy's more troublesome add-ons, like the jump ropes and dresses.
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Yet people still complain about Legion and nothing has been done
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They looked at statistics like most things. And despite legions complained annoyance. His kill rate isn't enough to justify a nerf.
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What I hope:
- wake up automatically whenever a gen gets done (why doesn't it happen already? They literally "light up")
- remove bloodlust whenever using snares (every other killer loses bloodlust for using their power ######### - remove bloodlust entirely from the game btw)
- remove his ability to spam snares with 0iq, increase the time it takes to cast them, something like that
- remove his ######### passive phasing
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I expect they will most likely hit the Dream World and the sleep mechanic. Right now Survivors just passively fall asleep with the only input from Freddy is if he hits them when awake. This means that even if the Freddy isn't playing well survivors will end up in the dream world and empower Freddy.
Survivors can wake up with the alarm clocks, but they are spawned the farthest away meaning it's often not reasonable for survivors to go awake themselves up either.
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They're nerfing him from stats which is ridiculously flawed way to nerf something. But ds with all the evidence and proof of it being insanely strong isn't being changed at all.
The people who are balancing this game has absolute no clue what they're doing. Ds is on a 60 sec timer which is 10 years of time in game but for some reason pop gets nerfed for having to much time?
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CD on his blood pools, or maybe setup animation
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Remove his microsleep and temper the snares a little. Penalize faking out a teleport a bit more. He's fine otherwise.
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TaLkInG LiKe ThIs dOeSn'T mAkE yOuR ArGuMeNt SeEm InTeLlIgEnT,
Freddy's powers are fine, the only issue are the slowdown addons, and there's that.
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The issue is not his height. His weapon is shorter but has the same reach as others, that's why his lunge looks bigger.
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They should let survivors crouch over traps to prevent those 3-gens/2 survivors scenarios where nobody can do anything because if you even try to progress the objective one of his 9 snares that completely block off the generators will let him know where you are. And even when you do manage to wake up and work on the gen for a few seconds he'll just waltz back around with his insane mobility to smack you silly.
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Tbh Freddy players need to get gud because they are the worst people to go against in many ways.
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I mean they could buff it but at least it was cool snares are just lame
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I hope they just make it so all alarm clocks can wake you up.
This simple little thing would change so much
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I hope they don't really nerf him in terms of strength. I'd like to see his power get changed so it takes more than 3 brain cells to use and in exchange he gets some buffs or good changes in other areas to compensate.
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- snare to slowdown mid chase, spot a survivor, defend a hex
- dream pallet is much better than madness pallet (you dont know its a fake pallet until you drop it, madness pallet can spotted at close range)
- see survivor highlight
- hard to see him in distance
- ignore borrow time when as sleep
- teleport between gens
- oblivion when as sleep
I actually wish Killers to have alot of tools to use like Freddy, but his basekit is too much. May be make it harder to put Survivors to sleep, but sleeping survivors will get more harm than survivors able to stay awake
- Freddy cant see awake survivors highlight, only sleeping one
- Passive putting to sleep get removed, only affected when in TR, being hit
I think only these would be enough.
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I think they need to rework his add-ons as a whole, not just the action speed ones. Most of them are garbage like more penalty on missed skill checks or haemorrhage. Aside from that, make snares harder to use and maybe a bit weaker as well, and nerf the passive sleep so that its actually a benefit to wake up and not wasted time like it is now. If they touch the teleport I'll be very upset, cause that's the most skillful and difficult to use part of his kit. All the other elements are close to braindead to use, but the teleport actually requires thought.
They have to make sure not to over-nerf him; just make him harder to play but only make him a little weaker. And no, as much as I loved old Freddy, it was a sorry state and we should not go back to that.