New flashlight

The angle is whatever and it seems pretty accurate, BUT THE SWAY IS SO BS AND IM TIRED OF FLASH SAVES GETTING SCREWED!
The Sway is to add more Skill to the Flashlight and give a Purpose to the Accuracy Add-Ons, it even is said in a Quote on one of the Grip Add-Ons that many Deaths have been caused from "Sweaty Hands."
I actually like the Mechanic. However I still think all Survivor Items need a passover, and should be made more in-depth but not buffed (Keys need a Nerf with the Hatch Mechanic, but I'd be down for them unlocking chests, and having less outdated aura reading mechanics, same with Maps). I think Items should be made more complex. Have a set amount of Add-Ons similar to Killers.
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But who asked for a 'sway'? I don't get why the developers change things like this; no one, literally no one asked for a sway.
Out of everything the developers could be doing they thought 'yeah, we'll give the flashlight a sway and change the angle of it... again'.
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No its straight recoil and is not supposed to move that much. It moves even if you arent using the flashlight. Click your flashlight at a wall wait a few seconds and click again and the location changes.
Post edited by azame on7 -
There isn't much skill, the same angle doesnt always work. I have used a flashlight and had the angle above my head and got a save, did so again and now the beam went too low. Also the recoil is only a nerf to console, last minute saves and cj techs are almost impossible because of the limits of an analog. The weird angle and sway just broke it and you have to literally be an expert at moving analogs fast and having the best reaction ever just to do last minute drive by saves. Its not skill its just a nerf. It would be skillful if it was consistent.
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this sway doesn't actually add more skill to the flashlight because the position that you aim changes every time you turn your flashlight on, adding a luck factor to the flashlight.
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How have they managed to bug flashlights in every patch since Silent Hill.
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and the fact that it doesnt indicate a blind anymore, 75% of the satisfaction is gone...
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It does but its bugged. It doesn't do it more often then not.
Which means you need to rely on ACTIVELY adjusting your aim in order to get the blind. You don't just get to muscle memory it anymore.
That seems more skillful to me. :/
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I don't know I personally have found it very nice. And I'm a console player. Besides, CJ Techs have hardly ever existed on Console, or against any killer with a Brain. :/
Personally I'm not for the arguments that RNG=/=Skill because that's just another example of the Black and White Fallacy. There is a large grey space where RNG and Skill can exist. For example, a balanced map such as Shelter Woods has RNG to it, but with my knowledge of where pallets/loops spawn I can still keep a good pallet economy which is an example or RNG and Skill overlapping.
Similarly with Flashlights; but to much less a degree of skill, I simply need to slightly adjust my thumbstick so the flashlight lands where it needs to be if my Survivor is slightly off; another--dare I say it--EXTREMELY basic example of skill and RNG overlapping. I'm not sure how Aiming became such an extreme burden to the Dead By Daylight community all of a sudden. If the change is extremely overbearing for you, perhaps consider running some Add-Ons that you may not have considered such as the Grips or the Lens that Widen the Flashlight Beam instead of just slapping on Double Batteries, or Odd Bulb and calling it good.
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I dont think you understand that the flashlights are bugged. For example even if you have it aimed up due to the recoil it can still aim down. That will ######### up a save and on console with ######### analogs adjusting is hard.
1 more thing cj tech exist just because YOU dont hit them doesnt mean I dont.
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-Only issues w/ Flashlights I've noticed is the lack of an indicator showing the blind. Every other aspect has been all smooth sailing for me. And no; I have no intentions of doing CJ Techs because the Killers I face don't entertain Survivors who're obviously up to something tricky. They just face the other way and pick the person up. Because the Killers I face do not have the TIME to waste, because Survivor teams are efficient. :/
-But I'm not here to argue on whether or not I can do the CJ Tech or if I can moonwalk or whatever other "Tech" that exists that someone w/ a good knowledge of the game could figure out.
-What I will argue about however is the Sway. If you aim up, and the flashlight still aims down. All you need to do. Is push your analog stick further up; so the beam is in the Killers eyes. It's worked for me- Every time. CONSISTANTLY. (since that seems to be something y'all are desperate for in "skillful" plays).
-But I still don't know how Muscle Memory is more skillful than Reflex- You'd think a more demanding activity requires more skill from the Player but maybe I just don't know anything anymore. :)
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meh I never use torch so all good. Doesn't affect me lol.
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i'm not talking about the sway that occurs when you're already using your flashlight, i'm talking about a randomizer - when you're going to turn on your flashlight, you will aim at different locations
sometimes you'll aim really far from the killer - possibly screwing up your flashlight save. you can test this by yourself.
like i said, they added a luck factor to the flashlight because you don't know when you'll be aiming at when you turn it on, they didn't make it more skillful.
Also, we already had a sway, the only difference is that the location that you aimed didn't change everytime you turned your flashlight on.
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Is the sway definitely not a bug, like did they mention it in the patch notes or somewhere?
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If you were to vault at the same time the killer turns you would still get the save. Cj tech's are not hard. Although this is not the topic of the discussion forget about this.
If you were to aim up and the flashlight has its normal position you would miss. Kudos to you if it works. I still hit my saves, cj techs, locker saves. It's just the inconsistency tha th bothers me. Who said I was desperate all I said is that the flashlight is bugged with recoil that cucks saves.
I never said muscle memory is more skillful that reflex. Also moving your analog a bit is not necessarily the most skillful thing its just tedious. Combine that with low frame rate and choppy camera its annoying. Even the pc players ik hate the recoil despite being on mouse.
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I hate tagging but @MandyTalk have they ever said why they're constantly changing the flashlights? This is the 4th time in 6 months without even acknowledging it once.
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I'm telling you it's two tthings. Either they want to keep survivors from being too good(backed up by constant changes out of no where nobody asked for) or to optimize it and make it look better. First option seems more reasonable to me.
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My only question is why tf did the patch notes not mention anything about this??? Or did I accidentally skip it when I read them??? Because I don't mind them implementing changes in the game but I would rather be informed by the patch notes instead of discovering it myself in the middle of a match.
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You didn't skip it; there was no mention in the patch notes. Bhvr is amazing at putting out incomplete patchnotes. In fact, half their devs don't even seem to be aware of what's in a patch (one on stream had to literally go through them after the DLC released...)
At best, it's just plain old poor communication, which should be easy to fix.
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If I'm being honest, flashlights were the only item that didn't need a change.
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Could be anything tbh. I just want an answer and less of this "We can ignore our community" stuff when it comes to topics like this.
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We can only hope man these devs have never been very transparent sadly.
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Funny one of them one community manager award lol
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That's very surprising.
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Grips do nothing also if you have correct timing and you have to reaim you now most the timing unless the killer doesn't look away. Also I just seen the kings vid and apparently moving it is usually what causes it to fail because the sway doesn't change the blind its just an animation