FixThisGame69 Member Posts: 97
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Here's some ideas (I am not saying to make all of this happen, just brainstorming ideas):

- Make the window to kick victor longer, or shorten his pouncing range.

- Why should victor see bright red blood? He shouldn't be allowed to see anything if hes this fast.

- Nerf victor's speed.

- Make it so even hitting an injured survivor brings you back to charlette.

- Make the switching time longer. After kicking the baby, victor cannot be used for at least another 30 seconds or more.

- Change No Mither to no longer begin as injured, just give two health states plus all effects, but still give a way for the killer to know who is running it.

- Make charlette a 110% walk speed at LEAST if you keep victor this fast.

- Victor shouldn't be able to damage anyone in a locker.

- Decrease detection range for victor.

- make it so victor cannot detect crawling or crouching.

- bloodlust is a crutch that should be removed, because griefing killers can just refuse to kick the pallet and guarantee you die at the end.

- bring back the sabotaging of Trapper bear traps. He can lock down end game with whisper + 1 trap at a door. This is bullcrap unfair for the last survior left because their random teammates sucked.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
