Here's some ideas (I am not saying to make all of this happen, just brainstorming ideas):
- Make the window to kick victor longer, or shorten his pouncing range.
- Why should victor see bright red blood? He shouldn't be allowed to see anything if hes this fast.
- Nerf victor's speed.
- Make it so even hitting an injured survivor brings you back to charlette.
- Make the switching time longer. After kicking the baby, victor cannot be used for at least another 30 seconds or more.
- Change No Mither to no longer begin as injured, just give two health states plus all effects, but still give a way for the killer to know who is running it.
- Make charlette a 110% walk speed at LEAST if you keep victor this fast.
- Victor shouldn't be able to damage anyone in a locker.
- Decrease detection range for victor.
- make it so victor cannot detect crawling or crouching.
- bloodlust is a crutch that should be removed, because griefing killers can just refuse to kick the pallet and guarantee you die at the end.
- bring back the sabotaging of Trapper bear traps. He can lock down end game with whisper + 1 trap at a door. This is bullcrap unfair for the last survior left because their random teammates sucked.
It hasn't happened to me but...why do you have to wait until Victor pounces to kick him?
Why? I've seen it a couple of times....some start the "kick" animation and then he moves and it cancels it.
Then he gets a free hit on you. I don't know...I don't like that.
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You're one step away from saying
-Remove killer
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How are you supposed to "get good" when everyone injured and victor can just run at the speed of light snowballing everyone?
This killer is so OP I don't even want to play this game anymore until they nerf it.
I'll be on Apex Legends BOYZ. Peace
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It's bullcrap. This killer is broken af.
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You have to wait until he pounces for you to kick him, otherwise if you're running around a loop and Victor rounds the corner, you can just kick him with no risk, since he needs to charge up his jump.
I agree that the animation shouldn't be cancelled once you start.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on9 -
So in total you want 10 nerfs to be applied to the twins? Thats not how you balance a character, thats how you nerf it into the ground lol
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You sound like a potato
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yeah dude thats way too much. i think there could be a few things worked on but thats quite a bit. i think that victor should have a longer cool down if kicked back to charlotte but he has NO way of hooking so why send him back if he downs someone? unbreakable is the counter to this (unless its toxic face camping) in that case its not the killer but the player.
There are a lot of bugs involved with this release and im sure they will rework the twins when they iron them out.
I main as a survivor i suck as killer. Now if the game continues to nerf killers because the survivors get upset then we wont have any killers to play against and we wont have a game.
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Remove the Twins*
There, fixed it for ya
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this potato can outplay you all day
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That's legit a good idea.
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Well you obviously don't like the killer, now how about actual feedback? other than a rant of what you want so you can always win against this killer? half of what you said doesn't even pretain to the twins! it seems you have to get better. the traps of trapper have not been hard in ages. bloodlust is counterable, and well these arguments under the title of nerf the twins is a problem, and btw you did make a big no no I hope they are kind to you.
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Funny sarcastic post lol I almost thought you actually meant to nerf one of the weakest killers lol. It’s a joke post right? Please say yes.
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Twins are weak as hell. This post is a damned joke right. And also sabotage trappers traps what you want the orignal sabotaging back torturing the killer by 99 ing every hook. God damn your the most entitled survivor main i have ever seen in my life of dead by daylight.
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It's been 5 days since they were released and survivors are already asking for nerfs to a weak killer
Some things never change in this forum :/
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I dislike low effort baits, I'm sorry.
You just randomly picked a bunch of recent discussions and took a side expressing your fake point of view by impersonating the strawman many here call "The Survivor Main", honestly just a boring way to do things here.
I hope you had fun writing it at least :)
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So you want a killer..... That is barely able to function.... To be nerfed so it is COMPLETELY NON-FUNCTIONAL..... I think we need to seriously look at the community because that is asinine
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Poe's Law
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Victor can't start snowballing when you heal or stay near others. The moment he lands a succesful hit on someone he gets kicked in the face.
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git gud. lockers literally ######### this killer you child. you can hear victors snarls from miles away, just look around and you're pretty much fine. if anything the twins need a buff, theyre like as weak as clown.
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It's easy to be killer. I will kill everyone on average 75% of the time without using any perks, and with top teir perks and an offering I barely try and wipe everyone out. I main as a survivor and I've never had to try as hard to kill the survivors as I have to try to survive... I think the balancing issues comes from all the high powered killer perks that can be stacked and used like a crutch to to fix a bad player/killer weakness, or to augment their strength to the point of being OP. So maybe they need to nerf the best killer perks a little bit.
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Dont understand what they're saying... Just saying that some of these perks need to be tweeked slightly. Not talking a full neutering just a tweek. And that's not to say that there ain't any issues with killers that need to be fixed. Ghost face has the what I call "The No Skill Skill". I'm talking about the marking of survivors. You shouldnt be getting marked when you can see him clear as day... Otherwise theres no point to him needing to crouch if he doesnt even have to be hidden.
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Okay mate, give me your account name, me and my 3 friends will play against you, you use 'no skill ghostface' without perks, ok?
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Post edited by AlightBULLDOG on0 -
First I didnt say ghost face is a no skill killer, just that his stalking is broken. He can be in broad daylight standing in the middle of all four survivors while looking directly at him and it still works. What's the point of him needing to crouch and be sneaky if he doesnt have to hide??? Not really stalking when your spotted. Two I dont have ghost face, I was talking being a killer in general. Three I'll play you and your buddies with no perks using the killer of my choosing. AlightBULLDOG on xbox. Bring on the game on.