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Ghostface reveal issues

Does anyone else have the issue of staring at Ghostface in an open area, still not revealing him for whatever ######### reason, and then getting exposed? He is already a ######### of a killer to play at least let survivors take him out of stalking mode when they are looking right at him. People watching me play even say it is ######### ridiculous.

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  • Member Posts: 143

    Yeah this happens to me as survivor. And when I acutally play Ghostface they see me from across the map.

  • Member Posts: 28

    Yes very much. I'm not sure if this is a hack or just programming but whenever the killer is console ghostface, I've had matches where they seem to be immune to breaking out of their power. The reason I thought it was hacks more than a few times is because they stand out in the open, no tree, nothing and just stand still and stare at me and I'm like, staring daggers at their face and its NOT working. I had a match where all 4 of us couldn't break him out of his power and its just inexplicable.

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    It's very poorly coded is why.

    Okay, so let me try to explain as best I can. Your camera has a sort of "reveal zone" with the bulk of it being at the center of your screen. You need to see at least 20-ish% of Ghosty's body before you can start revealing him and there's a 1.5 sec buffer.

    So, what's the problem?

    It's what your camera sees. Meaning, anything—and I mean ANYHING—that can cover up the hitbox even slightly, including your own survivor's model, can prevent your from revealing him. Yes, you heard it. The center of your screen—where your survivor's model is—is the best spot to reveal him. It should be easy to see the problem here.

    Beyond that, there are the usual issues of bugs, latency, etc. It's a nightmare, as you can see.

  • Member Posts: 444

    You have to have him in middle of your camera... Please learn to play vs a killer before trying to get him nerfed...

  • Member Posts: 632

    What? No one here wants him nerfed, we just want the BS reveal mechanic to be fixed. There are countless videos demonstrating people getting revealed through objects and people looking directly at him for an extended period and still not revealing him.

  • Member Posts: 444
    edited December 2020

    I never have problem with revealing him or being revealed. And I played alot of games as him and against him. Asking to "rework" something on a killer means nerfing killer and buffing survivor like usual bhvr behaviour

    PS: he can't stalk trough corn and u shouldn't be able to reveal him but u can, That's just a 💧 in the 🌊 of survivor supremacy

  • Member Posts: 632
    edited December 2020

    So because your not having any issues with GF that means he has no problems at with his reveal? Literally no one's asking for a rework dude, we want his shroud to be fixed. It shouldn't be possible to look straight at him and not reveal him or be revealed half way across the map through an object.

    And could you not bring up the whole "BHVR buffs survivor only!" There are countless examples showing otherwise, the devs dont have a preference for any side.

  • Member Posts: 444

    U can't instantly reveal him that's not how it works and the time depends on his add ons and distance. Trying to change a vital mechanic of a killer, or anything for that matter is considered a rework and every "rework" they did so far was nerfing killers. I'm playing red ranks and usually can't even stalk cause of spine chill they find me and reveal me within 2 seconds stalking only works on someone new to it or that doesn't know how to counter it ghost face is just a faster t1 Myers at some points with faster lunge. Every post I see is complain about killer a,b,c etc. Killers are underpowered once u get the hang of how they work, if u have teammates that don't all 3 go for hook rescues and stick random gens, gates are powered within 4min and that's it 3 take hits unhook and all escape it's really easy survivor sided...

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Fix him being revealed through walls, through corn and by people around corners too!

  • Member Posts: 2,015

    It's messy for both sides. I've had cases where I can't reveal him when he's relatively close and in the middle of my screen and then other times revealed him when he wasn't in the center of my screen. Playing as him i've been revealed even after ducking into cover or going behind walls.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    His coding simply does not work. I can say this objectively from both playing him and playing against him. Whatever rhyme or reason it uses is wildly inconsistent. I've had people staring at me from near point blank range while I stood and stared back and they could not drop me out of my power. I've knocked him out of when he was the periphery of my vision and I don't even know how I did it. He needs a fix.

  • Member Posts: 767

    I believe there is a minimum distance you must be within to the killer for it to work, there is an addon or 2 iirc that reduces it even more so you have to be even closer to the killer for the reveal mechanic to start activating.

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    As someone who plays Ghostface alot, yeah. His reveal mechanic is broken, from both sides.

    I've been revealed by people inside houses while I'm out on the streets, I've had countless times where there's no killer instinct whenever someone reveals me.

    Then I've had games, both playing as Ghostie and against where the survivor will legit follow him (or me), trying to reveal him, but can't.

  • Member Posts: 651

    When I play survivor I have no issue revealing Ghostface whatsoever. Unless he is moslty covered and leaning of course which is working as intended.

    When I play as him its really hard to tell what the survivors see with the 3rd person camera, I just assume they had an angle on me. I also see plenty of survivors who are incapable of revealing me even if I stand right in front of them.

    I will admit that server lag issues can probably screw with the reveal, but I have not experienced it myself. So the most likely issue when it comes to breaking Ghostface out of Night Shroud is the simplest of all: user failure.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    All the time. He is so broken in this regard and gets so many free downs because of it. Its why he is one of my least favorite killers to face.

  • Member Posts: 632

    Ok, im going to repeat myself for the 100th time over here. Listen. No one wants him to get reworked, they want his reveal to be fixed so it isn't so damn buggy, which doesn't require a rework, just bug fixes. Haven't yoy thought how odd it was that almost every single person in this section of the forums are experiencing issues with GF? If your not experiencing any issues with GF, cool, but that doesn't mean he's bug free and perfect.

    Also, how was every rework for a killer a nerf so far? I guess Bubba, Freddy, and soon to be clown dont exist. Get real here, BHVR isn't "survivor sided" your just refusing to acknowledge the things they've done for killer.

    Also we're talking GF here so why are you talking about how if a survivor team is good enough they'll win fast?

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