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Feeling Bad After Playing Dirty

So for some context. I had a challenge where I had to hook multiple people in basement so I thought the easiest way was to run trapper and do basement trapper. I know already playing a bit dirty but I want my challenge done and I play survivor a lot more than killer.

I downed a TTV and began carrying her to basement and then suddenly I get swarmed by the rest of the survivors(at least 1 or 2)equipped with breakout. I ended up being body blocked over and over. I eventually down the TTV again but once again I get body blocked and loose her, keep in mind they aren't doing gens.

Finally an idea goes off in my head, everytime I down this person they come running. So thats why I did, I slugged her and acted like I'd pick her up only to then drop her and go after the rest. It worked for a while but I sadly left the TTV slugged for so long that if I didn't pick her up she would bleed out. I was able to get a 4k with the help of noed(I know, pretty ######### of me) as I wanted to get my challenge done quick and go back to survivor. Afterwards I visited the TTVs stream and they were(rightfully imo) trash talking me and just calling me crap and boosted.

It turns out that it was sort of a SWF group where it was the TTV and two of her viewers and then a random who joined in on the bodyblocking fun. The point is that I hate the feeling like I have to play dirty like that to win. Whenever I play fair and nice(I mainly play killer just for the tome challenges) I pretty much hear 5 pings of gens being done before I'm able to get 2 or 3 hooks.

This was mainly just a rant about playing dirty and how it really does suck playing like this but at the same time I understand why killers do it. Because then it gives them a chance to actually get a kill at least.

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  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Do basement bubba for that challenge. When they swarm, you can get multidowns easy, or pick them off 1 by one when they come for the rescue. Scummy, but effective

  • Member Posts: 1,088

    Feeling bad for killing swf? Hell no, screw swf.

  • Member Posts: 1,100

    The alternative is getting idiots in solo queue for the entirety of your day with one or two SS+ tier survivor teams if you're incredibly lucky. Your move, Kaiba.

  • Member Posts: 252

    I don't feel bad for killing a SWF. I feel bad that I pretty much left a player on the floor like 99% of the match. The barely got to touch a gen once because it was the quickest way to get the other survivors to scramble towards me because of their breakout.

  • Member Posts: 1,088
  • Member Posts: 28
    edited December 2020

    It is playing dirty and you should feel bad. This is nothing to worry about. Your inner morality module is functioning properly.

    In this context, the misunderstanding on the survivor side is seeing that only escape = win.

    Technically you still lose with this playstyle because you get VERY little BP for the victory so you walk away with nothing and the survivors lose very little time moving onto the next match.

    ....however, because of how the game is programmed, the survivors actually can lose a hefty chunk of their rank, especially if they're rank 1, they'll be pushed to rank 2 because of that. This is not either surv or killers fault, this is behaviours programming. If a killer camps and tunnels you and you didn't have a chance in heck to win, you shouldn't depip so easily, but its just unfortunate. This is yet another (of hundreds) of reasons why some sort of anti tunnel/camp system should be implemented internally rather than through perks.

    My suggestion is that they should just have some point modifiers in place similar to We're Gonna Live Forever. As the killer plays, attacking the same person within X minutes results in a "camping" bonus for example, or chasing the same person directly off hook etc. There can be an assortment of different "bonuses" (so to speak) and after the match, these would actually subtract points for displeasing the entity. The whole point is that the entity wants to be pleased with good chases and exciting kills, so to displease the entity results in loss of rank.

    The reason that it should directly be tied to scoring and ranking is because thats what just abotu everyone cares about. Everyone wants to get to, and stay at, red ranks. Losing rank SUCKS. So tie the behavior of the game to the score - to the rank - and you'll have a long term stable solution to all of these problems.

  • Member Posts: 2,171
    edited December 2020

    While yes, it sucks that getting 4ks and the other side having fun are usually mutually exclusive it's not your fault.

    If you feel bad about playing 'dirty' then don't play 'dirty'. The challenges are meaningless and dumb; don't stress over them. Kills and pips are equally as pointless - who gives a [BAD WORD] if the Survivors do all the gens and Escape? It's not the end of the world.

    If you prefer winning, then play as dirty as the rules (the actual rules - like no hacking) of the game allow you to and stop feeling bad about doing what makes you happy. Like yea, don't be a [BAD WORD] to people for no reason, but don't feel bad for having fun playing a game. Go ahead and slug until someone bleeds out if you're feeling it/need to for pressure.

    From what you've told me, you weren't intentionally trying to ruin the TTV's day, so you shouldn't feel guilty. She in turn should accept that people aren't going to play the game with her or her viewers' fun in mind and move on too.

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    Yeah, never feel bad for playing "Scummy" as a killer, its all just the majority trying to bully anyone who plays a killer by claiming your using "scummy" tactics. Considering what SWF and even just solo survivors get up to sometimes, they can be just as bad.

  • Member Posts: 963

    I don't see why you think you played dirty. You just played efficiently and you should stop following the survivors' rulebook.

  • Member Posts: 252

    The only reason why I do challenges is for the bloodpoints/tome points(is that what they are called? lol) as i want to get all the perks on all the killers and the grinding is intense haha, also that new legion skin is fancy so its probably the quickest was to get the skin in the rift, especially with someone who cant play everyday.

  • Member Posts: 2,171
    edited December 2020

    I think they're called Rift fragments. Or Rift shards. Something like that.

    If you're trying to get all the perks on all the Killers I wish you the best of luck - the grind ahead of you is insane; I've been playing since the start of 2018 and I long ago settled for just having all perks on my favorite characters (back them there were a lot less perks to have to unlock too).

    As for the skin, it'll come out in the store eventually, so you can still get it if you don't grab it on the Rift.

    I stand by what I said though: playing DbD should be fun; not stressful, a chore, or something you feel guilty about.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Okay, so the survivors body blocked you more than once from getting the hook, and then when you did the smart thing and used their predictable behavior against them they complained? It sounds like they wanted you to keep doing the same thing over and over, failing repeatedly, and when you didn't stick to their script they got mad.

    Don't feel bad. They blocked you from being able to hook more than once, they basically forced your hand.

  • Member Posts: 277

    Some points for being forced to play bait would take a little bit of the sting away when you can literally do nothing else to earn them thanks to the other side playing like ^$*@!)

    Whether it's hook camped or slugged.

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