

Should there be a change on how the daily rituals are generated?

Member Posts: 688
edited November 2020 in Polls

So, every day we log-in the game and a new daily ritual is generated, for either role. You can't pick the type of ritual and what role you are given, but you can reroll once per day. Since there are gamers that only play as one role, do you think the way the rituals are generated should change?

I often get more killer rituals than survivor ones and even deleting them to get another doesn't help much, most of the time. Like, for example, I'm terrible with the Nurse and got a daily to Blink and hit 3 survivors with the Nurse. I delete it, only to get another like Kill one survivor by your hand as the Nurse, so end up with a similar problem. So, do you think a change would benefit the player base?

Should there be a change on how the daily rituals are generated? 56 votes

- No, I think the daily ritual generation is fine as it is now
3 votes
- No, but you should be able to remove unwanted daily rituals besides the rerolling limit (no new daily is generated, you only get an empty slot for another daily, for another day)
- Yes, as you log-in the game, you should have an option to choose if you want a survivor or killer daily
11 votes
- Yes, every day we should be given a daily ritual for both roles
37 votes
- Other (Leave a comment please)
5 votes

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  • Member Posts: 8,330
    - Other (Leave a comment please)

    In a Q&A daily rituals were brought up and they acknowledged that they were more killer sided and would be looking into a fix. When they'll actually fix it who knows.

    I would be happy with each side getting 3 dailies.

  • Member Posts: 399
    - Yes, every day we should be given a daily ritual for both roles

    A daily "one for each" sounds fair for everyone, including Survivor mains, Killer mains, or people who alternate between gamemodes.

    I believe how some rituals works should change too, specially on Killer side.

    On one hand, you have really easy ones. Like the Doctor: Hit survivors 4 times with your Shock Therapy attack. You can easily do this in the first minute of the match no problem

    Then you have, well... Ghostface's: *While leaning* with your power, expose 3 (or was it 4?) survivors, and then down them before the exposed timer ends...

    I mean, it's not impossible, but compare it with the Doctor's ritual. It's unnecessarily tedious! They should change it to just exposing a required number of times, and that's it. Or same ritual but only having to do it with one survivor, cause as it is right now, it's kind of a drag, and it may require several attempts depending on the survivors you're facing.

  • Member Posts: 248
    - No, I think the daily ritual generation is fine as it is now

    I think the daily rituals are a way to get you out of your comfort zone and try out things you normally wouldn't do, and it rewards you with bloodpoints for doing so. It's fine the way it is, it encourages killer diversity and can spice up the game.

  • Member Posts: 732
    edited November 2020
    - Yes, every day we should be given a daily ritual for both roles

    I'd like it if we got rituals for both roles daily bc it would encourage the playerbase to play as both roles. It's so annoying that I keep getting killer rituals when I just wanna have some chill time as survivor, and what is worse: it's always rituals for killers I have never played or hate playing as lmao

    I also agree with what someone said above that some killer rituals are too easy whereas some others are not that easy to achieve. It's kinda unbalanced.

  • Member Posts: 16,662
    - Other (Leave a comment please)

    I also like the option that there will be a Ritual for each side on both days, as long as that means that the number of available Rituals is doubled (so a maximum of 6 possible).

    But at the very least, I would like to see that if you delete a Ritual that you get a Ritual from the other side - so if I delete a Killer Daily that I will be guaranteed to get a Survivor Daily and vice-versa. I dont have every Killer levelled, so it might happen that I get the same Killer again or another Killer I dont have levelled.

    (And getting the Ghostface-Daily to mark and down people 3 days in a row, just to get it replaced with one of the Killers I havent put BPs into yet after prestiging is annoying)

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Aren't there some changes to the Daily Rituals going live tomorrow? iirc, the minimum reward will be 30k for all rituals, and Ghost Face's ritual is being changed to just stalking a few survivors, no leaning or downing required.

    I could be wrong, but I could swear I remember that being mentioned.

  • Member Posts: 825
    - Other (Leave a comment please)

    making it so you can choose which side the dailies are for would help alot as would changing some of the unique killer dailies to be more user freindly. ghostface's, plague's.doctor's and spirit's all you have to really go out of your way to get meanwhile the shape,nurse,huntress and the like are very suited to natural gameplay

  • Member Posts: 8,814
    - Yes, every day we should be given a daily ritual for both roles

    Rewarding people for playing both sides while still giving people who only play one side a daily a day? Sounds great to me

  • Member Posts: 41
    - Yes, every day we should be given a daily ritual for both roles

    it would also be great if there were more rituals available and/or an option to delete more of them, even if new ones rerolled only once per day

  • Member Posts: 53
    - Yes, every day we should be given a daily ritual for both roles

    I'd like the option to blacklist specific survivors/killers since getting a daily to "escape as [survivor you don't have perks on here]" is just a pain in the ass and will probably cost you more bp to get even weak perks on them and as for killer challenges there are some killers I just have 0 interest in playing even with a daily.

  • Member Posts: 561
    - Yes, as you log-in the game, you should have an option to choose if you want a survivor or killer daily

    Yes, let us choose if we want killer or survivor rituals, I hate when I get a survivor ritual, also 3 daily rituals per day, 1 is not enough....

  • Member Posts: 294
    - Yes, as you log-in the game, you should have an option to choose if you want a survivor or killer daily

    I would like to choose, but I do agree with you. It has caused me to play killers I otherwise would not.

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