Hot take: Strong vertical buildings are an issue.

I'm honestly surprised there's barely anyone talking about this, but most vertical tiles take a lot of time to get to and keep under control.

Take for example the gens inside Thompson House or Dead Dawg Saloon main building. You take around 20s just to get around to an entrance, up the stairs and be somewhere close to the gen, they're extremely hard to defend and most of the times you will be forced to let the gen go, purely because you need to spend a lot of time to exist close enough to the gen to be a threat as a killer, or if you know a surv is inside one of the buildings upstairs, you spend all that time just to start the chase.

To an extent, this is the same with hills, especially if you're trying to get to the hook there and you have to walk all the way arount the hill to get to the top. The hills on Red Forest are way better because you can climb them from 2 sides as opposed to a single one.


  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Agree. Also survs should start the match hooked

  • RamblinRango
    RamblinRango Member Posts: 389

    Certain killers can work around this. When I get a map like that I'll park Victor in middle of the big house so if anyone tries sneaking through there I'll know

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Try using balanced landing on a regular basis and you’ll realize how uncommon vertical tiles are compared to everything else

  • v4lor
    v4lor Member Posts: 74

    Knowing which gens you can/can't defend based on the Killer you are playing is part of the skill gap to that killer.

    If I'm playing Deathslinger, I have no problem defending the Dead Dawg gen or the Thompson gen. If I'm playing Wraith, it is hard to defend those gens, so I don't unless I'm forced to. Similarly, these gens existing gives maps identity and shapes your strategy, keeping them interesting. If you could defend every gen as every killer all the time then it would be boring, imo.

    The only building I can agree with you on your assertion is the Asylum gen, because that building is BS no matter who you are playing.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Honestly from a killer standpoint if any gen is gonna go first on those maps I want it to be that main gen , your best bet is to pressure survivors on other gens and leave the main alone for the exact reason you said , it takes too much time to make your way to the gen to kick and start a chase, once that gen is gone the others are easier to protect, just like on hawkins map good survivors will save the upstairs gen till the end so there's a long way to travel and a 3 gen is impossible