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TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

I got the Adept Twins trophy today.

Feels good. Particularly because, ironically the match before getting the Adept was the most awful, despondent, miserable match I had experienced so far since playing as Twins since their release. I achieved this at rank 5, against red ranks btw.

Say what you will about their perks, but when repeatedly attempting an Adept, a player gets intimately familiar with a characters perks, and personally I really, really like them.


I think some people are completely overblowing the severity of the cooldown. 80 seconds flies in this game. Having the opportunity to apply some sort of pressure across 4 gens SIMULTANEOUSLY at fairly regular intervals, with the potential to gain valuable information on where survivors are is INVALUABLE to any killer that cannot quickly traverse the map. All from a single kick. I personally get great value out of Oppression. It has been way more effective for me in practice than it reads on paper.


I LOVE this perk, purely for the surprise factor. I think this is going to be the kind of info perk that survivors are going to very rarely anticipate or figure out that this perk is being used for quite a long time. Almost always when it procs and I act upon it, that survivor is usually in an unprepared, compromised position. This perk is at its most beautiful when it gives away a survivor in the basement. This used to be the one reason I used to use Territorial Imperative, but comparatively Hoarder gives me my intended outcome more reliably. One successful hook in the basement is enough for me to confidently say I got value out Hoarder (even though I get more value out of it than that). Be brutally honest, even without camping the basement, a hook down there dramatically pushes the match in the killers favour. Hoarder helps me “engineer” that.

Coup De Gráce:

Here’s the real surprise: Coup De Gráce is a WAY more better perk than I expected, especially with the surprising reduction on distance from PTB despite its already restrictive conditions. I get the feeling a lot of the killer community put a lot of stock into gen slow down with little regard into things that can help end chases as fast as possible. Coup De Gráce is a wonderful example of how when considered, intelligent thought is put into how to get the most value out of a perk, it gives a really big pay off. Firstly, it really forced me to be way more attentive of being conservative of when I lunge. Secondly, it also got me to focus on ensuring I only lunge at INJURED survivors. With these 2 factors in mind, in circumstances where I would identify its 100% appropriate to lunge, such as a survivor about to take a vault, or I had successfully baited out a dead hard, Coup De Gráce 100% guaranteed a down. Every time, no question. For any killer that relies on their basic weapon being unquestionably, guaranteed a down up to 5 times per match at loops that would otherwise be 50/50 whether a lunge misses or not is nothing to be laughed at.

Here are my thoughts and analysis. By no means am I any authority on anything. These are just my opinions and observations.

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