Just slided across all snow piles on new Ormond as Blight

Please fix this, it's really annoying...
Happens with like all the small cars on Badham too.
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I know you wanted to use that emoji
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What do you mean by slide?
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I had the same happen on Autoheaven.
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They mean as it running into a flat wall and sliding off the side of it like its made of jello which denies them their bounce chain/lethal rush.
It completely cripples Blight's power.
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Yeah, just had that happen to me too.
It's the worst feeling when you're screwed over by bad map geometry and bugs.
But at least it's somewhat better than old ormonds collision, barely.
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Good level for sliding. Bring your skis
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There is a list of things Blight has 0 collision with or where collisions are just weird and inconsistent...I'll just copy paste from a post I made about this in the Feedback section feel free to add to it: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/209956/list-of-things-blights-power-has-weird-or-no-collisions-with#latest
-Lamp Posts in Haddonfield, and I believe in Badham have 0 collision.
-Benches in Haddonfield and Badham have 0 collision
-A certain tree that spawns at the swamps has very inconsistent collision
-Most cars on Haddonfield have inconsistent collision
-The Fences in Thomson's house are very easy to slide off of, you have to hit them at 90 degrees and sometimes even then, you can't slam against them
-The bits of debris in Autohaven. You hit them even if you can barely just see a tiny tip off to the side of your FOV.
-The props in that one room in Hawkins with the 2 safe pallets and some scaffolding with a ladder in the middle. Pretty much everything there gets you to collide even if you barely see in your FOV
-The doorways in Hawkins, another issue of them having collisions so large you collide with them even though you barely even see them in your FOV
-The boxes in the swamp, specifically at the boat, are another example of a prop you can collide with despite it being barely into your FOV
-Every single snow mound on the new Ormond and the benches in Ormond. They have 0 collision.
-The big machinery thing in the building in Ironworks of Misery has very weird inconsistent collision. Some bits of it don't have collision at all even if you hit it at 90 degrees.
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Dang, what killer power isn't bugged atm?
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And- Whats it to you? >:((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
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Yeah, the gameplay might be really bad, but it's the snow and wind that really matter, right?