SOMETHING has to be done about slugging

Ok, Devs, it's time to do something about slugging. Why do you let killers down ALL of the survivors, and then LET the last one get lost?! Seriously! It happens every time! You could stay in the EXACT same spot and the killer A) either ignores you in lue of closing the hatch or B) forgets when they downed you and can't find you! It's time for a failsafe so you're not stuck in a game for two minutes where all you can do is crawl around or get slammed with a dc penalty because you've lost anyways. Maybe give the last survivor an aura ( if they're not within x amount of meters away from the hatch) or put some sort of environmental aid in to help ( maybe the campfires or already completed gens?). I'm looking to make it reasonable for both sides and I know this will get back lash, but game after game of this happening is right annoying.
Something that speeds up the game if it ends in that state would be good yes, but most survivors for some reason always crawl to the edge of map not wanting the killer to find them. and a lot of survivors do this at high rank
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NVM lol I read the rest you had me there with that title
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I was expecting a completely different type of post ngl.
Try deerstalker or BBQ, helps when finding lost downed survivors.
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If the slug isn't crawling around or recovering, they get crows. If I want the killer to find me, I just stay put and soon I'm generating noise notifications like mad
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I think this might be you problem. They might get one gen early, but pressure them off them and pick the right perks.
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If Survivors play super optimal, 3 gens are getting popped in 80 seconds and there isn't much you can really do about it.
You can only push off one survivor at a time. Which leaves 3 uncontested, and if you decide to break a chase to go and defend gens again, you still are leaving 3 people uncontested.
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I think if the 3rd survivor dies on the hook and the hatch is closed then the last crawling survivor has 30 secs (or however long unbreakable takes) to get up or he/she dies automatically.
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When 1 gen goes? it should be 3 if the survivors are good, ive got 9500 hours in this game and 5000 at least in killer alone I know my #########, it isn't about what perks you pick I can take a perkless nurse and 4k at rank 1 but that doesn't matter when other killers lack the gen pressure to physically stop it from happening and they start slugging to end the game faster , that's what I was referring to are the ones on the roster who have this problem and they're the ones people complain about staying on the ground forever because they can't even slug fast enough but they get genrushed by good survivors if they play normal
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Thank you. I think that's a great idea. It saves two minutes of deadlocked gameplay
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Doing gens and being chased is what this game is. We (the survivor) shouldn't be punished for playing. In a good run, I've seen when a gen is finished, killer downs. The second is finished and that survivor is downed. At that point ( if we are scatter brained) two are hooked and two are maybe doing gens (or I've seen PLENTY of locker hiding). Plenty of wham- bam- thank- you- ma'am's to go around. And I've seen when it's downs and no hooks (which is what this originally was referring to). I know that chasing and hooking gets dry. This wasn't to dig or get under anyone's skin. This was simply to look at ways that could continue the game without perks that some may not have access to.
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I'll certainly consider this when I play killer, but for now I'm a survivor main (though I do try to look at things from the killer's perspective as well).
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I could say the same for Killers. They shouldn't be punished for merely existing, but they are. Slugging is a way for the Killer to regain control of the match.
Notice I said, "optimal play." Hiding in lockers is not optimal play. Optimal play is 3 Survivors on gens, with one looping and wasting time. Even if he gets hooked, the other survivors should finish their gens before going for a save. After all, the hook timer is longer than it takes to finish a gen.
FYI, I pretty much only play Survivor.
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Exactly this right here, I don't see how more people aren't understanding this concept , if the survivors split up and focus on gens at the start and don't totem or chest hunt there should be three gens pop in the first chase
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You're complaining about a nearly broken mechanic (slugging) because you lost one person?
You find that annoying when the survivors are forced to bring perks for your built-in mechanic?
Perhaps you haven't been slugged enough as a survivor to understand, slugging does not need a buff, it needs a debuff.
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Bruh, go for the full meme, "pressure gens 4head"
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That's the risk of slugging a survivor, it is the fastest way to disable a person, but you expose yourself to Tenacity, Unbreakable, or will just simply lose them.
If you introduce a mechanic to help Killers to find slugged survivors, it negates the risk aspect of it. Plus, there are perks like Deerstalker to combat this issue.
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I use whispers a lot on huntress and nurse (my mains) for this exact reason. Normally once the third survivor dies I find the slug in about 20-30 seconds depending on how far they have crawled. Whispers helps a lot in so many scenarios and I can't bring myself to take it off my builds.
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I don't know how i read untill here but my opinion is slugging it's just a skilless tatic or whatever you call it.
It takes away the capacity of defense and you can do noithing about it.
Unbreakable ? yeah but you got insta hit and sould guard sometimes not worth it because not every game you want to run it.
Should have a mechanic to counter it into the game for years.
Would you like your power to kill be denied ? This is what is taken from survivor.
I'm not a survivor main btw ... it's just dumb.
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Or maybe just actually do something about slugging. Your solution seems like blaming the victim for an abusive relationship. 4 way slugging should just not be a thing. I would rather there just only be able to be 3 slugs on the map at a time, like 4th one goes down, 1st one pops up.
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because it punish the killer with emblems, is their last resort after failing to escape to try and **** the killer. (as if they didnt have many already)
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if the killer gets that many slugs, sorry to tell you that is survivors fault, that should never happen as long as survivors are playing at least decently.
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"broken"? explain youself, and also why do you think killers need to do it?
i will for you, killers dont have time to make 12 chases, winning them, hook them and apply pressure at the same time at the other side of the map, after all survivors can complete their objective WAY FASTER than killers can theirs. so they slug, they try to get 2 hooked survivors and get rid of one the faster the better. slugging exists because DS exists, but you have another "broken" perk wich counters it entirelly unbrekable, or even better, the new meta is running undying/ruin pick up yourself as many times AS YOU WANT with sould guard.
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It would be fine some mechanism to accelerate the bleeding up and die faster when being slugged
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It would be one thing if survivors we're winning every other game, but from where I'm standing I'm lucky to NOT be slugged or tunneled to death 9/10 games I play.
I'm not saying it isn't a valid strategy. It 100% is. I'm just saying that sometimes it is a bit excessive, that's all.
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Sometimes it just out of players control- like with Myers or Ghostface. They're there before you know. Or Letherface- he can down and leave two at once if the timing is right.
Sometimes survivors just play crap games. And sometimes killers get lucky. But, its it really necessary for all 4 to be down in the first 3 minutes of the game before a single gen is done? That's what I'm asking here. I'm not trying to step on toes. This is merely food for thought.
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I try not to be excessive about it but I don't tunnel or camp and sometimes you gotta slug. Sometimes I'm an idiot and I forget where I left you but a lot of the time slugged survivors will try to hide somewhere weird to bleed out, and then complain about being left to bleed out. So don't do that.
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I am a survivor main... And I feel as those I have been slugged enough, thank you. On the day of positing I had 3 back to back where the killer slugged and watched the bleed out, not to mention the randoms I had sprinkled in about the day. I am annoyed that we have to bring in perks- or, more specifically, that some of the better perks to combat the issue aren't always accessable to everyone. But, that's an easier fix.
I wasn't suggesting that anything extraordinary happens with slugging. I was only looking for a polite discussion on other ideas on how it can be altered for a more pleasurable gaming experience on both sides of the hatchet. Killers don't get mad because survivors crawl and hide, and survivors aren't deadlocked in a match for two minutes that we aren't going to win without a very specific build (are you enjoying the puns?). Thank you for your insight.
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Nah, don't feel bad about that. It's understandable if survivors put you in a pinch or present you with the opportunity for two hooks. Normally if the team's got their head on they can work around it. It was more of an irritation on the ones who knock you all down and eat popcorn while you crawl for the duration of the bleed out. Heck, I'd say fair is fair if we rushed 3 or 4 gens and really tied your hands, but down before 1 or 2...
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Yeah, would be cool if they added something to find the last slug who's crawling around (without having to bring deerstalker).
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all of those situations you said are always survivors fault. the only situations that arent are a godly slugging nurse wich is out of your control, potentially Oni slugging if he got his power but this one is tricky, he is stupidly powerfull and slugish with his power mode, and not many more than those.
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Well, I do agree that those two as well are powerfull, but they aren't typically the killers who I've been seeing this behavior from if I'm being honest.
If you're the first one down, even if you gave a decent chase, there isn't anything you can do. There are runs where you're just caught off guard. I've literally almost stepped on a Ghostface before. Crazy stuff happens. I was just looking to see if anyone else thought the same way about slugging as I did.
And it was helpful. I don't play killer often, but those who do have given me some pretty dope build ideas. So, thanks for the input.
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You're saying killers who slug should get help from the game? Please for the love of god, no. As a survivor, my issue with slugging is that it's boring. I almost always wait a MINIMUM of at least five minutes to get a game and then the killer slugs at five gens? I can understand late game, it's still boring but I'm not mad that someone is trying to win. But for the love of god, no, killers don't need help or anything to encourage more slugging.
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There are lots of Perks Survivors can take to deal with Slugging Killers. Tenacity, Flip Flop, and Unbreakable are all extremely potent against that tactics.
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I´m worried about this new wave of killers this days.
I´m main killer and doing survivors challenges for rift, I can understand now the complains, in 25+ games , i just got matched againt pure noobs green or brown ranks playing ultra toxic
Franklin´s + Noed + Camping Hooks with bubba (is not worth for them but also not funny for the one who is hooked after 5+ mins of queue) in maybe 70% of the games.
The other 30%, Nurses, Spirits and Billys doing the same, running Noed and tunneling,slugging and camping everyone
As main killer, this players sucks, they are just trash and they are ruining survivors experiencie acting like that, Now I can understand why all nerfs come to us, because this human trash plays like fktards using mori 24/7 and being toxic all time.
What a shame to us, what a pice of trash players giving us bad rep
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Survivor should just stop crawling out of spite to the end of the map and accept defeat. Saves everyone time.
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Deerstalker basekit lol.
Or alternatively, the devs could expand the sudden death mechanic for hooked sirvivors to include all means of incapacitation.
If thats too strong, give survivors a pop up to vote surrender if all remaining survs are downed.
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It's funny, I made a discussion a while back with the exact same title. But yes, the last survivor's aura should be shown. I got a 4k depip the other day because people decided to hide as slugs for 4 minutes rather than let me hook them, even though the game was basically over anyway.