So many threads hating on the devs and the event...

DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
Can we show the devs a little bit of gratitude please? They don't HAVE to give us jack #########. However, they are and I'm grateful for that. Thanks guys! :)


  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 781

    @powerbats said:

    @Orion said:
    I was about to make a thread saying the same thing. Thank god I can be lazy instead and just click "Awesome".

    Perhaps the people that don't believe in entitlement and also want to thank the devs should just post thank you threads as well and drown out the complainers. I mean most of these complainers probably spend money on dlc from EA etc without a complaint.

    Doubt it, honestly.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642
    Can we show the devs a little bit of gratitude please? They don't HAVE to give us jack #########. However, they are and I'm grateful for that. Thanks guys! :)
    No I'm fed up
    First hatch closing and SC dismissed. theb the ds rework did t happen and now this

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Zaram said:

    You guys are the reason we don't get good events. Just cashgrabs hidden as events

    Could you point out the past cash grab events?
    We get more than ever, but you complain that you can't get everything for free. 

    But don't worry. If enough people like you complain, they'll probably never do such a event again and only give us some glowing eye skins in the future. 
  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    edited October 2018
    Tsulan said:
    Zaram said:

    You guys are the reason we don't get good events. Just cashgrabs hidden as events

    Could you point out the past cash grab events?
    We get more than ever, but you complain that you can't get everything for free. 

    But don't worry. If enough people like you complain, they'll probably never do such a event again and only give us some glowing eye skins in the future. 
    Can't wait for the Clown's glowy eyes head instead of an evil Santa costume(or something awesome along those lines) for the winter event.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Tsulan said:
    Zaram said:

    You guys are the reason we don't get good events. Just cashgrabs hidden as events

    Could you point out the past cash grab events?
    We get more than ever, but you complain that you can't get everything for free. 

    But don't worry. If enough people like you complain, they'll probably never do such a event again and only give us some glowing eye skins in the future. 
    Can't wait for the Clown's glowy eyes head instead of an evil Santa costume(or something awesome along those lines) for the winter event.
    Evil Santa would be so cool...
  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Who remembers when they gave a whole chapter away for free!

    (stirs the pot....)

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    The only thing that makes the event distasteful is there isn't that one exclusive item for the event..... like the donkey jacket and huntress mask... any noob that gets the game for Christmas or whatever can hop on for the first time and buy the skin that I spent time grinding for and this is what almost makes anyone think why collect the serum?
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Everything else .. cosmetics, the objective, the lobby.... all of it beautifully done!! I give praise to them for these evident hard work put in 
  • Skemooo
    Skemooo Member Posts: 194

    Here <3<3<3... im only paying for 3 of the skins i dont really play trapper , billy, dwight. .. so ill buy doctor and wraith and claudette apron, and illearn teh huntress skin..

    Thanks BHVR for making such awsome skins but i have spent a lot on them already.. i need budget for my system update :P

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    I think some of you just want your voice to be heard and to "stick" out and be positive without understanding some of our issues.

    Like... talking just to hear yourself talk maybe?

    Most of us are grateful. I'm grateful. I get to play a really cool event through Halloween..., my favorite holiday with my favorite game.

    It's going to be awesome...

    Like I've said countless times... being able to play and earn 3/21 pieces is just underwhelming.

    I'm not saying they should all be grinded for... I'm saying more than 3/21. How about 6/21?

    I'd shutup then lol. I was just really looking forward to earning something very exclusive.

    And I do think these skins should be for THIS EVENT ONLY.... after this event they go away.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Tsulan said:
    Zaram said:

    You guys are the reason we don't get good events. Just cashgrabs hidden as events

    Could you point out the past cash grab events?
    We get more than ever, but you complain that you can't get everything for free. 

    But don't worry. If enough people like you complain, they'll probably never do such a event again and only give us some glowing eye skins in the future. 

    We got more then ever?

    No proper balance changes again, gentime, SWF, DS, simply nothing as usual.

    Instead we get some more skins, and now im supposed to open my wallet and support this? :lol:

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Tsulan said:
    Zaram said:

    You guys are the reason we don't get good events. Just cashgrabs hidden as events

    Could you point out the past cash grab events?
    We get more than ever, but you complain that you can't get everything for free. 

    But don't worry. If enough people like you complain, they'll probably never do such a event again and only give us some glowing eye skins in the future. 

    We got more then ever?

    No proper balance changes again, gentime, SWF, DS, simply nothing as usual.

    Instead we get some more skins, and now im supposed to open my wallet and support this? :lol:

    Missed the last balance patch?
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055
    edited October 2018

    I posted this is another forum, but it seemed like a good message.

    "Well see, no one or very few people will leave, because... It's just cosmetics.

    It's not like the game is being tipped off balance. The game being tipped balance wise, perks being ruined, killer buffs and nerfs etc... That is what will get people moving. Not some silly cosmetics.

    They are just articles of clothing, in game. I see where you are coming from, and they should be specific to this event, similar to any other event.

    But it really isn't that big a deal. They said they would be giving more options, to either grind it out for free, or if you want to show support, you may pay for it, no one is forcing anyone to pay for it, only if you want to.

    And that really shows here, and I am pretty proud that they are keeping their word on this sort of thing. And for that I applaud them. But I do understand why you are upset, and while it would make sense that they keep it like other events. It really wouldn't benefit them.

    Cool skins draw players in, and once players see "Event Only Skin" I am sure they feel pretty bummed, I know I did in some other games. Exact same experience. Wanted a cool skin, but it was from an event years ago. Which really bummed me out of the game. And these are some pretty damn cool skins. (Personally love the Wraith one)"

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    These skins are caused by lore... which is tied to this event.

    Having them for purchase after the event is kinda lame.


    Make more than 3/21 pieces to be grinded for...

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 621

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    Make more than 3/21 pieces to be grinded for...

    Are you only able to buy one set by grinding?

    Also, when does the event start? I seem to recall today but it isn't up on PS4.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    @kisfenkin said:

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    Make more than 3/21 pieces to be grinded for...

    Are you only able to buy one set by grinding?

    Also, when does the event start? I seem to recall today but it isn't up on PS4.

    I believe it starts at 2pm central time?

    Either 1pm central or 2pm central. I'm not really sure. One of those times.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443
    Can we show the devs a little bit of gratitude please? They don't HAVE to give us jack #########. However, they are and I'm grateful for that. Thanks guys! :)
    No. They hyped up a Halloween event and it's really lame. We aren't going to kiss ass just because they decided to give us 1 costume. It wouldn't have been an issue if they just put the costumes on the store. The problem is they hyped up this event where we could grind for cosmetics and have a fun time.. when in reality it's just a glorified marketing technique to get us to buy more costumes. It's a really sublar event that they say overhyped. 
  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443
    I would have rather gotten nothing than and the costumes on the store than having a super lame event like this 
  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 621

    @Elegant said:
    I would have rather gotten nothing than and the costumes on the store than having a super lame event like this 

    I don't get it.. maybe I'm misinformed. They added a bunch of cosmetics for the event. From my understanding at least some are available to be ground out in game. How is this any different than the Summer BBQ? Did people think that was lame too? Or is the upset all about last Halloween's event?

    Personally, I don't care much about cosmetics. I won't pay cash for them, but if given a way in game I might make a reasonable effort to get them. I am hopeful that the event provides some way to earn extra blood and the possibility of free cosmetics. What else is everyone expecting that is missing from this event?

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Can we show the devs a little bit of gratitude please? They don't HAVE to give us jack #########. However, they are and I'm grateful for that. Thanks guys! :)

    Sweet !
    People are complicated. There will always be haters. I'm so pleased with this event and the chance to have a legacy that I also made a thread. I want to get home soon and play.
    I need to work to pay my costs and just like the BHVR, pity that many do not understand this.

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Zaram said:

    You guys are the reason we don't get good events. Just cashgrabs hidden as events

    Could you point out the past cash grab events?
    We get more than ever, but you complain that you can't get everything for free. 

    But don't worry. If enough people like you complain, they'll probably never do such a event again and only give us some glowing eye skins in the future. 

    We got more then ever?

    No proper balance changes again, gentime, SWF, DS, simply nothing as usual.

    Instead we get some more skins, and now im supposed to open my wallet and support this? :lol:

    The shop is the way they ask for our help and support.
    Too bad some brilliant minds do not see it.
    It would be the same as paying a monthly fee in WOW, the difference is that in DBD nobody charges you anything, nor are you forced to buy anything.

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    @Bravo0413 said:
    The only thing that makes the event distasteful is there isn't that one exclusive item for the event..... like the donkey jacket and huntress mask... any noob that gets the game for Christmas or whatever can hop on for the first time and buy the skin that I spent time grinding for and this is what almost makes anyone think why collect the serum?

    Sorry but so selfish.
    Why the noob can't have it in the future ? Are you suppose to be better than him ?
    Ppl ...

  • BottledWater
    BottledWater Member Posts: 248

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Can we show the devs a little bit of gratitude please? They don't HAVE to give us jack #########. However, they are and I'm grateful for that. Thanks guys! :)

    I m happy that the event is something new but in my opinion it would feel more fair to at least give us 2 skins to grind for because my problem is rather that I'll be done to quick with the event at that point it will basically turn into normal DbD I don't have a problem with them wanting to earn money that is their job after all but I have a problem that they might forget the part of the community that doesn'T spend money on the game or the people like me that love grinding new events for items or new cosmetics

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @rafajsp said:

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Zaram said:

    You guys are the reason we don't get good events. Just cashgrabs hidden as events

    Could you point out the past cash grab events?
    We get more than ever, but you complain that you can't get everything for free. 

    But don't worry. If enough people like you complain, they'll probably never do such a event again and only give us some glowing eye skins in the future. 

    We got more then ever?

    No proper balance changes again, gentime, SWF, DS, simply nothing as usual.

    Instead we get some more skins, and now im supposed to open my wallet and support this? :lol:

    The shop is the way they ask for our help and support.
    Too bad some brilliant minds do not see it.
    It would be the same as paying a monthly fee in WOW, the difference is that in DBD nobody charges you anything, nor are you forced to buy anything.

    And that do they give in comparison?
    Comparing DBD to WOW is just a joke tbh

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    This community is hopeless. The skins are nothing to cry about. Wraith’s is the only one I’m getting.  
  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443
    kisfenkin said:

    @Elegant said:
    I would have rather gotten nothing than and the costumes on the store than having a super lame event like this 

    I don't get it.. maybe I'm misinformed. They added a bunch of cosmetics for the event. From my understanding at least some are available to be ground out in game. How is this any different than the Summer BBQ? Did people think that was lame too? Or is the upset all about last Halloween's event?

    Personally, I don't care much about cosmetics. I won't pay cash for them, but if given a way in game I might make a reasonable effort to get them. I am hopeful that the event provides some way to earn extra blood and the possibility of free cosmetics. What else is everyone expecting that is missing from this event?

    They have 7 killer costumes (3 pieces each) we can grind out and unlock only one of these (3 pieces)
    The devs hyped it up like it was going to be bigger than it actually is. People are more annoyed now because it feels like a cash grab. Hype up an event, get us excited to unlock cool costumesx only to tell us we will have to buy them instead. Other events didn't have cosmetics we couldn't unlock
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    rafajsp said:

    @Bravo0413 said:
    The only thing that makes the event distasteful is there isn't that one exclusive item for the event..... like the donkey jacket and huntress mask... any noob that gets the game for Christmas or whatever can hop on for the first time and buy the skin that I spent time grinding for and this is what almost makes anyone think why collect the serum?

    Sorry but so selfish.
    Why the noob can't have it in the future ? Are you suppose to be better than him ?
    Ppl ...

    It's not selfish.. it's only right... what's the point of the grind? You don't have to put in any work at all when it comes to the event just buy the cosmetics... I like actually like feeling rewarded for the grind I put in.. knowing just anyone can hop on and buy what i worked for in game is stupid AF that's why I enjoy the reward of the hollowing grounds 
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Can we show the devs a little bit of gratitude please? They don't HAVE to give us jack #########. However, they are and I'm grateful for that. Thanks guys! :)

    If they want us to keep playing their game and keep it alive, they could give something.
    I would prefer they give us BALANCE, but if they can't get that straight, I take some free cosmetics.
    Their pricing for regular cosmetics is already outrageous, so they should at least dish out something for their events.
    It's called marketing. They should give it a try.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Wolf74 said:

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Can we show the devs a little bit of gratitude please? They don't HAVE to give us jack #########. However, they are and I'm grateful for that. Thanks guys! :)

    If they want us to keep playing their game and keep it alive, they could give something.
    I would prefer they give us BALANCE, but if they can't get that straight, I take some free cosmetics.
    Their pricing for regular cosmetics is already outrageous, so they should at least dish out something for their events.
    It's called marketing. They should give it a try.

    They're working on balancing the game. I'd say the healing nerf is a good step in the right direction.
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    This community is broken on a fundamental level. Toxicity has been tolerated for too long by the powers that be.

    I'd probably have 2k hours into this game by now if I didn't have to take frequent breaks to scrub my brain of the toxic mindset this community puts me in every time I spend to much time immersed in it.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    @kisfenkin It's different because previously the events were free, and 100% of the content was unlockable. This time, 14% is unlockable and the rest is behind a paywall. Yes, there's more content overall, and 3 pieces is nice, but it feels like less.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    @Fibijean said:
    @kisfenkin It's different because previously the events were free, and 100% of the content was unlockable. This time, 14% is unlockable and the rest is behind a paywall. Yes, there's more content overall, and 3 pieces is nice, but it feels like less.

    But there's considerably MORE content this time. In every previous event, we had one item or complete skin at the most for survivors and killer's each. And quite frankly, I don't think any of the past event skins had this much effort thrown into them.

    We're still getting the same amount in quantity we did before - a full skin for each side, except this time we get a choice of which skin we want. I have a Kate skin from the summer bbq... doesn't do me a bit of good, I don't play the stupid bimbo.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    @FrenziedRoach I realise that there are more cosmetics in terms of numbers, and the ability to get 6 rather than 3 is a great improvement that I'm really pleased with. I'm just trying to explain why to some people, it's less about the number of things and more about the principle of having community events which are free, with 100% unlockable content. The percentages were there to illustrate my point: it may be more items, but it's still 28% (an improvement of 14, as I said) rather than 100%. It's not that people want 21 items for free, it's more that they would much more happily accept 6 or even 3 items if that's all there was on offer.

  • Yasbeach
    Yasbeach Member Posts: 6

    We can unlock 6 different pieces of our own choosing wich imo is very cool, I also bought some auric cells to buy some more skins

    PLAVT Member Posts: 79
    Can we show the devs a little bit of gratitude please? They don't HAVE to give us jack #########. However, they are and I'm grateful for that. Thanks guys! :)
    Oh, my God... You are ready to bow at the feet when you show candy, which in the end you will not suck, but just lure a beautiful wrapper. You probably forgot what they offered at the beginning, they only wanted to give us 3 things out of 21. Precisely 3!!!! It was only after complaints from players about the increase, they added 3 more. What is it? Is that cool? They were originally supposed to do so, not have players and fans humiliated in front of them. Seriously, your arguments about the miraculous event look like an idiot..... Event on that and need to satisfy the players, make them fun, give them a holiday, and that in the end we got? - We got nothing but nerves and psychoses..... These things should all be available for opening on Halloween time, don't you think? Let them do it, then maybe I will say that this is the best event, but for now it is the worst. People are provoked to the negative by this gameplay and the struggle for tubes with plant juice... Skins should not be sold after this holiday, they should disappear completely from the store after Halloween, otherwise this event is a complete fiction, only a provocation to buy. Where the levy is an incentive to waste resources. They want to work on our nerves..... If it wasn't for that, then we could discover all things through effort. For example, after getting 6 things for every next 3 things to increase the number of required tubes at times. The first things on 30 test tubes, second 40, third 50, fourth 60 and so on, this was would reasonably, because ivent will go quite long and sense play further not will, because they simply will lure money. Some games like this attitude only killed, you know what I'm talking about..... Your theme does not show the real attitude of the players to this event.....