Mori changes no key changes reactions?

Well halfway there so that's good. But the fact you changed moris but not keys is pretty rough. But hey at least it's progress. Moris are now suited to come in near the endgame more. Instead of an early game massacre
Keys are much more complicated to be changed, a change will come but not for some time in the future.
Mori's were much easier as this is just a "tweak" really to the conditions of the mori.
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Soon (tm)
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It has been stated that those changes won’t come at the same time and there is really no reason for it to be worked on simultaneously.
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How about we deactivate them from the game like the old moon bouquets offerings?
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I realize you specifically aren't on the balance team but wouldn't it have made more sense to update keys and moris in the same patch though? Since they go hand in hand being the OP items/offerings people bring, changing one and not the other is sparking some controversy in the forums (more than usual, or at least the norm after the buggy mess of the chapter release).
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Genius change. Now with the inclusion of Appraisal we have keys in every game. Just keep pissing off killers until there are none left.
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Keys account for approximately 2% of escapes only and have a lot of conditions met before more than one survivor can escape with a key due to the hatch conditions - a good portion of the game has to be completed before the hatch even spawns. That was completely different to mori's which were one hook and then mori'd.
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They really should of hold off then till keys were ready aswell as both keys and moris were issues for the respective sides but they countered each other but now mori are weakened and now there's no real effective counters to keys.
This is just going to cause posts where people are going to say devs are survivor sided because you changed mori and not keys at the same time.
do you know any reason why they didnt hold off the mori change till keys were ready to be changed at the same time.
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Yeah so, now we'll see a rise in key use (since you won't need to worry about being moried as soon as possible) but that's ok.
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Interesting because in my killer games I see them in every match. Let's make the game more fair and enjoyable for everyone and let's detroy the keys! 😍
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Moris are an offering so it was only a tweak. Keys are an item that have several add-ons. They need to not just look at how keys interact with the game but what add-ons might need changed or removed. There's no point in them changing keys without looking at add-ons. The same as when they look at and change killers there are normally several changes to the killers add-ons.
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If you don't mind and have access to the data, how many kills did Moris account for (in percentage, naturally)?
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They can cry. Survivors are already was too ez to play.
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Really really really good news, and nice. I play both killer and Survivor, and yes keys destory some of the game as well. But a killer getting a player out early, is almost a sure win. Very good news, very happy for this change.
Keys should be changed to only allow the one carrying the key to get out, shouldnt be to difficult to do, just set the timer after unlocking from 30 to 0 seconds :D
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In my opinion, here are the changes they could make to the key:
1- You can only bring 1 key for lobby
2- Survivors must take a skill check to open the hatch
3- The hatch closes as soon as the survivor escapes
Done, we found a solution, now do it. Ps Surv can't swap in lobby like killer
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Well not that many requirements though, just let your teammates die.
For those who say they didnt "change" keys, we got the offering a month back or so, so we know where it will spawn, that was kind of a nerf to keys, so fair that mori's get nerfed as well /End of sarcasm
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I don't think there should be a limit on keys, but I lik the other suggestions.
And yes, there shouldn't be a change for the survivor to change items and or characters in the lobby.
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Then why couldn't the balance team just...wait? Why did it have to be done now and give survivors an advantage and show favoritism? Even if its easier they could...have just...waited.
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Those statistics are meaningless now with appraisal and swfs in red ranks.
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We need 4 survivors for a game, and only 1 killer, if it is to fun to be killer or to hard to play survivor the waittime would just be insane, I think thats some of the logic, but only a guess.
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Appraisal single handedly negates this unless they make it so that keys only appear in the bloodweb. Which is a change that should've happened a long time ago.
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My reaction?
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My reaction....Survivor cosmetic sales must be down for the month...LUL
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As I said in another thread, not how I would have done but, but at least something was done. Step in the right direction overall.
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If you put this requeriment for mori, do the same for keys.
i suggest.
Survivor can only use the key if, two teammates are dead or two are in the last hook.
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There should be a limit, as the drop rate of the key from the chest has increased lately.
Another change to the survivor lobby could be this: at the beginning of the queue the survivor chooses the character he will play with, then he can choose another character to level him or do something else, but in the pre-game lobby the killer will see directly the character selected in queue with objects.
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Mories destroyed the game. Keys do that as well, but not as hardcore as the "old" mori. I liked Otzdarvas suggestion better, that all 4 survivors should be hooked once before you could start mori them.
A question, what if a survivor get to 2nd hookstage on the first hook, is he moriable?
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Or option 2 do not play as killer until the keys are nerfed,.
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I'm not even playing this game anymore until keys are nerfed. And I just got back into this game too. Too bad the devs ruined it for me already.
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Honest reaction?
Not surprised in the slightest... and unfortunately thats the nicest way I can put it
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In answer to your question yes, you can mori if the survivor is on their 2nd hook stage even after one hooking
(And I am sure I've worded that badly, but we've made it clear on the patch notes now)
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Yep. I'm not even mad, I'm just disappointed.
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That tweak still took years though. I would hope keys don't take several more years; especially if they turn out to be small changes also....
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I'm not saying that they aren't op... both are
However, the stance they've taken has given the very wrong perception.
Even if stats were quoted there's no way this was going to avoid backlash.
Actually.... speaking of stats... the big problem most survivor only players preach about is the tunnel and 4k scenario.
As someone who's played since even before release, I can honestly count on one hand the number of games where i've been in a game with that outcome
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Well not only did they fix only a portion of the bugs, but genrushing against an ebony mori is more reliable to escape with all 4 people. This is great man, I guess its one killer less in the mm for a long time. Good luck to my fellow killers.
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i will only play this game on my smurf from now on
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While it is good news that moris will be changed, it is not as good that keys will probably take months more to change. This will lead to lot's of lobby dodging when killers see key, or more tunneling etc.
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Genuine question...not looking to argue or lash out, but I'm genuinely curious - what % of survivor deaths were to moris? I'm mostly curious from the "both sides agreed moris and keys were too strong" standpoint...if keys are only 2% of escapes and are "too strong" then what were moris at percent wise?
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Here, let me show you how to avoid all that backlash: just hold the mori changes untill you can launch the key changes into the live server too.
Is it THAT hard?
That way BOTH sides would be happy since BOTH sides agree that BOTH keys and moris are bs and ruin the game.
Why launch a direct (although needed) nerf to just one side?
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My reaction is that it's pretty damn easy to change a "1" to a "2."
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I am well aware. I appreciate you clarifying that for everyone else. My view (as I suggested a very different way of fixing the Mori) is that if/when people run the Mori that it will lead to camping and tunneling on an unprecedented scale. Why? I just have to have people hit struggle bus and I can Mori them off the hook. Is this a good long term tactic? No. Will it happen? Yes. It will happen a LOT.
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And theres one of my problems. Keys are potentially getting a much more through rework then Mori's have gotten. Again with the time of 'who knows?', as well as the fact that key changes where promised YEARS ago when Mori's where first nerfed and we still haven't gotten them; does not give me a lot of hope.
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Interesting how you say “see” and not “used”. But keep thinking that your opinion is more reliable than the devs facts lmfao
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Assuming that is true and not just PR that doesn't make anything better at all.
If you are going to change a core mechanic of your game, why would you only change it to affect one side in particular? Why not just wait off so the complicated "key change" would happen with the mori rework like everything else.
Regardless of that two percent, that can be still quite large considering people who are SWF likely make up the majority of escapes with key and why they are a huge issue as even a game a killer outperforms in a major headache of a game, the survivor still are not punished as they can just use a key and if they are a Bully SWF you better believe it is common for them to abuse any and all mechanics to make it a hassle for killers including bringing a key.
Another thing is, why do you have to rework either or to release them? Clearly most everyone is not happy with Mori's nor Keys, few people would complain if you just disabled both of them completely until the rework for BOTH of the items came out and it would be SIGNIFICANTLY more fair to do that. Again, these are the strongest items in the game that except for OoO, are absolutely game breaking and offer an advantage so grave that it can shape the game by itself. Why would someone, no, how could someone think that it is a good idea to totally remove this dynamic from one team and allow the other one to have this under the guise of "its just too complicated" and statistics that can misrepresent the situation. Are we really going back to a OOO is not broken argument 2.0 because the stats say X?
This is like removing the AWP in CSGO for one team, and allowing the other team to use it. Its silly.
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At low ranks yes, not with a team of survs who understand the game however.
If the killer has a Mori your goal is to gen rush and pop of the gens before he can hook enough people to kill them.
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I dont think keys are as op as moris were. A mori changed the outcome of the game early on, by tunneling out a survivor far too early, making a 4v1 based game into a 3v1 game.
Keys usually dont change the outcome in my opinion. For 4 people to escape, you still need all gens done. For one to escape, its still a win for the killer. How often do more than 1 survivor escape with a key? It might be more in swf, but for solo survivors, a lot of them just leave the rest behind.
The problem with keys is not that its op, its that killer feel cheated if the last survivor escapes instead of being at their mercy. Funny thing is, that most killers feel they deserved that kill even if they would have gotten it due to a dc or hook suicide in the first place.
I play only solo survivor, but when the key change comes, i will most likly switch to swf. In solo, a key (or finding one in a chest with plunderers) gives you a fighting chance if the game has one leaving his team behind. If thats no longer an option, you need more reliably teams.
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As i said, i play solo and i dont complain about any killer. I like the different killers and that you need different approches to deal with them. Most survivors just go for "the usual" instead, and call them op afterwards.
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Keys objectively were more broken then Moris.
Moris changed the game significantly to the point where the killer was winning, however the survivors could still just play well and counter the Mori with some counterplay on their part.
Keys instantly ended the game, allowed all living survivors to escape, winning instantly, and once used there is nothing a killer can even hope to do to counter play it except hope they open hatch near him before they all leave.
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Keys always make me have a fun time in the game. Nothing more than 3 survivors getting out during a tough match feels better. What better way is there for a conclusion to the match to occur, where I have to play so much more tactically, to be rewarded with the other team getting to just bypass the rest of the game. Fantastic and amazing, it feels so good and is soo much fun to play against. What better way to just kick the person on the team by themselves in the teeth.