Going to Nerf Keys BHVR?

Because right now your literally proving you favor survivors over killers. Its the most solid proof you have ever given.
Devs will nerf Keys in a future patch. They said during the Q&A where they talked about Mori and Key changes that the changes might not happen in the same Chapter.
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I wouldn't say it's proof they like survivors more, it's more like it's proof they don't know how to handle balancing designs and a coherent timeline.
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They've already said that they have changes to keys as well.
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This isn't bias, it's a matter of the things working differently. Key nerfs will likely require implementing a new mechanic. The mori nerf just required changing one variable.
If you want a good example of bias, you already have it with DS and Enduring.
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They did, but they could have waited, and they didn't. Whether its intentional or not, they did not have the foresight to think this through at the best, and at the worst they actually do favor survivors. It should be reverted until they have the ability to change keys. I've been through this rigamorole so many times now. Where its 'easier' to change something for survivors and they will 'eventually' change it for killers.
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No this isn't a survivor vs killer thing. Mori's were always stronger than keys - keys have a lot more conditions to be able to use them than mori's ever did. Also, this tweak to mori's is much quicker/easier to implement then the change to keys - this will happen (we already said previously we were looking at keys), but it's not going to happen right now.
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They absolutely should not wait. You come up with a solution you're satisfied with, you ship that solution ASAP. I'd rather have one OP thing in the game than two.
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I would rather the game be balanced. And thats fine when its a bug fix or graphics update, But when it comes to balance and it tips the scales one way or the other, you should not just put it out because its done for one side.
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And waiting to nerf Moris means leaving the game unbalanced longer.
you should not just put it out because its done for one side.
Strong disagree. Having two OP things is worse than having one OP thing. You don't wait to fix a problem until a separate problem can be fixed.
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Mori's aren't fixed, they are useless. So unless keys are somehow going to be useless, I don't see how we are going to get balance. Maybe if they make it so a hatch can only be opened with a key when one survivor is left and 3 gens have been done, then maybe. But I don't see them doing that, and who knows how long before we get the devs 'solution'?
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Because we now have one less overpowered thing in the game. That is balance.
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One change before another proves nothing
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...If there is one less rotten apple on one side of the scale but the same amount on the other side of the scale, is the scale balanced?
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Game balance, not actual "even steven".
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Do you know the meaning of the word balance? Because this change isn't it. Its one sided. And completely making a tool useless instead of making it less useful. And I really don't see keys getting this kind of treatment.
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Devs literally said they're fixing BOTH keys and moris WAAAAY back around blight or pyramid Head came along, there's nothing survivor sided about this. They fixing bugs for the buggiest chapter while also giving victor a ground up animation for the locker problem, and then giving the downed incapacitated survivor the blood warden delay so they can't escape immediately after being downed.
Plus moris being tweaked aren't the end, you just have to work for them a bit more to activate them. I play both sides, and I understand what it's like getting keys & Annotated Blueprint games. (They S U C K) because you're constantly on edge and dreading about the eventually teabagging and clicky clicky at hatch. But it's nothing to show that the devs are biased over. Keys will get their nerf/tweak it all comes down to how they make those changes for keys.
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Do you understand what "game balance" is? It does not mean "don't change one thing without changing something else to compensate." It means "change things that are overpowered (or underpowered)."
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maybe after a year or smth dont get high hopes since killers op survivors weak
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They. Could. Have. Waited. The fact they said they where going to work on both, only released one (on the survivors side of course), and did it during a HOTFIX instead of a full patch just comes off as...I don't even know really, its such a mix of so many bad and ill informed choices I can't describe it.
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Both of them are extremely strong and should be nerfed to the ground.
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Well One down one to go
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give them a break alot of people complaind about the moris now that they fixed them you complain about them not fixing keys
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It really should have been both at the same time though. Perception matters, especially in a competitive, asymmetric game where sides are accused of being favored.
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I never complained about Moris. I complained about keys. It feels like my complaints are being ignored while other (survivor) complaints are being listened to. And thats the thing. Its how this change makes me feel, not what the devs may or may not be trying to do it. Its about perception, and my perception is that currently survivors are being favored.
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Here's the thing:
Yeah they could've waited but just imagine how much people would've been equally as upset to where some could go, "why did you put something on hold for so long that should've been released ages ago?" Then again there's other old time bugs in the game that will have these statements said later on, but you and I both know there will be that **ONE** person who'll ask that (along with the majority who will agree with that person).
But either way when the devs do something that'll seem like a good way to go to some they'll get flamed for the majority who thought the other way. (Btw I mean no aggressiveness or ill will towards just saying this in a respective way)
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It would not matter if it would be a Hotfix or an actual Patch. They simply cannot do a PTB with changed Moris (or Keys), because people would use them before the Patch.
So if it would have been done during a Regular Patch (like new Chapter or Midchapter), it would have happened without any announcement as well. So it does not matter if it is a Hotfix or not. They had to do it this way, because otherwise you would have a game full or Moris for a while (or Keys, when they change them, which will probably happen instantly as well).
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Mori's are stronger, so its fair they were weakened first.
The developers have already said the change won't be necessarily in the same patch, give it a little bit of time before complaining about it.
This is a healthy change for the game.
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your one in thousands of people they went for the easy one to fix first and the one people wanted and complain about the most
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It would be, if keys where getting nerfed at the same time. Now people are going to bringing keys out of the wood work because they have no counter to them.
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If Keys are THAT much of a problem for you, bring Franklins and tunnel the survivor who brought it, since no one else will be able to find it (they're practically invisible) and the tunnelled survivor won't be able to pick it up before it's taken by the entity.
Keys are so overexaggerated as a problem in this game IMO.
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Keys are up to 400% more broken than moris due to the fact that they technically can grant immediate victory for up to 4 players whereas moris only work for one person, the killer. They also still work without the survivor needing to do anything just by letting your teammates die off. Killers meanwhile are still required to catch, down and hook survivors to get any use out of a mori.
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Whether its exageratted or not, the fact of the matter is that killers got a offering DESTROYED. While on the survivor side, keys have remained the same since launch.
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From what im seeing no one are disagreeing with the nerf to mori the issue is that it should of been done at the same time as keys as both mori and keys are issues for the respective sides and a very well noted issues for the sides i might add. Both cut games short both are broken asf in the right hands both needed changes.
What this patch has done is cause more frustartions, potential increase in toxic behaviour from the survivors and gain more posts on why devs are survivor sided which in turn has done more damage to the already fragile trust that the killer community have over the devs.
While yes i do agree healthy change and yes mori needed the changes this should of been done with changes to keys to keep the peace.
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This exactly. Its about perception. And the perception I have is this is just bad decisions and favoritism all around.
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thing is they allow multiple survivors to escape the game with one object, only need to have 1 gen more than living survivor for it to appear yes but that's not hard to achieve with the speed gens are done today. Also if you have a key, it opens AND immediately pops that survivor through the hatch without a counter what so ever. honestly this has been a heated topic and it does show that the survivors are left alone after so many killer changes. I've seen survivors disconnect to immediately open the hatch for someone (instead of just a kill off the hook). I am not suggesting that moris needed no changes, i don't truly mind it but the fact that keys were left alone and moris changed now it makes it easier for good survivors to get the hatch to appear and get out, costing the killer the game or more. the last change that affected the keys was that they are a bit easier to spot in the lobby but that's not really that much of a functional change. there is no information about what the key changes would be. why ship the mori nerf without the key nerf that is what people are talking about, now with coordinated teams the gens get done, that hatch relieved and poof they're gone. locker, gen, totem DS is still around and it just really makes the game unfun for the killers because they can't counter any of that.
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100% agree
It is absolutely about perception, and far too many decisions seem to be made honestly by someone who doesn't play (one side in particular) very much
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2020 is not a year about keeping the peace lol, it's a stressful year no matter what you do, even when playing video games as buggy as many of the releases have been this year and even buying consoles unless you were as lucky as I was to snag a working one on a september 16th preorder before the scalpers' bots were ready for them. I mean if dead by daylight had suddenly started having patches that put faith into the devs, this year of all years, I would have known for certain I had already died and gone to hell without knowing it and that it had been a very cold day indeed.
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I mean i only really used mori to kill a key survivor in most cases to prevent a quick escape which this should still work for me. My only thing is i dont like how often ebonies show up more then other ultra rares. Like i have 86 ebonies 15 fragrant tuft of hairs and 12 judith tombstones on myers. Doesnt add up.
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if we do that then we are camping tunnlers
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Are you serious? Immediate victory? You need to play whole match to make 4 man escape with key. And you needed one hook to kill one survivor early and make game almost unwinnable for survivors. Keys are much more fair than moris used to be.
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I doubt it. Lol
I mean, how would they?
Maybe the hatch only let's -one- person through when the key is used then the hatch closes? It doesn't necessarily need to be the person that opened it.
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Seems like a lazy rework, i hope it's just temporaly until a proper one.
At least they didn't announce it.
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