Does anyone else use anything but crutch perks?

Perks such as dead hard, adrenaline, ds, OoO, Etc. I like to use builds for stuff like hook saves, healing, confusion, and autodidact. But does anyone else not use crutchs? If you dont please say what stuff you like to run i like seeing intresting builds.
I don't really like the name you use for them, but I usually perks that I think are fun, such as better together, open handed, bond, flip flop, tenacity, leader and soul guard.
But many games I regret not bringing ds, bt and unbreakable, because many killers like to tunnel and facecamp for no reason? But mostly i make my builds using the above perks with others I like.
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Yeah i generally don't use meta Perks, but way more because they're not fun to me than any other reason.
I mean, Hex: Ruin + Hex: Undying for example: It can gets you lots of time, but there's no direct effect.
I love downing a Survivor from my uncloak super-lunge using any form of Exposed.
I'd use multiple Exposed Perks over that combo any day.
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I understand the frustration of getting tunneled yet i use the term (crutch perks) because of the unfair advantages they give such as ds being used agressivly for a free stun for a minute, dead hard protecting from A deserved punishment for failing a loop, object of obsession giving tons of info for free and ruining any suprise from killers like trapper and hag on placement, and finally their effect on the sandbox with almost no variation besides these perks at red ranks. That is just my opinion on the perks though, to be honest thats great that you are using variation while still trying to use one or two of the perks i listed to still have a better chance of surviving
Post edited by GoldenZR_TTV on1 -
I like mixing things from time to time. Perk roulette is actually super fun, the other day I got a super ######### build with deathslinger (Spirit fury, distressing, huntress lullaby and mountrous shrine) and still managed to make it work
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What exactly do you consider crutch perks other then dead hard, adrenaline, ds, OoO?
I don't use any of those myself, what I run depends on my tome challenge or how I'm feeling. Lately though detectives hunch and wake up have been getting a lot of use. Head on because I have to do a lot of stun the killer challenges and self heal if I'm solo queing because a lot of team mates don't have time to stop and heal you, though I find myself not using it even when it is equipped
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Depends if you can or not and the context. Usually I don't see many options as a killer because builds depend on the perks I have available or the killer's power and capacity to make pressure, specially on red ranks. But for survivor I can change more depending on team, otherwise I will use those that feel more effective in the long run. I don't know if you are making judgment of people using meta perks, but if you are, you are wasting your time really. Meta are meta because they are more effective and most people will use perks that are effective, some don't need them altogether or like to meme, more than survive, but you can't expect people to agree with your playstyle and be judged because they think otherwise.
Also crutch is a ridiculous way to put it in my perspective. If something is way too overpowered as it seems to be the meaning people use as crutch, since apparently people think others win because DS or because ruin, you should suggest changes to those and see if your argument holds true, not trying to change how people play the game, that won't happen, I guarantee.
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I'm big for being aware, self sufficient, and providing quick heals for teammates.
Usual it We'll Make it, Alert, Kindred, and Botany with a medkit. It's more nerve wracking without second chances and helps develop my skill rather than SB away from chases every time.
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As survivor, I use perks that bonk killers trying to be too efficient (DS), guarantee safe unhooks (BT), heal unhooked survivors faster (WMI), and earn more bloodpoints (WGLF).
This is my go to build as survivor.
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I'm everytime playing with random perks so... Moslty of the time I don't get these "crutch" perks in my perk slots.
If you want to find some good perks that will be combine with your own playstyle very well I recommend play with random perks.
I met some people in the game/forum that love to playing with "Wake Up" or "Pharmacy" for example which I find kind of funny.
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I mean not much unless your looking at the killers role with stuff like bbq, noed, corrupt, ruin, etc. There are only a few yet they widely affect gameplay in an unfair way, stuff like bt and spine chill and adrenaline can be considered yet they are fair in the sense that bt protects against camping and spine chill counters characters like spirit, michael, and ghosty boy, and adrenaline is simply too situational as if your away from The killer and healed it gives a 5 second sprint burst once.
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Unfortunately, these "crutch" perks are used so much because they're incredibly powerful. Even for incredible survivors with thousands of hours in the game, they're pretty much objectively the best perks in the game.
DS forces killers to either ignore you (and risk you getting back up) or waste a ton of time, both of which can easily win games. It's one of the few perks that can completely change a match in an instant, and it's by far the best anti-tunnel perk in the game. If the game had better anti-tunnel mechanics (though I don't know what those could be), you'd probably immediately see DS's usage drop, and it would leave room for it to be nerfed.
BT allows you to just completely disregard killers who camp around hook, and as such is basically mandatory to use at higher ranks, especially against high mobility killers.
You can write things like this for pretty much all of the meta perks. They're meta because they're incredibly powerful, and at high-level play you have very little reason to run anything else. The same happens on the killer side with ruin + undying + pop being run on every single killer. You're probably not going to see people run other perks unless there's significant rebalances to perks (a lot of perks are frankly useless or so incredibly situational that they almost never come up unless you heavily play into them, meanwhile stuff like DS, BT, Ruin, Pop, etc. can be used in every single match and require zero playstyle adjustment), and I don't think we'll ever see a rebalance like that.
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i actually like that build but instead of ds i like to run desperate for stacking onto wmi and faster unhook
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I have no qualms with using some of the meta perks that I derive genuine enjoyment from (like Dead Hard, STBFL, etc), but otherwise I usually only run the other meta options if they either relate to a build I'm playing with (such as Unbreakable + Tenacity + Flip Flop) or if I'm just filling an empty slot not needed for one of those builds.
Though lately I've mostly been playing around with a locker-shocker build and the classic Shaman (a.k.a. "5-Totem") build on some killers. Variety is the spice of life.
...and cinnamon. Cinnamon is also the spice of life.
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I'm survivor main, and nowadays only play with random perks or perks with a somekind of synergy going on. (for example like a loot build or healing build) I dont use exhaustion perks anymore neither.
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Ya i don't know about a rebalance like the huge one recently with wglf pop for the people and all the other ones happening to crutch perks, i understand that those perks are great for countering alot of stuff i just dont like the fact how you see those perks like ds and bt etc copy and pasted constantly
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Every Night I change up perks. I spent 400 hours unlocking as many perks as I could (Stupid grind) and now play with different mix of perks all the time. Sometimes I run perks that aren't that great, but are somewhat fun anyway. I would get bored with the same 4 perks all the time. This game is meant to be fun, not too serious, and more people need to realize that.
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Honestly some perks that are meta are perfectly fair like spine chill bt bbq and stbfl, especially stbfl as for m1 killers. And finally i full heartedly agree cinnamon is the true spice of life along with variety
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I'm gonna see alot of these posts this weekend I bet lol. And most of them will be justified. btw I like that Elodie girl's locker diversion perk (don't run straight at it or you might go in when it's not on a cooldown, happened to me a couple of times, I turn and then use it), it's helped me run to a new area with a headstart when I worked out how to use it well on a chase. I generally do it once to a killer unless I'm using it as a diversion to draw them from going toward a gen somebody is on or a hooked guy since they'll probably catch onto it afterwards. But combined with red herring, it's pretty good as a diversionary tactic and if you're really desperate a means of a headstart getting out of a closing loop area since it can cooldownw hile you're sprinting (it's not an exhaustion perk). Elodie's pallet/wiggle perk I haven't been able to get off one single time yet though, even on characters thata ren't her no matter which combination of perks I tried so I don't see it as reliable just as a heads up on it.
If you wanna have fun, and don't care about points, gens or escaping then try iron will, no mither (to completely cancel your sounds together and in case killer is a spirit), resilience and dead hard. during one of the last no dc penalty periods when people were dc left and right and i was screwing around with perks, I wound getting pretty decent with that combo. I went into a match immediately dropping oni orbs though and nearly schiff bricks over it... turned out to have the randoms distracting him alot for me and it was aprettyf un game since that oni seemed pretty new to him.
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I use perks that fit the character I'm playing. For example:
Zarina // For the People, Dead Hard, Soul Guard, Unbreakable
Meg // Sprint Burst, Fixated, Hope, Adrenaline
Otherwise, I use what I think is fun, such as anything like unhooking based perks or anything that fills a niche like all exhaustion lol.
I don't use DS.
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Just to pop in I play survivor solo a lot and hardly ever run crutch/meta perks. With killer I play weird builds often at different ranks.
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I was using ace in the hole, plunderer's, appraisal and deception... Until they nerfed the crap out of appraisal this morning and deception wouldn't even work 90% of the time. So I went back to my basic b!tch build - ds, dead hard, iron will and self care
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Sorry for using good perks, my bad.
Totally not like 75% of perks in the game are garbage. Also funny that you say nothing about killer crutch perks, it's only an issue for survivors?
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Depends on what you define as crutch perks but my main survivor build is "BT, We'll Make It, Saboteur, and Inner Strength"
Now someone could argue that Inner Strength is a crutch because I don't like to play injured or could argue that BT is a crutch because free hits or whatever.
But the way I see it, 3 out of 4 of my perks are purely altruistic and meant for saving people and the last encourages me to look for totems AND has the bonus of healing me without needing a teammate.
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Any means necessary
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Profile picture checks out
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I have a few builds in rotation now, depending on how the day is going. Most of the time I want those juicy bloodpoints, so WGLF is a staple.
Anti-Ruin/Undying Build: Small Game, Distortion, Inner Strength, WGLF (Detective's Hunch or Spine Chill both great replacements for WGLF)
Sabo Build: Breakout, Mettle of Man, WGLF, (Choice of Inner Strength, Saboteur, Empathy, or Tenacity)
Sabo Build 2.0 (niche build, so SWF only): Tenacity, Flip Flop, Power Struggle, Unbreakable (with sabo box)
Bloodpoint Build: Prove Thyself, We'll Make It, Kindred, WGLF
Escape Artist: Quick & Quiet, Lithe, Poised, WGLF (Adrenaline is a great replacement for WGLF)
Escape Artist 2.0: Quick & Quiet, Head On, Deception, WGLF (Dance with Me is a great replacement for WGLF)
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Enduring on Nurse is my guilty pleasure. Watching people think they're slick with stunning me with a pallet just for me to recover instantly and blink on them is deadass hilarious
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Sure lots of people do. I don't ever use Dead Hard, Adrenaline, DS, OoO, or BT. But most SWF do spam those. It is what it is. You get used to it. I just have a little timer on my desk that I start when someone get unhooked so it tells me when said person is safe to pick up.