How to give keys the "Mori-treatment"
Keys can now only open the hatch once an exit gate has been opened.
Easy solution.
Moris now only speed up a result that is basically already determined (carrying a survivor to a hook vs killing him outright when he is already on death-hook) with some very edge cases of usefulness (avoiding a pallet stun or DS). Keys will now do the same thing, with the edge case of usefulness being when the gates are open but the survivor is injured / the killer has a 1 shot and is guarding the gates effectively.
You hit on a good point. The commonality of both keys/moris were that they essentially allowed either side to prevent the other from playing certain portions of the match (Survivors not getting to play past 1st hook and killers not being allowed to play the last few gens) with too easy a cost.
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Peanits already confirmed their key change is in the pipeline to come out soon. Whatever they're planning to do with them is already on the way.
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If you read closely what they have said here, like defending that keys aren't as problematic and suggesting that mories were much stronger.. you can guess that key nerf won't be neaarly as severe as mori nerfs (which are bordeline useless now lmao). You want my guess? keys work exactly the same, but less survivors can escape at once. Maybe something like purple key one survivor escape, skeleton key two survivors escape.
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If only one survivor is allowed to escape, won't that just be to the detriment of other remaining survivors?
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I could see them making keys only open hatch for a smaller window. Then having addons to increase the time.
But i think the most likely outcome is hatch gets a progress bar with addons to speed it up.
Then survivors cant sprint to it pop it open and escape with killer right on their heels which is what usually happens that feels so bad for killers
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Dare you say.... a secondary objective for survivors?
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sure. Idc
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I’ve said elsewhere that I think the only problem with keys is that multiple people can escape with a single key use. If the key let the key user escape then the hatch closed behind them then keys would be fine.
Personally I thought the Green mori was ok as it was but if the data the devs had showed otherwise I can’t really argue against that. Red moris definitely needed a nerf either way. I don’t think Red and Green moris are dead, avoiding a possible Decisive Strike or flashlight or pallet save is still somewhat worthwhile. Yellow moris could have used a buff though.
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my thought was change keys to only allow opening hatch if you are the last survivor, and buff left behind to find a purple key in chests with your first search
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That would certainly be fair and balanced in comparison, they should never be allowed to escape early if you can no longer kill them early. But watch it simply be just another tender slap on the wrist, especially for the swf. I'll bet $100 usd the keys 'nerf' will amount effectively to nothing more than a slight slap on the wrist at least for swf. The only way you will make your disapproval of their clear bias unable to be ignored is if enough people simply stop queueing as killers, even better if enough of them pile onto survivor queues at the same time they deprive it of a substantial amount of killers. If that doesn't happen, your game is fruct for good at this point until they give you a way to avoid dealing swf.
the game needs killers more than it 'needs' swf (that's their bs threat that they will leave and deprive the devs of their money, but if killers leave they'll leave anyways and if only swf are gone killers will keep solos and duos still playing without 3 and 4 man swf bs).troll with friends can all quit and you'll still have a functional queue with reasonable wait times. Fewer would have difficulty adjusting to playing survivor sometimes (as we've seen those rare times killer queues got long like when pyramidhead came out) than they would jumping headfirst into the deep end of the killer pool trust me. But they'll quit rather than play too many miserable matches as killers once the survivor queue gets long enough. The loss of swf would eventually even itself out, it would just mean a lot less money for the greedy devs, while the loss of killers before bots come (and bots that can be fun 'enough' to play against) means a dead game once people get sick of queues pushing 30 minutes or more even for solo survivors at some points throughout the day.
It's always been killers that 'need' to be happy in order to have a functional game, it's never been troll with friends. Killers unfortunately have not taken their power back from the devs and swf by refusing to play and/or cluttering survivor queue times. Just do it for a few weeks, give it enough time to see what happens and what the devs say. If goatsie insults you again, or gives the same bold-faced lies and bs promises just to keep you providing entertainment for their customers a little bit longer... then just give the smug prick the finger and go play something else. he doesn't know how to play his own game, while talking down to killers as if he knows what's best, as has already been hilariously demonstrated on livestream before. If they finally sound as if they're respecting you after a big enough and long enough strike (once you've forced them to at least acknowledge your grievances) then still sit and wait until they actually put their patches where their mouths are. Until then, let the game rot some more to keep them encouraged to work faster and work harder. Let themw ork for you, don't work for them as unpaid killers doing volunteer work ... it's not like those swf groups are paying You for those costumes. swf won't be buying those costumes just to screw with bots, they buy them to show off to each other while they screw with You. You gotta grab them by the balls. The money is always where it hurts.
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Exactly this. I can already bet money that key nerf won't be anywhere near how mori nerf was dealt. I mean mories are bordeline useless now that it's only usefull in last hook stage when you can avoid flash, pallet saves and avoid the last DS. Maybe solos will feel the impact but SWF will feel it barely. Well next month we will see i guess
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Keys already should have been reworked not counting the ability to escape. What I would like to see is the charges altered so broken key gets 15, full key gets 30, then skeleton also gets 30 but is the only one to actually open the hatch. Also add a cool down so survivors have to wait between escapes instead of jumping all at once. It gives killer a chance to react and slam the lid.
Other thinks I always figured would spice things up with the hatch itself, is a progress bar of like 5 seconds and the closed hatch migrate like the pyramid head cages if someone camps them within a certain range too long. Or maybe killer can stomp on it to have the entity move it.
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The key nerf is probably gonna be an action that has to be completed before the hatch opens up with skill checks involved. Maybe it's quite fast to open but you get a hard skill check like DS/Overcharge and the key breaks if you miss.
I don't think it should ever limit the amount of survivors allowed to go through, or else they should of course remove the achievement.
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If only the team bothered to have QA and to give themselves time to fix core issues, they’d get a similar idea. XD The joke that is their company keeps getting funnier.
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Won't happen. The 'where did they go' achievement wouldn't be possible anymore and they can't change them on some platforms.
Best guess is a shortened open timer or a few seconds animation to open.
KEys aren't as big of a deal as a match has to be practically over for it to take effect. Still a problem though.
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You are right the achievement prob wouldn't make it happen. But no, keys are problematic in situations when survivors have already repaired 3-4 generators (the game is still far not over) and by that point if killer kills 1 or 2 survivors hatch will appear and remaining survivors escape.
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But moris were more problematic. The survivor isn’t going to open the hatch with the key every single game. With a mori, it was guaranteed to get you a minimum of 1 kill. That’s assuming that the killer is bad by the way, a decent killer could 4K every single game with the old moris. Just because Moris were more powerful doesn’t mean that keys aren’t a problem. The mori change was literally just changing a number from a 1 to a 2 whereas keys will likely require a full rework. That’s probably why the mori change has come first. I hope that keys will be changed to do something else entirely but you never know. Tbf items should be stronger then offerings but yeah I hope you’re wrong.
Post edited by RoboMojo on1 -
You greatly underestimate strength of keys. I play mostly duo SWF and if one of us brings key are success escape rate is definitely above 80%, in 4 man SWF it's almost impossible that none of us escapes specially if keys are involved lmao. The thing is that if 4 survivors repair to different generators to eliminate killers chance to put pressure, he will lose 3 generators first 2 minutes of the game. At that point we only need to repair ONE generator to guarantee that 3 survivors escape with the key (if killer manages to kill one of us). So yes keys are quite OP
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I didn’t say keys were fine? I just said that mories were more overpowered. Realistically, keys are only super OP if you swf, for the reasons you said. In solo que, the killer can hit you with franklins and then you’d drop your key and probably not get it back because... Well, solo que! Unless of course you pull a last second swap into a key in the lobby but that’s an entirely different discussion, lol. I’m not arguing that keys are fair or don’t need a nerf. I was simply saying that you claiming that the devs were defending keys by saying they were less powerful then a mori, was not exactly fair.