Please fix Legion

According to BHVR employees, it is all in our heads and was fixed with a FOV patch change to Legion (:
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So it wasn't an FOV issue after all? Lmao. Legion's been neglected so much even the devs don't know how to fix them anymore.
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Imma just start playing Spirit while I wait for my legion fix. Sorry survivor friends.
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Not a survivor main, but I'd rather go up against spirit than legion.
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One you never see catching up to you and the other you see... but never catching up to you due to the bug.
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I've never understood this. I've had plenty of people explain it to me, but I still just don't see it. Spirit is super fun to verse, and Legion is also really fun to verse.
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Because you're a beginner at the game. Come back when you face good Spirits
And this is not me being mean you posted your screen once and you're relatively new.
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lmao did you not see the devotion 4, almost devotion 5? I have a a little over 1.6K hours in the game. And I HAVE faced good Spirits. I hate facing boosted ones.
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I'd honestly rather go up against either of them instead of a Hag or Trapper. I think playing one of those two could be the worst slap in the face towards the community.
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Same. I'm fine with hag but trapper is sooooo boring.
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Spirit is fun because she is actually strong. Legion is boring because you don't get any chase interaction. He just stabs you and runs away.
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What? I didn't understand this lmao
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No :)
-BHVR, probably.
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they didn't read bug reports apparently or want to listen to streamers who have played and experienced it on 4.4.1
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Do not fret everyone, it is just in our heads. The FOV was the only bug and the devs have come out with an explanation and proof... I am being sarcastic.
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Legion probably needs a rework, not a fix. Now that they got some experience with 2-man killers. They could actually do something really interesting with them
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That is a lot to ask when the team is clearly already overwhelmed. I get it, they get a lot of hate and a lot of people go too far. But I am more worried about Legion being playable let alone a rework.
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It's just sad, man. So much ######### is still unplayably broken, but it's '''''just an FOV issue''''.
0 - clearly have no idea how Legion works then. Legion does have chase interaction, but they spread pressure by, yes, stabbing and running away. After that, they still have to CATCH you if they want to capitalize on that pressure.
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Legion is unfortunately still bugged in frenzy and has no speed boost.
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"There is no Legion bug in Dead By Daylight"
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Oh ok. Good. They're probably being played less then.
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Dude, legion is one of the killers I play the most. He has the least chase interaction out of every killer. And also I'm EXTREMELY unlucky and never get chased XD
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They're the same playstyle repackaged. And bonus points that face campers drift towards them.
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Legion is my main, and I have no idea how you can say he has the least chase interaction. With bad survivors, yeah, he just ends them in 2 seconds cuz they are constantly injured and caught out of position. Again good players, ooohhh do those games get interesting. I love facing a good Legion. Issue is there are hardly any of them. I get all the Legions who just bought the game and got the Darkness Among Us chapter with it
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Actually there are major differences between them.
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Legion has no chase power. That's why I hate them. You don't actually need to adapt beyond basic looping, and that's boring. I hate trapper because of this, and that is the same reason I love hag, nurse, spirit, huntress, and PH. I like ADAPTING to a killer's power, and adapting to legion is playing like I always do: stay injured and try and bait a chase.
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I keep hearing that Legion is bugged with Feral Frenzy, but I am seeing absolutely no evidence of it. I have seen evidence of people on this forum who've done their own tests and said that Feral Frenzy is fine @shalo for example made a very helpful "side by side" video showing that the speed was fine.
If people do have evidence of an issue with Frenzy, please make a bug report.
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Mandy is a forum mod, not a BHVR dev
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And people can't see the very defined line between the two. The mods get so much aggression towards them when they aren't even a dev.
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@lucid4444 actually I'm a Community Coordinator for BHVR, so not a forum mod. But you are right I'm not a Dev but I do speak for them and I do have the information directly from them
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Interesting.. do they know how this bug happened?
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I was able to play Legion no problem today, i was playing with shadowborn though