Simple number change.

If mori's were such a simple number change of 1 hook to 2 hooks to use, why can't DS have a simple number change from 40/50/60 seconds to maybe 30/40/45 seconds?
I agree so much, on my post about nerfing moris was the worst thing bhvr could do somebody replied with it was a simple number change. Yeah if making it 2 hooks and not 1 a simple number change how about we make a simple number change of sprint burst and dead hard from 60,50,40 to 150,120,100 or simply make them a 1 time use perk that would balance thks way too fricking survivor sided game. (Obviously what I wrote is if it's a simple number change on moris let's make a super simple change for the entitled survivors things too and see what they feel when bhvr decides to torture every killer main that exists) (Obviously I main killer. )
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Like i got bombarded by entitled survivor mains.
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Well your missing the point..
That would be a survivor perk nerf. How dare you make it sound like a "simple" number change.
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Because that's not how most people even want the perk to be nerfed. Just decreasing the time will make it less effective as an anti tunnel perk as well.
People don't like the fact that DS can be used as more than an anti tunnel perk. Nerfing the anti tunel aspect of the perk isn't the answer then.
Dear lord, are people still on board of this "devs only care for survivors" crap? You don't even need to think that hard to understand that DS shouldn't just get a simple number nerf.
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What are these suggestions lmaoooooo.
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I rather the game encourage the killer to look for other survivors by giving the Killer a multiplier for their score for hooking different survivors.
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no because it is survivor's perk
btw PGTW
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Chill man, just a jab
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I think Why is simple enough, Think about it, Moris are the number one reason Survivors left the game.
So at some point the complaints about them will require an action, But dont forget many Killer mains have also supported this change.
BHVR once again shows they listen to the community, those who cry about the Moris change are the minority.
The only real bad thing is that the Mori Offering is so incredibly niche and almost useless its a sham offering and not worth bloodpoints.
We can only hope BHVR will do a proper change down the line.