XBox One Framerate Issues and other bugs - Pease fix framerate


This issue was getting extremely better but then the nee chapter came out causing alot of issues for the XBox One Framerate and bugs.

Like I have mentioned before, the issue was getting better and better until the new chapter came out, and ever since then then the game play seems to be worse and worse.

How do I know. Before the new chapter of the twins came out,, the servers have gotten really smooth and better and better each day. Granted there were a few issues, especially when you play Xbox one vs XBox One, the issue ms, glitches, bugs and the frame rate can be seen. Before the chapter up date, I was finally able to get in to red rank again both as killer and survivor. Like I question, the system was smooth, animation was good and etc. I was able to hit survivors if I was a killer or was able to runaway from killers if I was a survivor. Now it just seems as if it all depended on the characters internet, and let's say if you were a survivor and had better internet, you were fast. Now I am loosing rank as fast as you can say Dead By Daylight. I was am good killer, but it seems as if my system cannot catch up with the framers, i was lagging and very much rubberbanding like crazy. I am currently going in and out, and even feels like i am in a strobe light again and It was giving me a headache I can assure you. As of lately, the game seems to be really laggy, very gliche. The frame rate is going at tremendous speeds, and my system cannot even catch up. I get players flashing in and out because of lag and the animation is not being smooth.

At first I thought it was my interenet, but it is not. Had my internet checked and everything is good to go both upload and download speed.

Maybe its my XBOX One. Checked both Xbox One I have and they seem to work fine, especially in other games. Good ping, frame rate good, not laggy.

In so, final conclusion it must be what ever survers I am on. Now during game play, I notice on the on screen I get a ping 60. So I am like cool, alright that good. But then during game ping goes to 150, 160, 180 and at time over 200. Whats up with that?!?! Both you and me know that is not good.

During game play, walking around the map i am find and dandy with. But... When ever I am near a survivor, it gets really choppy, very distorted and the frame rate cuts in and out. Like flash in and out, in and out and etc. I cannot even track the survivor because it also seems I am alway a half of a second behind them and it just glitches out. I also noticed the more higher rank perks survivor has, the more lag they have. The system has to keep up and think what they have. And to be honest, it feels as if I going really fast in game at time due to frame rate and my system cannot keep up. Due to lag, survivors seem to be superfaster than usually, gens are popping under 10 seconds, i hear an injury person as if they were rightvthere but there no where to be find. Like I said, it just seems as if I am a half second off. I mean they know what I am doing before I do the action. Overall, it just feels like my characters is in quicksand and I am soooo slow. Cannot even catch up to survivors, or my survivor just gets knocked down right away. I am so slow compare to the others.

Even as a survivor. Just slow as masseuse, even if I have perks such as lithe or sprint burst. They just caught up right away. It totally seems unfair due to this bad framerate.

Even XBox One vs XBox One, the system is absolutely laggy, rubberbanding, choppy whenever near and framerate is so out of control that I swear my competition (whether survivor or killer) is so gliche that its hard for me to play.

Overall, please fix the framerate.They seem to work. It is affecting game play and it is not fun. Especially if you hit a survivor and just goes through like air and they are next to you. I mean this lag basically eliminated their hit boxes.

Another observation that I noticed, is when bloodlust was ######### off, the frame rate gotten a little bit better. It seems whenever bloodlust activated I get rubberbanded back, framerated goes crazy or system gets laggy and opponent disappears.

Like I said, internet is ok, xbox one is ok, game seems laggy, rubberbandy, and gliche. Please fix the framerate. Make the animation smooth again. Please fix the lag/glicheness.

Other glitches I noticed, is for the twins, when switching back in forth. When switching back to Charlotte, Charlotte gets stuck in a loop and system starts going through the reappear from idle animation over and over again. I had to go back to the brother in order to get out of the loop.

Another gliche I see is survivors get to see their own scratch marks for about a millisecond and they disappear.

Another issue is know on xbox when playing xbox vs xbox. Whenever the killer hits a survivor, they seem to move and go down 6 to 8 ft away where they are originally suppose to go down. Like I mention, this was on xbox vs xbox but now it coming back to xbox vs outside source.

I truly love this game. I see people on YouTube playing it, but it just seems so smooth for them. And then for me I m like why is so choppy or framerate so fast.

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  • ShadyNicNack
    ShadyNicNack Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2020

    Another issue with Xbox One is with the twins. I had some cases where survivors were just standing a foot away from the wall of the exit gate. They are just standing there being cocky. Soci have decided to sneak attack with victor. In multiple game instances, when lunging toward character and have character targeted, I hit an imaginary wall about a foot away from the character. It just stop my lunge in my track, and I knowcforva fact I have aiming on Victor and each time I hit an imaginary wall. Then the survivor that was gonna get me basically backs up a feet or two and then just kick Victor. Please fix that issue. It seems unfair they are blocking my flvoctor when its my last chance.